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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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The list of recently edited articles on the Wiki lists the wrong user of the latest edit on some articles. For instance, I wrote the last edit on the street fighter entry, but the list shows the user as (the banned) Hansen_Sebastian.

ETA: Another example just popped up. o medal was just edited by saizo0070, but again, the list of recently edited articles credits his edit to Hansen_Sebastian again. Might this be a bug specific to banned users?


Schrobby said:

Can't upload anymore, every try results in a timeout error. Some others still can upload, though. Weird.

IQDB times out all the time, too.

Does it still timeout if you try to upload a different image? I tried uploading the same one as you and it failed, but another image succeeded.

And IQDB is working fine for me. Can you give any more information?


PaganHammer said:

Blacklisted tags haven't been working for me. Images that shouldn't be showing in my page due to blacklist appear as if there was nothing

It's working for me. Make sure you put different tags on different lines. If you put two tags on the same line it will only hide posts with both of the tags.

Toks said:

Does it still timeout if you try to upload a different image? I tried uploading the same one as you and it failed, but another image succeeded.

And IQDB is working fine for me. Can you give any more information?

Uploading works again. As for IQDB, I get a timeout every single time since the last downbooru a bunch of hours ago.

Toks said:

It's working for me. Make sure you put different tags on different lines. If you put two tags on the same line it will only hide posts with both of the tags.

I know that. But, for example, I have both "touhou rating:e" and "guro" blacklisted, but they keep showing.

PaganHammer said:

I know that. But, for example, I have both "touhou rating:e" and "guro" blacklisted, but they keep showing.

Check if you didn't place an extra space after the tags?
Just to be sure, don't actually use "" in the blacklist?
Which browser/version are you using?
When visiting a page, in the source code, is there a line '<meta name="blacklisted-tags" content="...">'?
Do you have javascript enabled?
Something like NoScript might be blocking the blacklist code?

My blacklists are working fine btw.

PaganHammer said:

I know that. But, for example, I have both "touhou rating:e" and "guro" blacklisted, but they keep showing.

If none of the blacklists are working at all, it's probably because you have javascript disabled or are using an old browser.

albert said:

You'll have to tell me if this is still an issue but in Firefox/OSX pressing n only scrolls the image up a few lines for me. Let me know if this is still an issue.

Sorry for the confusion. I posted an update on page 7. It seems to have been an issue with Firefox 10. Some Linux distributions stick to the Extended Support Release* branches of Firefox, including mine. Updating to Firefox 17 (a more recent stable branch) eliminated the issue for me.

Here's another one. When you search for posts in a small enough tag, you'll get a link to the last page of the search. (e.g. belt will give you a link to page 1356 of the search.) Unfortunately, this "last" page is inaccurate, because it includes all deleted images when giving you this page. So, for belt, you have to go through nearly 89 empty pages (the number of pages of deleted belt images) to find the true last page, page 1268.

MarUsca said:

Lol, indeed. I swear it was gone like 15 minutes ago.

Note that if you vote a comment up or down, the vote up and down buttons will disappear for that one comment until you refresh the page. That might be what you were seeing.

Toks said:

Note that if you vote a comment up or down, the vote up and down buttons will disappear for that one comment until you refresh the page. That might be what you were seeing.

No, it's not the point. Now I noticed there is that "show votes" thing which hides and shows the voting options. Dunno why it is even needed though.

MarUsca said:

No, it's not the point. Now I noticed there is that "show votes" thing which hides and shows the voting options. Dunno why it is even needed though.

The 'show votes' thing is from a userscript ~ either kittey's or mine. Mainly to prevent accidental downvotes and/or for people with touchscreens.

itsonlyaname said:

The 'show votes' thing is from a userscript ~ either kittey's or mine. Mainly to prevent accidental downvotes and/or for people with touchscreens.

Yeah, sorry, I didn't read the full description before installing. That's sort of derp.

I know I'm not helping with the issues with this, but I just wanted to say that I like the new danbooru now.
Of course it still has issues and a few hiccups here and there but overall it's good now and it still keeps improving, so sorry about the ranting at first.
I just recently upgraded to platinum - for my own reasons (I favorite a lot) and also to say thanks for all the work~ Keep it up!


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