
Deletion request thread

Posted under General

glasnost said:
post #875592

Silly edit.

It's so stupidly funny though that I decided to stretch the rules a bit. And since it got reapproved (before I even knew it was flagged) by none other than the Great Opponent of Fun™, Fencedude himself, I consider the matter settled.

Oh yes, I've never understood the practice of making lowres gif straight out of episode footage and posting that. These should be purged. I also agree with not accepting photoshops in principle, but there are always exceptions -- the moustache one I consider funny and witty enough to stand on its own, and in this case the fact it's a shopped cap fades to nothing more than a choice of medium, much like say collage (in the traditional, paper-based sense).

tl;dr: I wouldn't accept Madoka shops just because they're Madoka, but I wouldn't kill good images either just because they happen to be Madoka shops.

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