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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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NeoChaos said:

What's with the thumbnails in a pool page being moved to the right?
ETA: Firefox 19.0.2

The page-spacing used on post pages recently changed from padding-based to margin-based (which I only noticed because it broke the Small Mode style). Apparently at the same time it was also added to some pages, like pools, that didn't have it before. (So I need to update the style again... <grumble>)

In summary: it's not a bug at your end, it's a change in the Danbooru style sheet. Whether the change to pool pages was intentional or not, I don't know; the only way to find that out is to wait and see if it gets changed back.

kounishin said:

The page-spacing used on post pages recently changed from padding-based to margin-based (which I only noticed because it broke the Small Mode style). Apparently at the same time it was also added to some pages, like pools, that didn't have it before. (So I need to update the style again... <grumble>)

It's a bug, and is already fixed on git:

The padding was also removed from the pools page :)


something is broken with date, for example if i send "date:2013-03-16" there are 58 pages which include posts from 15th to 17th march.


setting time to UTC in user setting seems to fix this


MarUsca said:

Aaaaaaand the page count goes down again. I guess it's causing too much trouble. Oh well.

What do you mean exactly? I'm able to browse up to page 5000 successfully. Is it broken for a specific search?

MarUsca said:

Nah, I mean right after the update the number of pages appeared again in the page count but it's gone again now. Just saying, I actually have given up on this one.

You mean you can't see the page count on searches up to 2000 pages long? That should still be possible for you (I can see up to 5000 just fine).

If you meant ones longer than your page limit, then I'm pretty sure it isn't ever going to happen for performance reasons.

itsonlyaname said:

No post count here @member level.

If you mean the page count on the hatsune_miku search, then that is intended as the member page limit is 1000.

Unless you mean you can't view the page count on searches returning up to 1000 pages. If that is the case, then I don't believe it is intended.

I think the date: search function is not working correctly now. I use it to get the posts from the previous day everyday, but now it's returning the latest posts + posts from 1 day ago + posts from 2 days ago, which is making my searches very confusing.

itsonlyaname said:

They simply take as much space as they can, isn't this better then having whitespace on the right side of the textboxes?

I don't think so, I much rather the old style; if I need a larger post area for some reason, I can simply re-size it myself by clicking on the bottom right and dragging, this isn't persistent, however.

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