post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Here's a change log:

  • I've reset everyone's base upload limit.
  • There's a new upload limit formula. You can see the details on your profile page. I've tried to make it so that if you could upload 100 posts before you still can now.
  • You can now set how many posts you want to see per page. This is a gold member feature. Right now 20, 50, and 100 are available but I'll probably tweak these numbers to whatever's more usable.
  • I've reinstated the version numbers for notes. There's a batch running now that's still backpopulating the version for older notes.
  • is now available. I'll work out how to integrate it into login later.
  • Deleted posts are no longer filtered out at the database level. What this effectively means is that a page with 5 deleted posts will only show 15 posts (assuming 20 posts per page). I don't think this is a big deal with the variable number of posts per page now, but if usability takes a hit I'm open to reverting this change.
  • Basic members can now view deleted posts. This should help with issues with broken pools. However, posts can now have a banned flag, which is set whenever an artist requests a removal. Basic members can't view these banned posts.

Kikimaru said:

max(10 + min(approved_count:9123 / 2, 90) - (deleted_count:850 / 2), 4) - pending_count:74 = 0 (deletions and approvals within past month)

There goes any point to the Builder status...

The problem with the old formula was that once you accrued enough approved posts you effectively became a contributor and had no limit on what you could upload. I want to stop this by limiting approved posts to the ones within the past year (and deletions within the past three months), and by capping approved posts.

But I see that this is a major change so I'll (more or less) revert the old formula.

albert said:

  • You can now set how many posts you want to see per page. This is a gold member feature. Right now 20, 50, and 100 are available but I'll probably tweak these numbers to whatever's more usable.

36 would be a nice option to have. With a maximized browser window on 1920x1080 it gives an even 9x4 grid that uses basically all the available space.

albert said:

  • You can now set how many posts you want to see per page. This is a gold member feature. Right now 20, 50, and 100 are available but I'll probably tweak these numbers to whatever's more usable.

Great! Well, about the numbers, very usable would be something corresponding to thumb patterns like this:

6x3 -> 18
5x4 -> 20
6x4 -> 24
7x4 -> 28
8x4 -> 32
7x5 -> 35
8x5 -> 40

  • Basic members can now view deleted posts. This should help with issues with broken pools. However, posts can now have a banned flag, which is set whenever an artist requests a removal. Basic members can't view these banned posts.

Very good. This way people can see what's not approved.

Schrobby said:

Great! Well, about the numbers, very usable would be something corresponding to thumb patterns like this:
6x3 -> 18
5x4 -> 20
6x4 -> 24
7x4 -> 28
8x4 -> 32
7x5 -> 35
8x5 -> 40

Why not just make the limit completely user-configurable in the range 1..100? I don’t think this would cause more server load or wasted database space as we’ve already got one number up to 100 now.

kittey said:

Why not just make the limit completely user-configurable in the range 1..100? I don’t think this would cause more server load or wasted database space as we’ve already got one number up to 100 now.

I suggested this and Albert said he will do it soon.

Hooray for https and deleted posts removed from search counts. That always poked my OCD.

However, I still can't re-enter my email into the email field. My email is apparently taken. And is the forced lurking week for new members back in place? I don't really want to make a new email account just to check.

What happened? I can't see half of thumbnails. Also, the gentags:1 query has gone wild. Yesterday there were 7 pages and today it displays 14 pictures on page 1 and 3 on page two, and they are aligned not from the left of the page but in random places.

MarUsca said:

Opera 12.14.
Here is what I see:

This is due to:

albert said:

  • Deleted posts are no longer filtered out at the database level. What this effectively means is that a page with 5 deleted posts will only show 15 posts (assuming 20 posts per page). I don't think this is a big deal with the variable number of posts per page now, but if usability takes a hit I'm open to reverting this change.

In other words, those blank spots are deleted posts.

God, this is impossible. Try gentags:2 -tagme. There were supposed to be like 10 or 11 pages. Now it's endless blank pages because most of recent posts got deleted. Please, bring back that sorting-out-deleted-posts feature or whatever it is.

MarUsca said:

It can't be with gentags:1 unless somebody tagged 6 pages of gentags:1 yesterday. Is there a way to check?

Are you sure that those deleted posts haven't had gentags:1 for a long time already? Because they seem to, if you look at how old some of them are.

MarUsca said:

God, this is impossible. Try gentags:2 -tagme. There were supposed to be like 10 or 11 pages. Now it's endless blank pages because most of recent posts got deleted. Please, bring back that sorting-out-deleted-posts feature or whatever it is.

As a temporary workaround, why not set your posts per page to 50 or 100? Or you can do gentags:2 -tagme status:any, so you can see and tag deleted posts as well as approved posts.

Toks said:

Are you sure that those deleted posts haven't had gentags:1 for a long time already? Because they seem to, if you look at how old some of them are.

What do you mean, "how old"? The last one I see is post #1325320 . I keep checking on this query every day and there surely were 7 or 8 pages.

Toks said:

As a temporary workaround, why not set your posts per page to 50 or 100? Or you can do gentags:2 -tagme status:any, so you can see and tag deleted posts as well as approved posts.

Works for this specific query, but wouldn't work for my chartags:1 search with 6 tags. Well okay, I'll try 50 for now, though it's quite inconvenient. Thanks anyway.

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