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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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  • Tags are organized differently in the editing box. Copyright tags will appear on the first line, characters on the second, artists on the third, and general on the rest. You're still free to put new tags anywhere; this only affects where they appear at first, and should make it easier to locate specific types of tags when editing.
  • The document title of post pages also orders them as above, instead of alphabetically.


Strange behavior: Searched for Dark_Haired_Kappa got some odd results for the left. (Url for that image is )
(I just put the black box with white filling to cover an r-18 images)
The entire lack of tagging information is odd.

I search another topic
(Same blackout as the other image)
But the tagging works properly both with it and related tagging

Edit: Just went to an image for the Dark_Haired_Kappa search term and then clicked the tag and it works normally showing this (Page URL for that is

Some hours ago I uploaded some good pictures from a seemingly new artist. Problem is the artist wasn't new and was a banned one to boot. During upload I got no banned artist notification and the artist didn't show up on artist search at all. Was this a bug or a database error?

For 2.2.6:

  • Added back the list of users who have favorited a post. Limited to Gold+.
  • Added a new metatag: "age:". Lets you search by how long ago the post was uploaded, such as age:2weeks..1year.
  • Updates to artist pages are listed on user profiles.


Toks said:

  • Added back the list of users who have favorited a post. Limited to Gold+.

You realize this was removed for privacy issues not bandwidth issues right? And that albert wasn't going to re-enable it until he figured out a way to opt-out?


Log said:

You realize this was removed for privacy issues not bandwidth issues right? And that albert wasn't going to re-enable it until he figured out a way to opt-out?

I'm not sure how this one feature is a privacy concern when none of these are considered to be:

  • Viewing a user's favorites by going to their profile.
  • Viewing a user's favorites by searching for fav:name.
  • Installing RaisingK's userscript, which also brings back the favorited users list.

Note that all of the above three are available to anyone who cares to use them. The favorite list I added is available only to Gold+, which makes it seem like less of a privacy concern than those are.

But if Albert disagrees and thinks that this is more serious, then he can always revert my change, and I won't object.

Edit: Log and RaisingK's posts were deleted, I guess.

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