post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Not sure if it was brought up before, but there is one new blacklist-related thing that I really don't like.

For example, I have the following blacklist rules:

some_copyright some_tag_1

Let's say, I do a search for some_copyright. Site returns me a page with 1 post corresponding to both strings in blacklist.
In this case blacklist notice will look like this:


In Danbooru v1, I would have to click both of these entries for the post to appear. Now the post becomes visible if I click just one of them.
Also, before, "clicked" blacklist entries would change color from blue to grey, whereas now they don't.
All this stuff just renders blacklist almost unusable for me.

So now that regular Members can't see deleted posts, is there anything else in place to let us know if something we want to upload has already been uploaded, but has simply been deleted?

One inconsistency with the old Danbooru that I've recently noticed, and which may have not been often used but was still interesting and informational was the tag trends. It was found under the site map of the old Danbooru. For those who didn't use or weren't aware of this capability, it took tags input by the user and plotted the number of posts uploaded for each tag during incremental time periods to show the increase and decrease in popularity of certain tags over time, and it looked very much like an Excel spreadsheet graph. It was always interesting to see when certain tags peaked in conjunction with where they were in their release schedule, and when certain tags overtook others in terms of popularity.

This is of course, a low priority request, and I'd be happy if the new Danbooru keeps on working good, however, I would still like to see it brought back if possible.

BrokenEagle98 said:

One inconsistency with the old Danbooru that I've recently noticed, and which may have not been often used but was still interesting and informational was the tag trends. It was found under the site map of the old Danbooru. For those who didn't use or weren't aware of this capability, it took tags input by the user and plotted the number of posts uploaded for each tag during incremental time periods to show the increase and decrease in popularity of certain tags over time, and it looked very much like an Excel spreadsheet graph. It was always interesting to see when certain tags peaked in conjunction with where they were in their release schedule, and when certain tags overtook others in terms of popularity.

This is of course, a low priority request, and I'd be happy if the new Danbooru keeps on working good, however, I would still like to see it brought back if possible.

Was that part of the "Reports" section on the site map? Also, was it limited to Priv+ users? I don't remember seeing it when I was a member, and I can't find it on an archive either.

I agree that it does sound like an interesting feature to have.

Toks said:

Was that part of the "Reports" section on the site map? Also, was it limited to Priv+ users? I don't remember seeing it when I was a member, and I can't find it on an archive either.

I agree that it does sound like an interesting feature to have.

Yeah, it might have been Reports. I don't exactly remember, and it's not like I can go back to old Danbooru to look it up. It was almost exactly like Google Trends

albert said:

First off, I want to apologize for neglecting the forum during the migration. I wanted to focus on getting all the critical bugs fixed.

I think we're now at the point where things have stabilized. The issues with uploads earlier were server/database related and were not caused by code bugs, and I've set up some monitoring tools to make sure I get alerted when start failing. I've been keeping a close eye on Github to keep track of issues. I also want to thank everyone who took the initiative to sign up and submit issues. You've all proven invaluable in me getting the site up and running smoothly.

That being said, I'm sure people still have some issues they want me to hear about and I'm now at a point where I can start listening. I just have one request: I want to focus on two things: (1) bugs and (2) inconsistencies with the old Danbooru. Please save any major enhancements or suggestions for the future. I'll get to those in due time.

Even if you don't have a Github account I encourage you to visit the issue list to see if there's anything that stands out, whether you strongly agree or disagree with an issue.

Can you please upload Unico, SunA, Accend Inc, Viccom, and more game developer and published, Albert?

arringtastic1992 said:

Can you please upload Unico, SunA, Accend Inc, Viccom, and more game developer and published, Albert?

How is this relevant to the discussion?

This isn't the first time a new member has joined, made 1 unhelpful post, then disappeared recently. New members used to have to sit through 1 week of mandatory lurking before being able to use their account; it's a fairly standard feature on internet communities. Why isn't it in place on danbooru any more?


BrokenEagle98 said:

One inconsistency with the old Danbooru that I've recently noticed, and which may have not been often used but was still interesting and informational was the tag trends...

it was called 'Tag History' under Reports of the old danbooru. you typed the tag, start, and end date and have a sort of line graph. it was somehow useful tracking for newer tags and more recent dates. but what i noticed before was it was not entirely accurate. you can type dates starting before 2005 and somehow the graph still shows progress.


Before I forget it again, can we have the "approve" link moved so it isn't right below the "find similar" link in the "options" section of an image? I think a simple swapping its position with the "delete" link would at least be a significant improvement, as trying to delete the image at least sends you to a confirmation page if you accidentally press it.

Serlo said:

How is this relevant to the discussion?

This isn't the first time a new member has joined, made 1 unhelpful post, then disappeared recently. New members used have to sit through 1 week of mandatory lurking before being able to use their account; it's a fairly standard feature on internet communities. Why isn't it in place on danbooru any more?

I'm just asking Albert, Serlo. Dragon Master is a 2D fighting game in 1994 was published by Unico Electronics.

I can't seem to make a new forum topic - when I click "submit" I get the message "Error: Original post is invalid, Original post body can't be blank". Both the Title and Body fields have text in them, and I don't see any other fields this could be referring to.

0xCCBA696 said:

I can't seem to make a new forum topic - when I click "submit" I get the message "Error: Original post is invalid, Original post body can't be blank". Both the Title and Body fields have text in them, and I don't see any other fields this could be referring to.

It worked for me (forum #86343). What steps specifically did you take leading up to it?

Just the standard, go to the forum, click "new" on the toolbar, enter a title and a body, hit submit.

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that I'm a janitor, and so the form served to me is different from the one served to other users. For example I have a couple of checkboxes to make my post sticky or locked.

saizo0070 said:

Not that it matters to me (Contributor) but how the hell do you calculate that?

max(10 + min(approved_count:9123 / 2, 90) - (deleted_count:850 / 2), 4) - pending_count:74 = 0 (deletions and approvals within past month)

There goes any point to the Builder status...

Kikimaru said:

max(10 + min(approved_count:9123 / 2, 90) - (deleted_count:850 / 2), 4) - pending_count:74 = 0 (deletions and approvals within past month)

There goes any point to the Builder status...

Same boat as you. My new upload limit has me screwed as well. I've sent a dmail to albert as well as jxh2154 about it.

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