post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Ars said:

For hours now this notice has been displaying for me and will not go away no matter what I do.

I've have this problem for the past 6 days or so, but the only DMail that was in my account is some spam from last fall (which I'd never noticed until the notice popped up). And it says (0) next to My Account. I tried sending myself a DMail to try and coax it, but I still can't get rid of the notice.

I only noticed it now, but of all the colours possible, why is the "Approve Mode's" background BLUE? It's only slightly brighter than the pending post border and it doesn't take any effort to miss a post (for me, at very least).
It's not a great deal at all, but switching back to "view mode" and noticing that I actually did miss several posts of a set is... slightly annoying.
D1's "approve mode" had no preset background, but that's not any better.
Any colour other than blue (pending) and red (flagged) will be good with me, I just would like to see it changed. And if it has to be blue for some reason, then let it be MUCH lighter than this.

not write this here but if someone can recommend a program for mass download images since I used the grabber but lately I get an error that no longer works with the servants.
q I hope I can say that another program pueod use as it scares me back into the routine of right click / save image

Wypatroszony said:

Pending posts should not be impossible to be manually deleted without approval.

Can't find the post right now, but that was probably in response to "oh shit I really didn't mean to upload that" feelings. I would've thought only you could delete your own posts.

Serlo said:
Can't find the post right now, but that was probably in response to "oh shit I really didn't mean to upload that" feelings.

Partially true, but I seriously can't delete it without approving it. Getting an error as if I tried only to flag it (Error: Post is pending).
Edit: But it would apply to any other pending post anyway. If I noticed some spam rubbish uploaded, I'd rather deal with it immediately instead of giving it 3-3.5 days for it to be automatically deleted and NOT approve it to deal with it sooner.


dijiko said:

Is it normal to see "Read the rules!" to which I have to confirm that I read them and "Would you like to upgrade your accounts?" everytime I login?

Those aren't supposed to appear after you've clicked "I have read and agree to these rules"/"No thanks".

Do you have cookies enabled? They need to be for those to be hidden properly.

Are the keyboard shortcuts not working now? I've gotten used to them for navigation and they don't seem to be working anymore. I've checked my profile and the option is still on, and I have Javascript enabled.

Buford said:

Are the keyboard shortcuts not working now? I've gotten used to them for navigation and they don't seem to be working anymore. I've checked my profile and the option is still on, and I have Javascript enabled.

Are no keyboard shortcuts working for you on any pages? Or are only some not working on certain pages?

Also, try turning off any userscripts and add-ons you're using to see if any of them are breaking it.

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