post #9000000 GET!

Madoka Magica magical girl costume tags

Posted under Tags

There are no names for the magical girl forms, as far as I know. Therefore I propose tags be created. Something like kaname madoka (magical girl).

[EDIT] excuse my dead brain I forgot to propose a why.

In order to search for specific outfits. Just like the way we tag gacha and vtuber outfits- Tagging the character, implying the character with the costume.


baconmeh2 said:

There are no names for the magical girl forms, as far as I know. Therefore I propose tags be created. Something like kaname madoka (magical girl).

[EDIT] excuse my dead brain I forgot to propose a why.

In order to search for specific outfits. Just like the way we tag gacha and vtuber outfits- Tagging the character, implying the character with the costume.

I have not played the gacha so my only frame of reference is the anime, but this seems uneeded. The girls have two outfits, their school uniform which we have a tag for, and their magical girl outfit which in most pieces of art seems to be the default. I don't know why you couldn't just search Kaname Madoka -mitakihara_school_uniform or even +Magical Girl. Even Kyoko who doesn't go to their school could equally be found by adding +shorts to the search.

Just feels like a costume tag for the sake of a costume tag instead of something helpful for searching.

zetsubousensei said:

Just feels like a costume tag for the sake of a costume tag instead of something helpful for searching.

Nay. Let's say you want to search for one or two specific outfits only. If I search for mami and magical girl, I'm not guaranteed to see 100% Mami in her magical girl outfit. If I want to narrow this down any further, I have to start adding more tags- more tags regular users don't have the luxury of using. It would be beneficial to be able to search for specific costumes.

zetsubousensei said:

Can we please get input from at least a few other users? I maintain this is tagging default and it seems like a big choice for only three people to comment on.

Would highly appreciate more input. Though please make a strong case sooner than later- would rather find out I'm wasting my time tagging 2197+ posts before I finish.

I personally fail to see a point in creating a tag for the magical girl forms personally. If I wanted to Kaname Madoka in her magical girl outfit specifically, a Kaname Madoka + magical girl or a Kaname Madoka + -Mitakihara school uniform search should ideally be enough. And if it isn't, then outliers should be gardened out.

And in cases of cosplay, -cosplay should remove them. Which admittedly does go above the two tag search limit of members unfortunately, but I don't think cosplay is as big of a deal as it sounds personally. I think things are fine as they are and a specific magical girl costume tag is kinda redundant.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

If I wanted to Kaname Madoka in her magical girl outfit specifically, a Kaname Madoka + magical girl or a Kaname Madoka + -Mitakihara school uniform search should ideally be enough. And if it isn't, then outliers should be gardened out.

Cosplay isn't a focus here. Nor will a kaname_madoka_(magical_girl)_(cosplay) tag ever be utilized. This is operating off of gacha rules- Base costume, alts, only tag the character being cosplayed, not the costume.

baconmeh2 said:

Cosplay isn't a focus here. Nor will a kaname_madoka_(magical_girl)_(cosplay) tag ever be utilized. This is operating off of gacha rules- Base costume, alts, only tag the character being cosplayed, not the costume.

Ah. My bad, must've misread something here. Even so, I still disagree with the idea of tagging the magical girl costumes precisely because they are defaults. It's nothing a basic search doesn't already account for, compared to, say, Akemi Homura (swimsuit ver.), where attempting a search without this tag when specifically searching for that costume will result in things like post #7134636 cluttering up the results. I think we'll be fine without specific tags in this case.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

Ah. My bad, must've misread something here. Even so, I still disagree with the idea of tagging the magical girl costumes precisely because they are defaults. It's nothing a basic search doesn't already account for, compared to, say, Akemi Homura (swimsuit ver.), where attempting a search without this tag when specifically searching for that costume will result in things like post #7134636 cluttering up the results. I think we'll be fine without specific tags in this case.

You want to search for the swimsuit, without using the tag? Are you proposing to nuke more alt costumes?

Regarding defaults- That's not quite correct. Most of the girls' "defaults" would be their mitakihara school uniforms. They aren't magical girls 24-7.

baconmeh2 said:

You want to search for the swimsuit, without using the tag? Are you proposing to nuke more alt costumes?

Absolutely not. I was trying to use it as an example to demonstrate my point that you really can't without using the costume tag. Which the magical girl costumes don't suffer from. This costume tag exists because people would otherwise have trouble finding it. You have no trouble finding the magical girl forms of, say, Miki Sayaka. Therefore, I don't see a point in making a tag for them specifically.

Regarding defaults- That's not quite correct. Most of the girls' "defaults" would be their mitakihara school uniforms. They aren't magical girls 24-7.

Yes, but it's still a default costume they have which many a page will be dominated by, unlike the alt costumes we have already for them. I feel like it's fairly safe to call the magical girl forms a default for them, along with the school uniforms, which I don't feel should require a tag.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

Which the magical girl costumes don't suffer from. You have no trouble finding the magical girl forms of, say, Miki Sayaka.

That's not quite correct. You could have as much trouble finding her magical form as any other's. Because the only tag is a shared tag between every magical girl on danbooru, you would get any magical girl form from searching for Miki Sayaka + Magical girl. For example, the whole group could be cosplaying Madoka; A crossover could be taking place; It could be one girl only, and not Sayaka.

Yes, but it's still a default costume they have which many a page will be dominated by, unlike the alt costumes we have already for them. I feel like it's fairly safe to call the magical girl forms a default for them, compared to the school uniforms, which I don't feel should require a tag.

What would separate this from any other magical girls like Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi? Every magical girl is tagged with their character name anyway. If their names are already tagged onto their magical girl forms, then I say there's no reason every magical girl should imply their character.

baconmeh2 said:
What would separate this from any other magical girls like Sailor Moon/Tsukino Usagi? Every magical girl is tagged with their character name anyway. If their names are already tagged onto their magical girl forms, then I say there's no reason every magical girl should imply their character.

Actually for most magical girls such as Precure or Sailor Moon the magical girl identity is supposed to be exclusive with the civilian clothes or at least thats what I was told. The tags aren't implicated and apparently no one follows it anyway.

zetsubousensei said:

Actually for most magical girls such as Precure or Sailor Moon the magical girl identity is supposed to be exclusive with the civilian clothes or at least thats what I was told. The tags aren't implicated and apparently no one follows it anyway.

I was told the opposite: Tag the character with the magical girl. Not to mention, it would be more efficient. If you imply sailor moon -> tsukino usagi, then you'll only have tsukino usagi (cosplay) and sailor moon to tag. If a character cosplayed Madoka's magical girl form, you would only tag kaname madoka (cosplay) and kaname madoka (magical girl).

If nobody followed it, then why is it so prominent?

baconmeh2 said:

I was told the opposite: Tag the character with the magical girl. Not to mention, it would be more efficient. If you imply sailor moon -> tsukino usagi, then you'll only have tsukino usagi (cosplay) and sailor moon to tag. If a character cosplayed Madoka's magical girl form, you would only tag kaname madoka (cosplay) and kaname madoka (magical girl).

If nobody followed it, then why is it so prominent?

Something something superhero equvilent. Aka don't tag superman with Clark Kent and vice versa similarly don't tag Cure Black with Misumi Nagisa. Apparently Sentai stuff is the same way.

Not that I agree mind you

Irregardless considering the Madoka girls spend so little time outside of their magical girl outfits I don't think it makes a sense to seperate them even if a magical girl costume is made for the.

Damian0358 said:

This seems to be something that has been quite contentious in the past, see topic #23010, topic #26208, topic #26219, and topic #26220 in particular.

Then we should stop screwing around and apply a standard.

It looks more like people want to tag both magical girl and character in posts, so I believe they should be implicated.

Every one of those were rejected by lack of interaction. That being the case, the only way to stop the gacha way will be to approve the nuking of these tags.

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