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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

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I have one issue with the new danbooru, and that is when I ever I click favorite (to add an image to my favorites) it just brings me to my favorites instead of adding the image I wanted, any suggestions?

Minirawr8 said:

I have one issue with the new danbooru, and that is when I ever I click favorite (to add an image to my favorites) it just brings me to my favorites instead of adding the image I wanted, any suggestions?

Do you have javascript enabled? I believe it needs to be for favorites to work. I also believe they don't work with very old browsers, such as Internet Explorer 7.

auton_merlin said:

2. What's the amount of post per page used to calculate total pagecount? For tags with large pagecounts, many of the last pages are "Nobody here but us chickens!". (Not really want it fixed if it might break something, but an estimate of the former would be nice)

So very much this. Since the auto page count update has been introduced, I expected that this would be fixed. It never worked on Danbooru1 though.
Also, yaaay! The page count final number is back! Thanks a lot, albert!

I don't know if this is a bug, but I think I finally broke something in regards to the favorites limit on my userlevel (janitor/contributor).

Was trying to do my 22502nd favorite when the 20k favorite limit bar popped up.

Was this intentional or what?

Guys, really? I understand the idea that I cannot view my favs past 4k, because I can keep adding them hoping that one day I will buy a premium account to unlock them. But forbidding me from adding stuff past 4k is not gonna make me pay for premium, it's gonna make me move to Sankaku or Gelboru. So well done. Shooting your own foot is the best business plan ever.

Just remember one thing, when you scare off your users to another website they will not come back when you finally realize that you screwed up and decide to say sorry.


z905844 said:

I don't know if this is a bug, but I think I finally broke something in regards to the favorites limit on my userlevel (janitor/contributor).

Was trying to do my 22502nd favorite when the 20k favorite limit bar popped up.

Was this intentional or what?

I was just about to post something similar. But it doesn't make sense if I have 47k of favorites...

BCI_Temp said:

After some more investigation, it seems to be caused by Firefox's "quick find" feature (aka "Find As You Type" or "typeaheadfind" on the about:config page). Danbooru doesn't trap the keystroke before Firefox gets a chance to react to it and start a search for words containing "n" (like Danbooru).

Disabling typeaheadfind might get rid of the problem, but there should be a way to fix the JavaScript to avoid requiring that.

You'll have to tell me if this is still an issue but in Firefox/OSX pressing n only scrolls the image up a few lines for me. Let me know if this is still an issue.

albert said:

You'll have to tell me if this is still an issue but in Firefox/OSX pressing n only scrolls the image up a few lines for me. Let me know if this is still an issue.

You have typeaheadfind disabled then, just like me. If you enable it in about:config it breaks n and WASD, but not e.

Boxes where you can enter text, such as the box I'm typing in right now seem unusually large for some reason, the one for the forum spans the whole page, the post comment/post edit box are similarly unusually large. Is this just me or is something up?
Edit: Using Firefox Aurora (21.0a2 (2013-03-18)


DeusExCalamus said:

Boxes where you can enter text, such as the box I'm typing in right now seem unusually large for some reason, the one for the forum spans the whole page, the post comment/post edit box are similarly unusually large. Is this just me or is something up?

I can duplicate that here.
Also, not knowing that I was not logged in on my netbook, I went to reply and hit 'Quote', but it did not work. Sort of misleading, and also ended up losing what I typed.

Chrome 27.0.1438.7 dev-m

DeusExCalamus said:

Boxes where you can enter text, such as the box I'm typing in right now seem unusually large for some reason, the one for the forum spans the whole page, the post comment/post edit box are similarly unusually large. Is this just me or is something up?

They simply take as much space as they can, isn't this better then having whitespace on the right side of the textboxes?

zerglin said:

sorry, how can i make a setting that block all explicit contents while searching ?

Put "rating:e" (without the quotes) on its own line in the blacklist settings, found in your account settings.
On that subject, does Danbooru 2 still load the thumbnail before putting the "Blocked" image over it when browsing the Comments section? I just realized that I haven't seen one of those in a long time...if they're completely filtered out now, tha'd be awesome.

OOZ662 said:

I just noticed there's a new feature that shows when people have edited their posts, however its timestamp reflects the last time it was voted on as well. For instance, if User X posts a comment and immediately edits it edits it, then 10 days later User Y votes that comment down, the postscript will then switch from "Updated by User X about 10 days ago" to "Updated by User X about 1 second ago."

Not exactly a big deal, but a bit odd.

If I reply to forum posts also changes the OP to show that the last change was by me...that freaked me out a bit. "I didn't break it, honest!"


OOZ662 said:

Put "rating:e" (without the quotes) on its own line in the blacklist settings, found in your account settings.

So rating:safe doesn't work anymore?

Also an example of how it seems that the search is kinda random in results I went for a rather precise term that would cut a lot of the excess out but it kinda looks like its randomly ordered. If I knew how the sorting worked I might get it better (Is it by size of pool?) Making it alphabetical order might make it look better if anything, Still the 'recently added' idea for users is also interesting to put on top (maybe with a divider line to separate it.

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