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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Furry needs to be removed from the flag reasons page. There are quite a few people who neglect to make the distinction between furry pornography which is restricted and a character that happens to be non-human ( eg wolfrun ) and happens to have fur. Far far too often do I see a new user get super mad over a character with fur and flag a post (or occasionally a not so new user as what happened today.)

Log said:

Furry needs to be removed from the flag reasons page. There are quite a few people who neglect to make the distinction between furry pornography which is restricted and a character that happens to be non-human ( eg wolfrun ) and happens to have fur. Far far too often do I see a new user get super mad over a character with fur and flag a post (or occasionally a not so new user as what happened today.)

Instead of removing it entirely, perhaps a better wording could be used for it? I agree that the current wording:

  • Furry: a character has body fur or an animal face

Isn't very accurate. Although we wouldn't want to remove the message entirely, lest it appear that actual furry is allowed.

(Also, what does this have to do with this thread? Wouldn't a new thread be more appropriate?)

What does it have to do with the Only Topic That Albert Actively Reads: Danbooru Issues That Don't Require Discussion? If you feel it requires long, drawn-out discussion feel free to make a thread but I felt it was appropriate to just nuke.

Log said:
Furry needs to be removed from the flag reasons page.

Toks said:
Instead of removing it entirely, perhaps a better wording could be used for it?

While we're at it, "watermarks" point needs a clarification as well. Only third-party watermarks are banned.

And, which is a larger issue, "Prohibited Content" section of ToS is in serious need of update too.


  • Blacklists work on individual post pages.

Log said:

What does it have to do with the Only Topic That Albert Actively Reads: Danbooru Issues That Don't Require Discussion? If you feel it requires long, drawn-out discussion feel free to make a thread but I felt it was appropriate to just nuke.

Unless I am mistaken, that has been present in the flag reason list and ToS for a long time. So I didn't feel it appropriate to nuke outright without any discussion whatsoever.

MyrMindservant said:

While we're at it, "watermarks" point needs a clarification as well. Only third-party watermarks are banned.

And, which is a larger issue, "Prohibited Content" section of ToS is in serious need of update too.

I agree, several parts are in need of updating. New thread: topic #9311

On the upload page, if no artist is found for a post, the "find artist" button is returning the first ten entries of the name list instead of just "none". My concern is that this would be confusing for new uploaders.

"write css in this field, it'll be applied on every page" - That sounds interesting, but probably too advanced for the general userbase.
Especially since it's exactly what userstyles already do (they should work the same in every browser).

I can already imagine someone horribly breaking his layout, and not knowing how to undo it (eg, *{display:none})

A set of pre-defined styles however, does sound quite useful. I also use a darker userstyle. *makes a git issue*

I'm pretty sure any modern browser except IE already supports per-site custom stylesheets, IE supports global overrides only. We could add something like "id='danbooru-v2'" attribute to body to make it style-able even in IE.

Graysnake2834 said:

mmh, albert, what about customizable skin/css? maybe only for gold+, i would like the possibility to change the background color, etc. directly from the site, like myanimelist.

for example i love this colors combination but this script works only with firefox.

albert said:

I just have one request: I want to focus on two things: (1) bugs and (2) inconsistencies with the old Danbooru. Please save any major enhancements or suggestions for the future. I'll get to those in due time.

jjj14 said:

Although it's not completely unreasonable to suggest a new feature now. Some of us other collaborators have been adding those as we see fit. And even if it isn't added soon, a suggestion for the future shouldn't hurt.

juunigatsu_no_usagi said:

The "Preview" button for the wiki results in "Submitting" the article. At least that is what it does for me.

Do you happen to have JavaScript disabled?

If I read the HTML for the preview button correctly, it submits the form unless intercepted via JavaScript:

<input data-input-id="wiki_page_body" data-preview-id="dtext-preview" name="commit" type="submit" value="Preview" />

Not sure if it should fall under an issue but found this behavior with blacklisting.
I was browsing this pool and found this odd behavior. It took me a minute to find the blacklisted tag on the left to reveal the image but its a bit odd. When looking at in pool view I noticed something else seen here

In Danbooru 1 there would be a box labeled BLACKLIST or something like that to indicate that there were images in that pool with a blacklisted term, you'd never know about the lost pages due to that behavior. But if you go to the posts view and clicking the black listed term it'll show up.

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