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Title Status Creator Updated by Updated at
alias dress_coat -> coat_dress rejected Pokeball99 DanbooruBot
A suggestion to clean up and redefine how suit-related tags should be used in order to reduce overlapping. rejected Red Terror DanbooruBot
Imply boulder and pebble to rock rejected Blank User nonamethanks
Alias tally_counter -> tally rejected zedrob DanbooruBot
self-propelled_artillery utility alias. rejected Red Terror DanbooruBot
nuke implied_virgin rejected Obst DanbooruBot
Implicate birthday tag in birthday topics rejected silvia ash DanbooruBot
alias eyelashes_visible_through_hair -> eyes_visible_through_hair rejected analogshower DanbooruBot
Nuking doll_hair_ornament rejected Caenbet DanbooruBot
0_0/o_o/wide_oval_eyes and solid_eye shape rejected Zumzigzoo DanbooruBot
Sewing/stitching and seams/stitches rejected Zumzigzoo DanbooruBot
bracer -> bracers rejected LQ DanbooruBot
Digimon names for the original Japanese and some other things. rejected Chaos11 Chaos11
Species implication for Numby (Star rail) rejected Shibi DanbooruBot
creature_and_personification implications rejected aa220525 aa220525
Beard alias and implication. rejected zetsubousensei DanbooruBot
[Punishing: Gray Raven] Frame and coating implications rejected aa220525 DanbooruBot
RGB shift alias rejected Red Terror Red Terror
Deprecate apocalypse rejected Coprolite DanbooruBot
Deprecate the rest of silver_* tags rejected Red Terror DanbooruBot
1 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 125