post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Schrobby said:

Sure, but that's no fixed setting. You have to set it for every new list, that's not worth the hassle.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Perhaps have that settable as user option?

I suggested it to Albert: issue #959

If he doesn't add it, it's still possible to add an option like that with userscripts.

Schrobby said:

After disabling everything I have now 4 thumbs per line. Well, that's something.
Being able to customize the number of thumbs per page would be great...

Edit: Fiddling around some more gave me back 5 thumbs per line. Yay.

What do I need to do to get that?

It looks like Albert activated the limit on favorites a little while ago (member: 4000, gold: 20000, platinum+: none).

He also added higher page limits (member: 1000, gold: 2000, platinum+: 5000).

The changes don't seem to be live yet, though.

Magus said: What do I need to do to get that?

This probably isn't what Schrobby did, but you can always hold Ctrl key + scroll mouse wheel to adjust the size of your browser's content. A smaller view will give more thumbnail columns per page and better text size.

I just noticed there's a new feature that shows when people have edited their posts, however its timestamp reflects the last time it was voted on as well. For instance, if User X posts a comment and immediately edits it edits it, then 10 days later User Y votes that comment down, the postscript will then switch from "Updated by User X about 10 days ago" to "Updated by User X about 1 second ago."

Not exactly a big deal, but a bit odd.

Toks said:

You could use this CSS:

#posts {
width: 870px;

I think that should force it use 5 columns regardless of screen space.

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about CSS, so I don't know how to do that.

I know it was mentioned in the huge danbooru 2 topic that old Anonymous comments are now all assigned to albert.
I'm not sure if this was brought up: all of those comments belonging to albert means they can't be downvoted (at least, not by a Builder). Trying just gives "You cannot downvote a janitor comment".

Update on the scrolling upon adding a note issue. This seems to have been due to an old version of Firefox. My Linux distro uses the extended stable release trees. Moving from the older stable releases to the more recent ones fixed it.

I've found a work-around for the second issue I raised in my post (forum #86025), so it can also be put aside: The link on the size info for the image takes you straight to the larger image, so the use of the sample image as placeholder for getting the full-size image can be bypassed.

The alias/implication search being buried is still a bit irritating, but nothing major.

Magus said:

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about CSS, so I don't know how to do that.

Well, the simplest solution would be to install the miscellaneous tweaks script. In the Add Style section you can insert your own code. If you do that add it at the bottom to override the other settings. There are quite some values you can play with in the script.

I did just that, used "#posts {width: 980px; }" and now have 6 thumb columns. Adjust the settings till you're happy with the result.

1. Pagecount nowgoes past 1000, nice.
2. What's the amount of post per page used to calculate total pagecount? For tags with large pagecounts, many of the last pages are "Nobody here but us chickens!". (Not really want it fixed if it might break something, but an estimate of the former would be nice)
3. The "Post" and "Wiki" are too far left, overlaps with the sidebar, and is unclickable.

Toks said:

Albert says it was added, but you need to first go to edit the topic, and then there should be an option to lock it from there.

Well, it is there, but that's a pretty damn inconvenient placement, given how locking threads earlier was a matter of being in the thread, not editing the opening post of it.

albert said:

I'm honestly not sure what the best interface for pools is. There are far too many active pools now for the old select style menu to be viable. Maybe if the sorting were better? Which pools should appear first?

Late as hell but:
In part I'm not sure if recent pools first works unless it focuses on that Still Hmn... Alphabetic off current amount of letters in? Problem comes to touhou pools as there is a mountains of pools so you'd have to go Touhou - FIRST FEW LETTERS. But that's time consuming. Scrollbars would be useful in any case, but I'm also in part unsure if the system I'm describing might have issues with creating more issues with server overhead.

The Old pool system while ungainly really didn't need much overhead on the server's side. Although when you click add to pool it seems to be somewhat arbitrary where that box decides to show up. Not sure if that's just my mind thinking its that or its actually seeming to be that.

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