post #9000000 GET!

Deletion request thread

Posted under General

Most of those, I'd say yeah, go ahead and delete them. I do disagree with the method of batch nomination though for the reasons I stated above.

Yeah, start with the worst and most obvious posts, but you're not going to be able to draw a line between what's obvious and what's not, so it makes sense to require a reason for everything. After all, these are posts that have been approved by someone with privileges for some reason. I suppose pointing out the score could be a sufficent reason though.

post #464450 : I'd sort of vote to keep. I don't really like it, but the creepy realism actually is the whole point, and the artist's modus operandi. The artist does have talent, and it's not really that much worse than post #619275 which has a relatively high score, and I have sort of become to like.

post #458018 and post #458018 : I don't like these, but Hazuki and Slash do, and it's not worth fighting over anymore. They are voted lower than their quality merits due to the publicity they've gotten. The other stuff on the first page of order:score_asc is generally much worse. I'm ambivalent about keeping them at this point. They have also been thoroughly discussed and arguments on both sides made, so they've basically gone through the equivalent of this thread already anyway.


reese said:
post #458018 and post #574061 have gone through the mod queue twice and have been approved by two different janitors on each occasion. Both posts are a bit controversial. I'm not sure where I stand with regards to those two post.

And I undeleted them both, since they were very much *not* approved by mistake. None of them could possibly be discussed more thoroughly than they already have been.

post #478410 - I wouldn't mind seeing it go.

It's meant to be a nightmare fuel, and I wouldn't necessarily delete it, but I don't think I would reapprove it either.

post #446135 - I'm slightly in favour of keeping it.

I'm strongly in favour. It's a well-drawn style parody.

post #464450 - The facial imperfections are an artistic choice, not a lack of drawing ability. I say keep it.

post #619275 proves the artist is more than competent, though these don't stop burning the eyes. OTOH, it's a very pointy commentary on moeblob style, particularly deserved by k-on!, so I think they're worth keeping just for that.

post #672499 - No comment


Are you sure? The perspective seems to be from somewhere above Miku, yet the way it's drawn seems to have the body parts viewed from all sorts of different angles.

The breasts seem kind of squashed while not looking like they're being viewed from a higher angle, the arms seem to end with no hands while not looking like the sleeves are hiding them, and the lower body is several kinds of messed up, suffering from either poor foreshortening, poor shape, a poor angle or some combination of the three.

Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't look "right" to me. At the very least, it's very "meh" questionable content with an odd subject.

MyrMindservant said:
post #841018
Proportions seems off and the quality in general is rather low.

the artist intentionaly drew her breasts like that.
the lying problem is whether you like it or not.

personally, I dont like it. but it is just my fetish.


Even if it is intentional, it still looks pretty bad, the sagging's completely unnatural-looking. They're attached wrong, her lower body is weird, and her torso shape doesn't seem right, either.

sakuma said:
the artist intentionaly drew her breasts like that.
the lying problem is whether you like it or not.

personally, I dont like it. but it is just my fetish.

Intentional shit is still shit.

And that doesn't excuse her hips.

I dont think there are any problems...

but I must be wrong. majority rule is always right.
I am not his lawyer. I have no reason to defend him.
ok. I wont say anymore.


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