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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Guaro1238 said:

It's locked, because you should post in the Feedback request thread. The deletion appeal thread is only for the appeal function.

Which is precisely what it was used for.... Appeal posts.

I honestly can't recall anyone there asking for feedback, because the feedback request thread itself....basically never got any posts, and still doesn't. No one posts feedback because no one requests it, and no one requests it because they know no one will bother giving it.

And locking the appeal thread is a dick move because the bot only allows you to appeal a post once. My own posts got lost in the shuffle and some were approved only because I personally posted in the appeal thread, along with many, many, many others. Some of whom are now site staff.

VSD02C said:

Which is precisely what it was used for.... Appeal posts.

I honestly can't recall anyone there asking for feedback, because the feedback request thread itself....basically never got any posts, and still doesn't. No one posts feedback because no one requests it, and no one requests it because they know no one will bother giving it.

And locking the appeal thread is a dick move because the bot only allows you to appeal a post once. My own posts got lost in the shuffle and some were approved only because I personally posted in the appeal thread, along with many, many, many others. Some of whom are now site staff.

That was before the appeal system got revamped. Appeals are automatically cross-posted to that thread by DanbooruBot now so there's no point in leaving it open anymore.

You can appeal multiple posts at a time now, so long as you have three free upload slots. See: howto:appeal. The new system is superior because every appeal is sent back to the queue, so if anything you have a much higher chance now of having your appeals reapproved than before.

If you meant appealing the same post multiple times though, that was against the rules before too.

Username_Hidden said:

"Bumping" my previous suggestion, since it went unnoticed.

Should updates and update/bug report discussion be kept in separate threads, to keep them more clean? We already do it with other things such as topic #15855/topic #16337.
I personally would appreciate the change, since i tend to miss important updates between bug reports.

I'll go ahead and lock this thread during the next site update. I'll introduce a new changelog thread (changelogs only, no discussion allowed), and a separate thread for discussion of recent changes. Although for me, it's easier if you open a new thread or a new issue on Github for bug reports. Megathreads like this are really difficult for me to keep track off.

I also really don't like the removal of data-is-favorited. I used this to have a special border around my favorited posts, so I could easily see them and I'm sure many users did the same. Now this doesn't work anymore which is very inconvenient & annoying, since I don't have a single clue how I should use this query favorites thingy to get a similar result. I can barely put custom CSS together by myself (sorry, stuff like that is not my forte), so that's definitely some lost site functionality for me now which is a shame. data-is-favorited was such a nice & easy way to do this... meh.
To be completely honest: Favorited posts having kind of a mark/border/distinction should be a built-in feature of danbooru to begin with IMO. Just a suggestion, I'm not demanding anything here, just to be clear!

Re: the data-is-favorited attribute. The full gory details are explained in issue #4652. But the short answer is that it was a bad idea for me to add this to begin with. I never should have added it. I did it knowing that it would have to be removed eventually, and that it would break things when it was. It was originally added because it was "free" to include with posts, but it's no longer going to be free because of internal changes, and I don't think adding it back is worth the overhead.

It would be relatively simple to write a userscript that adds this back, if someone is interested. All it needs to do is call[post_id]=[list-of-post-ids]&search[user_id]=[current-user] to find which posts on the current page were favorited by the user, and add the attribute back.

A better feature request here would be "add a way to show upvote/downvote/favorite buttons beneath thumbnails". Which I would like to do at some point, but there are still questions of how it should work.

evazion said:

Re: the data-is-favorited attribute. The full gory details are explained in issue #4652. But the short answer is that it was a bad idea for me to add this to begin with. I never should have added it. I did it knowing that it would have to be removed eventually, and that it would break things when it was. It was originally added because it was "free" to include with posts, but it's no longer going to be free because of internal changes, and I don't think adding it back is worth the overhead.

It would be relatively simple to write a userscript that adds this back, if someone is interested. All it needs to do is call[post_id]=[list-of-post-ids]&search[user_id]=[current-user] to find which posts on the current page were favorited by the user, and add the attribute back.

A better feature request here would be "add a way to show upvote/downvote/favorite buttons beneath thumbnails". Which I would like to do at some point, but there are still questions of how it should work.

I see, thanks for the explanation & for addressing this further!
And yes, a way to show upvote/downvote/favorite buttons beneath thumbnails at some point would be great feature! I'm definitely looking forward to this getting implemented at some point in the future!

Editing because I just saw Evazion's reply addressing the data-is-favorited issue:

I understand why the change was made, and I'm sure there's enough interest for a userscript to come along (I'd help, but I don't think my knowledge of the site is good enough). I'll wait patiently in the meantime.


nonamethanks said:
You can appeal multiple posts at a time now, so long as you have three free upload slots. See: howto:appeal. The new system is superior because every appeal is sent back to the queue, so if anything you have a much higher chance now of having your appeals reapproved than before.

That's only so long as the approver gives a toss.

I've seen stuff rejected for reasons that make zero sense, and I'm not even factoring in scores and favs.

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