post #9000000 GET!

Madoka Magica magical girl costume tags

Posted under Tags

zetsubousensei said:

Something something superhero equvilent. Aka don't tag superman with Clark Kent and vice versa similarly don't tag Cure Black with Misumi Nagisa. Apparently Sentai stuff is the same way.

Doesn't look like many follow that.

Irregardless considering the Madoka girls spend so little time outside of their magical girl outfits I don't think it makes a sense to seperate them even if a magical girl costume is made for the.

Made for the?...

baconmeh2 said:

Doesn't look like many follow that.

Made for the?...

No they don't and I don't blame them since it doesn't seem intuitive with how we handle other tags.


Them. Just a typo sorry. I'm saying that unlike the cures or other mahou shoujo series there is very little difference in their hair length/style. Its also, again, their default and they spend the most amount of time in those clothes over the course of 12 episodes. Its the ubiquitous look and not tagging the characters name is foolish even if there is a seperate tag.

Looking through the linked threads I agree most with BrokenEagle and find most superhero/magical_girl identity tags pointless if anything the "civilian" makes more sense to tag separately. forum #117297


zetsubousensei said:

Its the ubiquitous look and not tagging the characters name is foolish even if there is a seperate tag.

Hold on there. I didn't say we weren't tagging the character's name. In fact I'm outright saying the character name needs to be tagged along the magical girl name tag.

Looking through the linked threads I agree most with BrokenEagle and find most superhero/magical_girl identity tags pointless if anything the "civilian" makes more sense to tag separately. forum #117297

Then go submit a BUR to nuke one or the other. If you wish for one character tag for the same person, submit this proposal.

The Queen is back. Anyway.
Let me just preface everything by saying - no, the characters don't spend the vast majority of the time in the 2011 anime transformed. Madoka herself does not even become a Magical Girl until the last episode (though her form is shown beforehand). While them being Magical Girls is obviously important to the plot, they typically only transform for action scenes, more-or-less.

Additionally, even in the 2011 anime, the characters don't *only* have either the school uniform or the MG one. Kyoko never wears the Mitakihara school uniform in the 2011 anime. Madoka and Sayaka (maybe others too, can't remember) have PE gym clothes, Homura and Madoka have pajamas. Madoka *literally turns into a god* in the last episode. Yes, the two options are their most common, and for a reason, but even then they're not exclusive. Not to mention all the promo material or even fan-outfits.

Also. Can we please, for love's sake, stop acting like the 2011 anime is the only installment of Madoka Magica ever made? PMMM has three (upcoming four, plus a short-feature) movies, seven video games, one of them adapted into an anime, 2 mangas and stage play of its own; and a manga magazine *just for PMMM stories* that ran for 30 volumes, containing both stories featuring the quintet from the 2011 anime *and* original ones with brand-new casts, not to mention one-off collabs with all kinds of brands. Even just the main quintet/sextet has *way* more costumes than just MG/civilian.
Quoting what I said in topic #23010:

For some stats - this search: tamaki_iroha solo has 54% of posts also tagged as Magical Girl. And I keep that tag in good shape for Magia Record (if you can excuse canon-tagging for characters like Izumi Kanagi or Kureha Yuna).

Obviously that statistic didn't take into account stuff like "untransformed Iroha standing next to transformed anyone else", but still, it paints an approximate picture. For another character, Miwa Mitsune, 67/209 (32%) feature her MG form. I expect similar statistics for bigger tags like Madoka too. I think 30~50% is already enough to justify chartags like that. Especially since the quintet won't be the only characters benefitting from that change; all the MagiReco originals will likely end up with the same treatment, and *those* have many designs by, well, design.

Plus, let's not forget - today's status quo is not tomorrow's status quo. While I never expect PMMM to have quite the upload explosion it had in 2011 on Danbooru ever again, let me just remind you that the upcoming movie Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica: Walpurgis no Kaiten features tons of brand-new costumes - a new school uniform that looks kinda like the Mitakihara one (post #6851079), and new magical girl outfits, see post #6673371 (Mami) post #7071875 (Madoka, Homura), post #7553429 (Kyoko, Sayaka). Maybe in 10 years that'll be what they'll be wearing by default in new installments. Who am I to say?

Additionally, I think comparing Magical Girl form/other forms tagging to gacha tagging is not the best comparison. If anything, I believe it'd be closer to vTubers - multiple "default" costumes to be swapped to and from freely (like the costumes they stream in), plus some extra chartags for more one-off costumes (collabs and such... but also gacha tagging, admittedly).


Although I have added a lot of henshin mode names of Takamachi Nanoha and Fate Testarossa, I still don’t know how to search more easily for many their official casual clothes other than henshin modes or uniforms.
I tried adding casual + official alternate costume to their official casual, but there are many kind of their casuals, want to separate that but don't know how to do, also not sure if this is a good way.

And why not alias magical girl to "magical girl costume" or use henshin costume to cover other who can henshin?


BUR #26393 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication kaname_madoka_(magical_girl) -> kaname_madoka
create implication akemi_homura_(magical_girl) -> akemi_homura
create implication sakura_kyoko_(magical_girl) -> sakura_kyoko
create implication miki_sayaka_(magical_girl) -> miki_sayaka
create implication tomoe_mami_(magical_girl) -> tomoe_mami
create implication momoe_nagisa_(magical_girl) -> momoe_nagisa

If they exist, they should be implied.
Also if this passes, BUR #14586 should as well, it's the same thing but for Magia Record characters (MagiReco being the current PMMM gacha).

I've finished tagging all posts visible to me, with each of those six's respective magical girl tags. Every last one.

The results:

magical_girl mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica: 24159 posts

mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica *_(magical_girl): 28609 posts

-magical_girl mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica *_(magical_girl): 8392 posts

8k posts not tagged magical girl. Most definitely more than that, factoring in banned posts.

Knowledge_Seeker said:

I still think these tags are completely unnecessary, especially with the existence of a normal magical girl tag to search them with. These are just pad tags for a default costume in my eyes.

But I'll wait to see if the nuke or the implication is approved.

"Default" doesn't hold a lot of weight when the combined total of the posts on danbooru is less than half the entire post quantity for the copyright (66k, or 53k if anime-only).

Okay, yay. Can the Magia Record BUR I linked in the general MadoMagi one's text also be approved, then? It's the same concept, it's just that it would create the tags for Magia Record characters from favgroups I prepped, rather than imply already-existing tags. And then I'd need to submit an implication BUR because of the way I made that BUR. (BUR #14586)

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