post #9000000 GET!

AI-generated art check thread

Posted under General

John_Hopfield said:

post #8243491

The character looks drawn to me.

The background is definitely weird, but I'm not seeing clear signs of AI. Maybe an upscaled stock image or something.
post #6590042 from the same artist has a similarly artifacted background, but pretty sure it isn't AI because of the clear text (and the characters again look hand-drawn but separate from the background).

Their pixiv doesn't look suspicious either. I think this is a real artist, that just pastes in backgrounds sometimes.

AniLive recently came out with a statement saying that their recent VTuber models for their Jumpstart Program volume 2 were done by human artists without naming anyone involved, as the models used were likely generated by AI without any proof that they were drawn by humans.

They put this picture of two models yet to debut into the statement, which I think is likely AI.

This page on IOPWiki suggests that the following posts have utilized AI somehow:

post #6902330
post #6902341
post #6902348
post #6902316
post #6902325

IOPWiki said:
Unless specified otherwise, CG files which are NOT specifically listed here in the "General Info" section, are not under any suspicion of AI Assisted usage, and that those CG files were drawn with the illustrators own capabilities.

Suspected AI Usage: