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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Zelinkokitsune said:
In Danbooru 1 there would be a box labeled BLACKLIST or something like that to indicate that there were images in that pool with a blacklisted term, you'd never know about the lost pages due to that behavior. But if you go to the posts view and clicking the black listed term it'll show up.

I personally like this behavior. I'd like to see it stay around or if this isn't as intended I'd like to see it remain at least as an option in account settings.

Edit: For clarification, the behavior of blacklisted posts in pools not appearing at all with no indication of its existance is what I'm liking and talking about.



  • Added back the Edit link under the Options menu for posts.
  • Added back the large and obvious notice when you receive a DMail.
  • The searches for tags, pools, and artists have been moved back to their main index like in Danbooru 1, instead of a separate page.
  • Added back Aliases and Implications links to the subnavbar on the Tags index.
  • Limited deleting artists to Builder+ (up from Members).
  • If a user is promoted multiple times, their inviter will now be the most recent person to invite them, instead of the first.
  • The tall_image and wide_image tags are now added automatically to images with at least a 3:1 ratio and 1024px wide/tall. See topic #9273 to suggest an alternative definition.
  • Janitor+ users can now see deleted forum posts in a user's forum history as well as the forum search.

Ars said:

For hours now this notice has been displaying for me and will not go away no matter what I do.

That's strange. Is there a number next to "My Account", such as "(1)" or even "(0)"?

And I sent you a DMail; see if it goes away after reading it.

Toks said:

That's strange. Is there a number next to "My Account", such as "(1)" or even "(0)"?

And I sent you a DMail; see if it goes away after reading it.

Oh God finally, it's gone. That was really annoying. And for the record, it was displaying (0), which it had been doing for me for days now.

Anyways, thanks.

juunigatsu_no_usagi said:
How do I go about changing Tags to the right category...

by chance, do you see edit and fix links when viewing the tags page? if there's none, maybe we can request for you to be bumped to builder status instead judging from your various contributions through the years, maybe it's more appropriate?

actually, there are other gold members who could make most out of their privilege if moved to builders, but that's not for me to decide.

in any case, the other method as Serlo stated still works.

ghostrigger said:

by chance, do you see edit and fix links when viewing the tags page?

This is limited to Builder+. But it would make sense if this was available to everyone for tags with <=50 posts, just like the prefixes are, as some prefer it over the prefixes. See issue #1406.

ghostrigger said:

actually, there are other gold members who could make most out of their privilege if moved to builders, but that's not for me to decide.

I agree, because of the users who were promoted to Privileged/Gold for their contributions before the Builder level existed. Considering the growing number of Builder+ abilities, I also think that those who have continued to contribute to the site helpfully since should be considered for promotion to Builder.

Is it intentional that "-pool:xxxx" used with the tag script does not work anymore? You can add to a pool with the tag script and "pool:xxxx", but not remove from it. I ask since the "delete mode" is also gone from the pool pages, so I wonder if making it harder to remove images from pools is intentional.

S1eth said:

Is it intentional that "-pool:xxxx" used with the tag script does not work anymore? You can add to a pool with the tag script and "pool:xxxx", but not remove from it. I ask since the "delete mode" is also gone from the pool pages, so I wonder if making it harder to remove images from pools is intentional.

I believe removing delete mode was intentional, but not tag scripts. It was working when I last needed to use it, so I wonder when it broke.

Edit: Fixed.


ghostrigger said:

by chance, do you see edit and fix links when viewing the tags page? if there's none, maybe we can request for you to be bumped to builder status instead judging from your various contributions through the years, maybe it's more appropriate?

actually, there are other gold members who could make most out of their privilege if moved to builders, but that's not for me to decide.

in any case, the other method as Serlo stated still works.

Thanks for the reply.

I do not see an indication to "Fix" or visible titles ":" for tags. I attempted to start a wiki for a new character tag and was lead to a wiki page with no indication of an Edit button. Before that I had got a blank page error when saving the tag to the image so the number count was a red colored "1". I can only assume that was the reason for the lack of wiki creation.

juunigatsu_no_usagi said:

Thanks for the reply.

I do not see an indication to "Fix" or visible titles ":" for tags. I attempted to start a wiki for a new character tag and was lead to a wiki page with no indication of an Edit button. Before that I had got a blank page error when saving the tag to the image so the number count was a red colored "1". I can only assume that was the reason for the lack of wiki creation.

Red-colored "1" is there just to indicate that tag only has one post, and can possibly be a typo, it's not an error per se (we should add the title attribute with explanation, if not yet). Blank error page is a concern, but I didn't ever got it.

As for blank wiki, I was able to repeat that just now. You tried to do that from tag listing, right? "?"s from there are leading to "/wiki_pages?title=tagname", while from listing in post or search they lead to "show_or_new" link, that's probably a bug.

Type-kun said:

Red-colored "1" / As for blank wiki

Ah, I figured since even other tags with "1" were faded like tags with more than one upload, I thought it was something wrong. Red colors tend to do that. heh.

Yes, I clicked the question mark "?" to get to the wiki. Though today, it appears to be functioning now.

This is a bit irrelevant, but can we maintain a list connecting github collaborators to their danbooru profiles? Github, sadly, provides no means of private messaging(except not-so-public emails), and github names can be subtly (or very) different from danbooru profiles, so sending a DMail to someone from github can be problematic.

Of course, explicit permission from every collaborator is a must.


  • You can now view post's relationships (parent/children) from the post's page.
    • Click the "show »" link visible on any parent/child post's notification to show the previews without leaving the page.
  • Pool histories now keep track of changes to the name of the pool.
    • Note: Pool name changes made before this feature were not recorded. Only changes from now on will be.
  • You can now view other user's favorites in the order they favorited them with the link on their profile.
  • "Edit tag script" and "Apply tag script" modes have been combined into one.
    • To edit your tag script, select "Tag script" mode and then type into the text box that appears under the Mode selection.
  • API keys are now displayed on your profile again.

The in-post blacklisting now doesn't work for the actual post when parent-child relationships are involved. Only the posts in the fancy little "show >>" box respond to blacklists.

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