ion288 said:
post #8282318 and post #8257803
Should I tag them or reapprove?
talking about post #8282318 the author says they draw similar post (for example this and this other ) and another reason, is this post and this other too looks a bit like Ai, but if you see in the first post the chest you can read UTAu (copyright name) i think that a AI can't put a copyright like that, and in the second post is more cleary, you can read in the coat collar the copyrigh name (UTAU) and in the shield print too, and also you can see in the medal the copyright logo (that is this) I really think that a AI can not put those details in a draw, also the artis demostrate a good drawing level with post that are obviously (for me, that to be honest i'm not a AI art expert) not make with Ai for example this and this other not exist a solid proof that it is a AI creation 100% (maybe AI assistend) but maybe with a program you can see if this is really make 100% with Ai or not, for the moment I will say that is not AI