
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

dynaman said:

post #4794752
What's wrong with this one? I think the art is good enough and consistent with the artist's other approved work.

I don't think the post you uploaded is of the same quality as this artist's previous post #4787709. Compare the background description or the representation of other objects. As it may sound a bit cold-hearted, the post #4794752 post is not remarkable at all except for her face.

OrbitUwU said:

I’m just wanting to have some clarification on why one of my uploads got deleted, what was the reason for its’ deletion? Hope whoever gets around to answering this has a nice day! ✨🌸

What was the upload?

Sproq981 said:

post #4818963

Now this one I'm drawing a blank on. I literally can't find any problem with this one. Are the proportions off somehow?

Are the hips too wide? Because I've seen the show and her hips are pretty close to what's on the piece.

As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with the image, but it is from an American copyright and the art style looks rather western even though the artist is Japanese.

Mushi191 said:

post #4813439

I'm curious as to why this was not approved. The quality is not different from the artist's other works and it is a follow up to a previous artwork. While the previous one was approved, the follow up comic has not been approved.

Since the approvers evaluate each picture, there is no guarantee that they will be able to get approval just because the picture above picture follows.

Cluless said:

post #4819390
What are the negatives and positives of this picture?

Bad Anatomy?
Bad Colouring?
Bad Shading and Lighting?
Bad Lineart?
Bad perspective?
Too much going on in the image?

First, it is strange that the moonlight shines from behind, but there is no shade on the face. Second, it seems strange if her eyes are the same size unless her neck is turned at all.

AkaringoP. said:

First, it is strange that the moonlight shines from behind, but there is no shade on the face. Second, it seems strange if her eyes are the same size unless her neck is turned at all.

So an error with the lighting and shadows and a perspective error with the eyes...