post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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MarUsca said:

As to wikis, I'd like to ask to bring back the thing that when a wiki doesn't exist, clicking "?" redirects you not to creating a wiki, but to the page "Wiki doesn't exist" and pics that have the tag.

I second this. Speaking of which, shouldn't <tag> link in "The following tags are aliased to this tag: <tag>" line lead to a wiki page rather than do a search for this tag?

> inconsistencies with the old Danbooru.

please add back the /n or what ever it is in your programming language to add a CR LF at the end of the </li> class line for each tag... it breaks some less well-to-do browsing solutions when there is a line that is several thousand characters long...

This just seemed to start today, but use of the date: tag returns posts from the date indicated plus the day immediately beforehand and afterwards. For instance, using date:2013-03-07 will return images posted as old as 2013-03-06 and posts as new as 2013-03-08.

Is anyone else seeing huge blank space below posts with comments and loads of tags?

Example: post #1364849

I always see one comment directly below the post, then a huge gap until the tag list on the left is done, then all other comments.

If there are no comments, “There are no comments.” is directly below the image, but the “Post comment” link and the footer don’t start until the tags are done. Example: post #1364363.

Happens with Firefox and Opera, logged in without ads and logged out with ads, independent of user scripts.

kittey said:

Is anyone else seeing huge blank space below posts with comments and loads of tags?

Example: post #1364849

I always see one comment directly below the post, then a huge gap until the tag list on the left is done, then all other comments.

If there are no comments, “There are no comments.” is directly below the image, but the “Post comment” link and the footer don’t start until the tags are done. Example: post #1364363.

Happens with Firefox and Opera, logged in without ads and logged out with ads, independent of user scripts.

This is because of that CSS fix that was just incorporated into the site. Should be fixed soon.

Related: issue #402, issue #906, issue #936

Schrobby said:

Please cancel the CSS fix. I now have a big unused white space to the right. Before the fix I had 5 thumbs per line, now 3.

AFAIK it's supposed to be the opposite, I have 7 per line now. what's your browser/version?

That aside, comment listing past page 2 seems to time out. Anyone else experiencing this?

Type-kun said:

AFAIK it's supposed to be the opposite, I have 7 per line now. what's your browser/version?

I'm getting 6 per row now. Which looks awful because the bottom row shows only 2 thumbs. When it's 20 images per page, 5 thumbs per row is ideal.

saizo0070 said:

Can't click on the wiki tab directly above the search bar. Also "post" has overlapped with "search."

Same here.

Type-kun said:

Try turning off any custom userstyles first; might be a bug if it doesn't help.

After disabling everything I have now 4 thumbs per line. Well, that's something.
Being able to customize the number of thumbs per page would be great...

Edit: Fiddling around some more gave me back 5 thumbs per line. Yay.

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