post #914552 This is just ridiculous for something as pathetic as THIS to be passed. It would be one thing if it was at least the whole head. Is it just supposed a joke?
Posted under General
post #914552 This is just ridiculous for something as pathetic as THIS to be passed. It would be one thing if it was at least the whole head. Is it just supposed a joke?
ROMaster2 said: post #914552 This is just ridiculous for something as pathetic as THIS to be passed. It would be one thing if it was at least the whole head. Is it just supposed a joke?
Part of the pool. Front/back "cover" pages are handled a bit differently, hence why you see nearly blank ones sometimes, for example.
Kakyoin01 said:
Can you please remove the tag kakyoin01 from the database? There are no posts with that tag attached and there won't be any in the future. It's my namesake and I would prefer that it not show up in a Google search on this website, thanks for your understanding.
post #870358. You uploaded that flash and gave it that tag yourself.
post #926940 Was going to flag this as it is simply a duplicate upload of post #923040
Same Pixiv illus id, but since duplicate images aren't supposed to be flagged, should I just parent it?
It's not a duplicate, it has an exceedingly minor revised spot on it. There is at least 2 additional white spots in the petals. One in the bottom left near Kogasa's skirt and one below the umbrella's foot. The artist has replaced post #923040 with post #926940 at the Pixiv address, thus the same address.
post #937104
Wrong upload
Perspective is non-existent. Girl is ugly too. post #903251
Fugly Scott Pilgrimesque art style with no humor whatsoever. post #940139
Repulsive face plus gelatinous looking body. post #769999
And finally... post #827692
post #60792
This appear to be a photo that some one drew clothes on. I am uncertain if this is allowed under the Danbooru ToS.
not sure if these are nudefilters.
post #38788
post #41598
post #50746
post #59967
post #108548
post #122934
post #206840
post #206840 is edited official art, nude filter.
post #122934 is an edited screencap, nude filter.
post #59967 came from an artist's site so it's probably fine.
post #965543 Corrupted/broken, needs double-deletion to reupload for proper MD5.
Ars said:
post #965543 Corrupted/broken, needs double-deletion to reupload for proper MD5.
Unfortunately we can't double-delete anymore. Maybe albert can purge it.
Any chance that using this URL might work?