post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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  • On post histories, obsolete (ie. later undone) changes will have a black +/- as well as a darker coloring.

Also, Albert brought back source:pixiv/ and added pixiv_id: a few days ago.

Best as I can tell, this issue is not reported on Github.

Inconsistency with old site:
Long tag list on Subscription view pushes page navigation to bottom of tag list (below Related block). (Previously it always appeared below thumbnails.)

Tested on OSX in Chrome 26.0, Firefox 18, and Safari 6. Seems to be clearly a page layout issue.

Keyboard shortcuts are fine, but I honestly can't think of a justifiable reason why the navigation controls shouldn't be (duplicated?) above the thumbnails. There's still abundant whitespace. Why should the cursor need to travel down to the bottom of the window, when the rest of the site control bar is at the top?

neosubmarino said:

Not sure if this is a difference between danbo1&2.

In post #1389617

Did users below Janitor level ever have the ability to delete images they uploaded? I don't remember that. (Unless he means asking a Janitor+ to delete it, which is still possible.)

^ he must be thinking about flagging status:pending posts before, but that option is disabled as of now. the uploader can still post a comment below the post to delete it and hopefully a mod will took notice.

EB said:

I added d; to post #1381333 and yet for some reason it didn't add open_mouth and wink despite an implication being in place. I did an edit later (with no tag changes) and it worked that time. Anyone else experience something like this with an implicated tag?

I recently experienced something similar, but for an alias not taking effect instead of an implication. I haven't been able to purposefully reproduce it yet, though.

Toks said:

But I think name of the issue is slightly darker if it's updated. Still less noticeable than the blue dot, but it's workable.

I found it. Lol, the difference is text color (#333333 vs #555555) and background color (#F9F9F9 vs #FCFCFC). I can't say my display calibration is perfect, but it's good enough, and I can barely see the difference. Oh the horrors, good thing that userstyles exist.
.issues-list > ul > li.unread { ... !important} works, at least for closed&unread, don't have any open&unread yet.


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