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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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  • Blank wikis won't automatically prompt you to create a page anymore; you must first click a "create a new page" link.
  • The DMail folder (all/received/sent) you last viewed will be remembered, and you will be brought to that folder when clicking "messages".
  • When saving or previewing a note, it will always be rendered accurately without having to refresh the page first.
  • Whether the parent/children preview bar was last shown or hidden will be remembered, so it can always be left open if you desire.

Toks said:

  • Blank wikis won't automatically prompt you to create a page anymore; you must first click a "create a new page" link.

As a side effect, if a page doesn't have a wiki, you no longer have easy one-click access to posts under that tag from the bar at the top. Could this be changed to appear regardless if the wiki exists?

titaniachkt said:

So regular users no longer have access to uploaded tags

Was this intentional?

Are you referring to frequent tags? They were renamed, but do the same thing. You can edit you frequent tags in your settings.

souryuu9 said:

As a side effect, if a page doesn't have a wiki, you no longer have easy one-click access to posts under that tag from the bar at the top. Could this be changed to appear regardless if the wiki exists?


I know supporting old browsers is the bain of any designer's life, but I used to spend lots of time browsing Danbooru on my Android phone and especially while playing EVE Online. Both use archaic versions of Opera as far as I know. When browsing the Comments feed, every post shows the full comment box below it, making the page massive. Attempting to favorite posts simply directs you to your favorites list without adding the post. I haven't messed around much past that, since that's basically all I'd do from phone/EVE.

It's not really a request that these get fixed, as I know old browser support sucks. More like a mention that this exists, if someone desires to fix it.

Log said:

Have you tried an alternate phone browser like Chrome? Not sure what EVE uses but you could potentially get around that by using steam overlay or something.

It's a cheap phone and the 3rd party ones don't run well at all on it. I don't play EVE through Steam; even the best computers chug during the larger fights, and haing it in a wrapper sounds like suicide. :P I won't moan and complain about it as it really is something I should be able to fix myself in this modern age. If only Firefox weren't such a RAMhog, I'd just run it in the background.

EDIT: Apparently according to some Javascript checkers, EVE uses Chrome Version I could've sworn it was Opera.


S1eth said:

When I search for status:flagged, I get this:

Showing pages 2+ with unlimited paginator works.
I assume that this is what Coconut meant in #1175

This is a leftover from when all deleted posts without flags got flagged with "unapproved in 3 days" (which, wasn't automatically attached due to a bug which is now fixed)
issue #1587
Looking at Wypatroszony's comment, those posts shouldn't appear in the mod queue (i assume the mod queue is similar to the status:flagged search?)

itsonlyaname said:
(i assume the mod queue is similar to the status:flagged search?)

Not really, it primarily deals with pending posts (So it's more like status:pending status:flagged, I guess). Problem with those posts was that they were already deleted and yet, they appeared in the queue.
All in all, it very likely is a leftover from that, even though those are not "flagged deleted" anymore and this should not be happening in any case.



  • Notes can be resized and moved while the edit window is opened.
  • Added negated source metatag (-source:).
  • The tag text area will be automatically re-focused after clicking a related tag so you can continue typing.
  • The posts in a pool and whether the pool is active or not can be specified when you first create the pool.

S1eth said:

When I search for status:flagged, I get this:

This has been fixed.


Toks said:


  • The tag text area will be automatically re-focused after clicking a related tag so you can continue typing.

I'm probably the only one that finds this really annoying since it keeps focusing out of the next tag in the list that I want to click, forcing me to scroll back down each time. Having a 1024x768 max monitor is suffering.

Ars said:

I'm probably the only one that finds this really annoying since it keeps focusing out of the next tag in the list that I want to click, forcing me to scroll back down each time. Having a 1024x768 max monitor is suffering.

Sorry about that, I hadn't thought of what would happen when it's offscreen. I changed it so that it won't scroll.


MyrMindservant said:

After the last update, I'm getting Failbooru every time I'm trying to access my favorites, both from subnavigation bar and profile. Searching "fav:[username]" still works though.

Does anyone else have this problem?


If you want a workaround until deployment, set your deleted post filter user setting to no.

Since the last update (or possibly one or two before, given how fast they come now) voting a post up doesn't seem to refresh the vote count on the page. It does actually count the vote but you have to refresh the page to see it. Favoriting a post, however, does still refresh the vote increment by one. I've been able to confirm this in Firefox and Chrome, both on the same machine.

Really minor but figured I'd mention it.

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