
The Fate/Grand Retagging Project

Posted under Tags

Username_Hidden said:

They're too different aesthetic-wise to warrant a sakura tag imo.
It'd be akin to tagging archer and emiya shirou together, since they're the same person.

Pls read the material, despite Kama is a difference existence to Sakura, he does use her body as vessel, so no matter what she was there when ever Kama appeared. Not like BB is an alter ego of nurse Sakura, Sakura was there with Kama. Our rules is tag what we see, and i see sakura appear, i think it is a damm solid reason to tag her in whenever we tag kama

anhdunghisinh said:

Pls read the material, despite Kama is a difference existence to Sakura, he does use her body as vessel, so no matter what she was there when ever Kama appeared. Not like BB is an alter ego of nurse Sakura, Sakura was there with Kama. Our rules is tag what we see, and i see sakura appear, i think it is a damm solid reason to tag her in whenever we tag kama

I know Kama's relationship with Sakura, and i don't agree with your proposition.
I do think it's best to wait for this BUR's completition before discussing eventual implications and so on.

@Astolfo I want to mention for the BUR that sengo muramasa (fate) should be changed/aliased to senji muramasa (fate) because in his My Room dialogue, he identifies himself as Senji rather than Sengo. Now that he's been released as an official Servant, and has thus transcended his origin as a Craft Essence character, this is gonna make dealing with the Limited/Zero Over CE tag an even more annoying can of worms to deal with. I would like to see the status of the BUR first though before debating anything, as having it rejected a second time means there's a huge problem we must be overlooking, and that worries me even more than nitpicking each character's tag.

Username_Hidden said:

Why has it not passed? There wasn't any strong point against it, and there was mostly a positive reception.

Maybe because rename BURs aren't allowed for tags with over 200 images? But I don't know if it counts for chartags too.

Does this mean the BUR should be adapted to exclude chartags with over 200 images, or to change those to aliases instead? I wouldn't mind taking another look at it, but at the same time, I'm getting sick of the same BUR being rejected twice in a row, and a third time would be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. There doesn't appear to be any negative reception toward it, and yet it keeps being rejected each time for whatever mysterious reason.

The only thing this whole exercise has concluded for me is that any future chartags in the Fate universe should just have a *_(fate) qualifier going forward, like what I did with kiichi hougen (fate) most recently.

nonamethanks said:

No, BURs created before the limit was implemented are not affected, since the check is only applied on creation and edit. I think it got rejected because there's been six pages of discussion and no clear result.

That was supposed to be the "first step", and most people agreed with it. What was going to happen after that was to be discussed afterwards.

I'll be honest. I haven't read most of this thread because it's an absolute nightmare to follow.

If you want your requests approved, make them easy to approve:

  • Don't put a million tags in one request. If your request has 300 tags, that's 300 things everyone needs to agree on, 300 things I need to verify, and 300 wikis I need to review and update by hand afterwards (plus all the wikis linking to those wikis on top of that).
  • Don't do multiple types of changes in one request. Don't try to fix the entire Fate franchise in one request. Do one change at a time. I can't approve a request that does 5 different things at once when people are arguing over it in 5 different directions.
  • Keep your arguments short and simple. If I have to read pages and pages of dense walls of text stretching across multiple threads, and I need a PhD in Fate studies to understand what you're talking about, you're going to have a bad time.

I see at least 5 different types of requests here:

  • Change copyright qualifiers from *_(fate/grand_order) et al to *_(fate). This is fine, but don't pack it in with a bunch of unrelated changes.
  • Add *_(fate) qualifiers to various characters without qualifiers (e.g. Archer -> Archer (Fate)). This is fine, I guess, my only qualm is that it makes some tags longer when they weren't even that ambiguous before.
  • Remove *_(all) qualifiers (e.g. Medb (Fate) (all) -> Medb (Fate)). This is fine by me, I hate *_(all) tags.
  • Various class name to real name changes (e.g. Lancer -> Cu Chulainn (Fate/Stay Night), Saber -> Artoria Pendragon (Fate)). This is fine, I guess. I'm not knowledgeable enough about this to have a strong opinion. Just don't put a bunch of controversial name changes in one request. The more things there are for people to disagree with, the harder it is to approve.
  • Various implications changes. Do these separately, I can't tell what's going on here (if you're trying to move implications, know that they're automatically moved by aliases/renames).

Most of these requests are reasonable by themselves, but please, for the sake of my sanity, do it one step at a time.

Most of these requests are reasonable by themselves, but please, for the sake of my sanity, do it one step at a time.

@evazion I apologize for how convoluted the BURs have been for you. Believe me, the series itself has not made it easy for us to figure out how to tag them here, and Fate/Grand Order continuously strives to make things worse for us.

Anyway, I picked through the second BUR that @Astolfo made and sorted the simpler rename requests into alphabetical chunks that can be requested individually. I'll just post the tentative list, excluding the complicated tags that need further discussion, and see if you're satisfied with managing several smaller BURs one at a time. I'm not sure of what you consider a manageable request size, and certain letters are far more populated than others. I did a count of how many tags would be in each BUR, so let me know if you want to shrink these even further.

ADDENDUM: Shoot, I just realized that posts with 200+ posts would warrant an alias rather than a rename. I was so engrossed with sorting everything into alphabetical chunks that I neglected to address that. Would this mean I'd have to filter out the aliases from all of these renames and make new BURs for those?

BUR – RENAME A – Ca (50 tags)

rename abigail_williams_(fate/grand_order) -> abigail_williams_(fate)
rename alcides_(fate/strange_fake) -> alcides_(fate)
rename alice_(fate/extra) -> alice_(fate)
rename anne_bonny_(fate/grand_order) -> anne_bonny_(fate)
rename antonio_salieri_(fate/grand_order) -> antonio_salieri_(fate)
rename archer -> archer_(fate/stay_night)
rename archer_(prisma_illya) -> archer_(fate/kaleid_liner)
rename archer_alter -> archer_(alter)_(fate/grand_order:_first_order)
rename archer_class_(fate/stay_night) -> archer_class_(fate)
rename archer_(fate/prototype) -> gilgamesh_(fate/prototype)
rename archer's_master_(fate/prototype) -> gilgamesh's_master_(fate/prototype)
rename arjuna_(fate/grand_order) -> arjuna_(fate)
rename arjuna_alter -> arjuna_(alter)_(fate)
rename arondight -> arondight_(fate)
rename artemis_(fate/grand_order) -> artemis_(fate)
rename arthur_pendragon_alter_(fate) -> arthur_pendragon_(alter)_(fate)
rename ashwatthama_(fate/grand_order) -> ashwatthama_(fate)
rename assassin_(fate/stay_night) -> sasaki_kojirou_(fate)
rename assassin_class_(fate/stay_night) -> assassin_class_(fate)
rename asterios_(fate/grand_order) -> asterios_(fate)
rename astraea_(fate/grand_order) -> astraea_(fate)
rename avalon_(fate/stay_night) -> avalon_(fate)
rename avenger -> angra_mainyu_(fate)
rename avenger_class_(fate/stay_night) -> avenger_class_(fate)
rename balmung_(fate/apocrypha) -> balmung_(fate)
rename bartholomew_roberts_(fate/grand_order) -> bartholomew_roberts_(fate)
rename bedivere -> bedivere_(fate)
rename bellerophon -> bellerophon_(fate)
rename benienma_(fate/grand_order) -> benienma_(fate)
rename beowulf_(fate/grand_order) -> beowulf_(fate)
rename berserker -> heracles_(fate)
rename berserker_(fate/strange_fake) -> jack_the_ripper_(fate/strange_fake)
rename berserker_class_(fate/stay_night) -> berserker_class_(fate)
rename billy_the_kid_(fate/grand_order) -> billy_the_kid_(fate)
rename black_keys -> black_keys_(fate)
rename boudica_(fate/grand_order) -> boudica_(fate)
rename bradamante_(fate/grand_order) -> bradamante_(fate)
rename bucephalus -> bucephalus_(fate)
rename caladbolg -> caladbolg_(fate)
rename calamity_jane_(fate/grand_order) -> calamity_jane_(fate)
rename caliburn -> caliburn_(fate)
rename caligula_(fate/grand_order) -> caligula_(fate)
rename captain_nemo_(fate/grand_order) -> captain_nemo_(fate)
rename carmilla_(fate/grand_order) -> carmilla_(fate)
rename caster -> medea_(fate)
rename caster_lily -> medea_(lily)_(fate)
rename caster_(fate/strange_fake) -> alexandre_dumas_(fate)
rename caster_(fate/zero) -> gilles_de_rais_(fate/zero)
rename caster_class_(fate/stay_night) -> caster_class_(fate)
rename castor_(fate/grand_order) -> castor_(fate)

BUR – RENAME Ch – G (50 tags)

rename chacha_(fate/grand_order) -> chacha_(fate)
rename charles_babbage_(fate/grand_order) -> charles_babbage_(fate)
rename charles_henri_sanson_(fate/grand_order) -> charles-henri_sanson_(fate)
rename charlotte_corday_(fate/grand_order) -> charlotte_corday_(fate)
rename chevalier_d'eon_(fate/grand_order) -> chevalier_d’eon_(fate)
rename child_gilgamesh -> child_gilgamesh_(fate)
rename christopher_columbus_(fate/grand_order) -> christopher_columbus_(fate)
rename circe_(fate/grand_order) -> circe_(fate)
rename clarent -> clarent_(fate)
rename cleopatra_(fate/grand_order) -> cleopatra_(fate)
rename colonel_olcott_(fate/grand_order) -> colonel_olcott_(fate)
rename cu_chulainn_(fate/grand_order) -> cu_chulainn_(caster)_(fate)
rename cu_chulainn_alter_(fate/grand_order) -> cu_chulainn_(alter)_(fate)
rename dahut_(fate/grand_order) -> dahut_(fate)
rename darius_iii_(fate/grand_order) -> darius_iii_(fate)
rename david_(fate/grand_order) -> david_(fate)
rename demeter_(fate/grand_order) -> demeter_(fate)
rename demon_pillar_(fate/grand_order) -> demon_pillar_(fate)
rename dun_stallion -> dun_stallion_(fate)
rename ea_(fate/stay_night) -> ea_(fate)
rename edmond_dantes_(fate/grand_order) -> edmond_dantes_(fate)
rename edward_teach_(fate/grand_order) -> edward_teach_(fate)
rename elixir_of_love_(fate/grand_order) -> elixir_of_love_(fate)
rename emiya_alter -> emiya_(alter)_(fate)
rename enki_(fate/prototype) -> enki_(fate)
rename enkidu_(fate/strange_fake) -> enkidu_(fate)
rename enkidu_(weapon) -> enkidu_(weapon)_(fate)
rename ereshkigal_(fate/grand_order) -> ereshkigal_(fate)
rename eric_bloodaxe_(fate/grand_order) -> eric_bloodaxe_(fate)
rename europa_(fate/grand_order) -> europa_(fate)
rename euryale -> euryale_(fate)
rename excalibur -> excalibur_(fate/stay_night)
rename excalibur_morgan -> excalibur_morgan_(fate)
rename excalibur_galatine -> excalibur_galatine_(fate)
rename fergus_mac_roich_(fate/grand_order) -> fergus_mac_roich_(fate)
rename fergus_mac_roich_(young)_(fate/grand_order) -> fergus_mac_roich_(young)_(fate)
rename florence_nightingale_(fate/grand_order) -> florence_nightingale_(fate)
rename florence_nightingale_santa_(fate/grand_order) -> florence_nightingale_(santa)_(fate)
rename fou_(fate/grand_order) -> fou_(fate)
rename fragarach -> fragarach_(fate)
rename fuuma_kotarou_(fate/grand_order) -> fuuma_kotarou_(fate)
rename gae_bolg -> gae_bolg_(fate)
rename galahad_alter -> galahad_(alter)_(fate)
rename gareth_(fate/grand_order) -> gareth_(fate)
rename gawain_(fate/extra) -> gawain_(fate)
rename gazer_(fate/grand_order) -> gazer_(fate)
rename geronimo_(fate/grand_order) -> geronimo_(fate)
rename gilgamesh -> gilgamesh_(fate/stay_night)
rename goetia_(fate/grand_order) -> goetia_(fate)
rename grainne -> grainne_(fate)

BUR – RENAME H – L (44 tags)

rename han_xin_(fate/grand_order) -> han_xin_(fate)
rename hans_christian_andersen_(fate)_(adult) -> hans_christian_andersen_(adult)_(fate)
rename hector_(fate/grand_order) -> hector_(fate)
rename helena_blavatsky_(fate/grand_order) -> helena_blavatsky_(fate)
rename hessian_(fate/grand_order) -> hessian_(fate)
rename hijikata_toshizou_(fate/grand_order) -> hijikata_toshizou_(fate)
rename houzouin_inshun_(fate/grand_order) -> houzouin_inshun_(fate)
rename ibaraki_douji_(fate/grand_order) -> ibaraki_douji_(fate)
rename ifrit_(fate/grand_order) -> efreet_(fate)
rename invisible_air -> invisible_air_(fate)
rename ishtar_(fate/grand_order) -> ishtar_(fate)
rename ivan_the_terrible_(fate/grand_order) -> ivan_the_terrible_(fate)
rename jaguarman_(fate/grand_order) -> jaguarman_(fate)
rename james_moriarty_(fate/grand_order) -> james_moriarty_(fate)
rename jason_(fate/grand_order) -> jason_(fate)
rename jeanne_d'arc_(swimsuit_archer) -> jeanne_d'arc_(swimsuit_archer)_(fate)
rename jeanne_d'arc_(alter_swimsuit_berserker) -> jeanne_d'arc_(alter_swimsuit_berserker)_(fate)
rename jing_ke_(fate/grand_order) -> jing_ke_(fate)
rename joyeuse_ordre -> joyeuse_ordre_(fate)
rename julius_caesar_(fate/grand_order) -> julius_caesar_(fate)
rename kama_(fate/grand_order) -> kama_(fate)
rename karin_(fate/requiem) -> karin_(fate)
rename katsushika_hokusai_(fate/grand_order) -> katsushika_hokusai_(fate)
rename kasuga_no_tsubone_(fate/grand_order) -> kasuga_no_tsubone_(fate)
rename katou_danzou_(fate/grand_order) -> katou_danzou_(fate)
rename king_hassan_(fate/grand_order) -> king_hassan_(fate)
rename kiyohime_(fate/grand_order) -> kiyohime_(fate)
rename kobayashi_(fate/zero) -> kobayashi_(fate)
rename kotone_(fate/zero) -> kotone_(fate)
rename koyanskaya -> koyanskaya_(fate)
rename lahmu -> lahmu_(fate)
rename lakshmibai_(fate/grand_order) -> lakshmibai_(fate)
rename lancer -> cu_chulainn_(fate/stay_night)
rename lancer_(prisma_illya) -> cu_chulainn_(fate/kaleid_liner)
rename lancer_class_(fate/stay_night) -> lancer_class_(fate)
rename lavinia_whateley_(fate/grand_order) -> lavinia_whateley_(fate)
rename leonardo_da_vinci_(fate/grand_order) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
rename leonidas_(fate/grand_order) -> leonidas_(fate)
rename leysritt -> leysritt_(fate)
rename li_shuwen_(fate/grand_order) -> li_shuwen_(young_lancer)_(fate)
rename li_shuwen_(koha-ace) -> li_shuwen_(old_lancer)_(fate)
rename li_shuwen_(fate) -> li_shuwen_(young_assassin)_(fate)
rename imperial_head_guard_(fate/grand_order) -> li_shuwen_(old_assassin)_(fate)
rename lobo_(fate/grand_order) -> lobo_(fate)

BUR – RENAME M – Q (46 tags)

rename mandricardo_(fate/grand_order) -> mandricardo_(fate)
rename marie_antoinette_(fate/grand_order) -> marie_antoinette_(fate)
rename marie_antoinette_(alter)_(fate/grand_order) -> marie_antoinette_(alter)_(fate)
rename mary_read_(fate/grand_order) -> mary_read_(fate)
rename mata_hari_(fate/grand_order) -> mata_hari_(fate)
rename matsudaira_nobutsuna_(fate/grand_order) -> matsudaira_nobutsuna_(fate)
rename medjed -> medjed_(fate)
rename medusa_(lancer_alter)_(fate) -> medusa_(alter)_(fate/grand_order:_first_order)
rename mephistopheles_(fate/grand_order) -> mephistopheles_(fate)
rename merlin_(fate) -> merlin_(fate/stay_night)
rename minamoto_no_raikou_(fate/grand_order) -> minamoto_no_raikou_(fate)
rename mithrenes -> mithrenes_(fate)
rename miyamoto_musashi_(fate/grand_order) -> miyamoto_musashi_(fate)
rename mochizuki_chiyome_(fate/grand_order) -> mochizuki_chiyome_(fate)
rename moses_(fate/prototype_fragments) -> moses_(fate)
rename musashibo_benkei_(fate/grand_order) -> musashibo_benkei_(fate)
rename mysterious_heroine_x -> mysterious_heroine_x_(fate)
rename mysterious_heroine_x_(alter) -> mysterious_heroine_x_(alter)_(fate)
rename mysterious_heroine_xx_(foreigner) -> mysterious_heroine_xx_(fate)
rename naga_(fate/grand_order) -> naga_(fate)
rename nameless_dagger -> nameless_dagger_(fate)
rename napoleon_bonaparte_(fate/grand_order) -> napoleon_bonaparte_(fate)
rename nefertari_(fate/prototype_fragments) -> nefertari_(fate)
rename nezha_(fate/grand_order) -> nezha_(fate)
rename nikola_tesla_(fate/grand_order) -> nikola_tesla_(fate)
rename nitocris_(fate/grand_order) -> nitocris_(fate)
rename nursery_rhyme_(fate/extra) -> nursery_rhyme_(fate)
rename oda_nobukatsu_(fate/grand_order) -> oda_nobukatsu_(fate)
rename odysseus_(fate/grand_order) -> odysseus_(fate)
rename okada_izou_(dog) -> okada_izou_(dog)_(fate)
rename onui_(fate/grand_order) -> onui_(fate)
rename oprichnik_(fate/grand_order) -> oprichnik_(fate)
rename orion_(fate/grand_order) -> orion_(bear)_(fate)
rename osakabe-hime_(fate/grand_order) -> osakabe-hime_(fate)
rename ougi_(fate/zero) -> ougi_(fate)
rename paris_(fate/grand_order) -> paris_(fate)
rename parvati_(fate/grand_order) -> parvati_(fate)
rename patxi -> patxi_(fate)
rename paul_bunyan_(fate/grand_order) -> paul_bunyan_(fate)
rename penthesilea_(fate/grand_order) -> penthesilea_(fate)
rename phantom_of_the_opera_(fate/grand_order) -> phantom_of_the_opera_(fate)
rename photon_ray -> photon_ray_(fate)
rename pollux_(fate/grand_order) -> pollux_(fate)
rename qin_shi_huang_(fate/grand_order) -> qin_shi_huang_(fate)
rename queen_of_sheba_(fate/grand_order) -> queen_of_sheba_(fate)
rename quetzalcoatl_(fate/grand_order) -> quetzalcoatl_(fate)

BUR – RENAME R & S (40 tags)

rename rama_(fate/grand_order) -> rama_(fate)
rename rasputin_(fate/grand_order) -> rasputin_(fate)
rename red_hare_(fate/grand_order) -> red_hare_(fate)
rename rider_(fate/strange_fake) -> pale_rider_(fate)
rename rider_class_(fate/stay_night) -> rider_class_(fate)
rename rhongomyniad -> rhongomyniad_(fate)
rename roland_(fate/grand_order) -> roland_(fate)
rename rohngall -> rohngall_(fate)
rename romulus_(fate/grand_order) -> romulus_(fate)
rename romulus_quirinus_(fate/grand_order) -> romulus_quirinus_(fate)
rename saber_(fate/strange_fake) -> richard_i_(fate)
rename saber_class_(fate/stay_night) -> saber_class_(fate)
rename saint_george_(fate/grand_order) -> georgios_(fate)
remove implication saint_martha_(swimsuit_ruler)_(fate) -> saint_martha
rename saint_martha -> martha_(fate)
rename saint_martha_(swimsuit_ruler)_(fate) -> martha_(swimsuit_ruler)_(fate)
rename sakata_kintoki_(fate/grand_order) -> sakata_kintoki_(fate)
rename sakata_kintoki_rider_(fate/grand_order) -> sakata_kintoki_(rider)_(fate)
rename salome_(fate/grand_order) -> salome_(fate)
rename saver -> saver_(fate/prototype)
rename scathach_skadi_(fate/grand_order) -> scathach_skadi_(fate)
rename scheherazade_(fate/grand_order) -> scheherazade_(fate)
rename sella -> sella_(fate)
rename sengo_muramasa_(fate) -> senji_muramasa_(fate)
rename shamhat -> shamhat_(fate)
rename sherlock_holmes_(fate/grand_order) -> sherlock_holmes_(fate)
rename shibata_katsuie_(fate/grand_order) -> shibata_katsuie_(fate)
rename shirley_(fate/zero) -> shirley_(fate)
rename shuten_douji_(fate/grand_order) -> shuten_douji_(fate)
rename siduri_(fate/grand_order) -> siduri_(fate)
rename sieg_(fate/apocrypha) -> sieg_(fate)
rename sigma_(fate/strange_fake) -> sigma_(fate)
rename sigurd_(fate/grand_order) -> sigurd_(fate)
rename sita_(fate/grand_order) -> sita_(fate)
rename sitonai -> sitonai_(fate)
rename solomon_(fate/grand_order) -> solomon_(fate)
rename spriggan_(fate/grand_order) -> spriggan_(fate)
rename stheno -> stheno_(fate)
rename summer_casual_(fate/grand_order) -> summer_casual_(fate)
rename surtr_(fate/grand_order) -> surtr_(fate)

BUR – RENAME T – Z (32 tags)

rename tanaka_(fate/kaleid_liner) -> tanaka_(fate)
rename tasuke_(fate/grand_order) -> tasuke_(fate)
rename tawara_touta_(fate/grand_order) -> tawara_touta_(fate)
rename thomas_edison_(fate/grand_order) -> thomas_edison_(fate)
rename tiamat_(fate/grand_order) -> tiamat_(fate)
rename tristan_(fate/grand_order) -> tristan_(fate)
rename true_assassin -> hassan_of_cursed_arm_(fate)
rename true_caster -> francois_prelati_(fate)
rename true_rider -> hippolyta_(fate)
rename tokitarou_(fate/grand_order) -> tokitarou_(fate)
rename tomoe_gozen_(fate/grand_order) -> tomoe_gozen_(fate)
rename tool_(fate/apocrypha) -> toole_(fate)
rename toyotomi_hideyoshi_(koha-ace) -> toyotomi_hideyoshi_(fate)
rename twinmyniad -> twinmyniad_(fate)
rename valkyrie_(fate/grand_order) -> valkyrie_(fate)
rename ortlinde_(fate/grand_order) -> ortlinde_(fate)
rename hildr_(fate/grand_order) -> hildr_(fate)
rename thrud_(fate/grand_order) -> thrud_(fate)
rename trimmau -> trimmau_(fate)
rename violet_(fate/extra_ccc) -> violet_(fate)
rename viy -> viy_(fate)
rename voyager_(fate/requiem) -> voyager_(fate)
rename watcher_(fate/strange_fake) -> watcher_(fate)
rename william_tell_(fate/grand_order) -> william_tell_(fate)
rename wolfgang_amadeus_mozart_(fate/grand_order) -> wolfgang_amadeus_mozart_(fate)
rename wu_zetian_(fate/grand_order) -> wu_zetian_(fate)
rename xiang_yu_(fate/grand_order) -> xiang_yu_(fate)
rename xuanzang_(fate/grand_order) -> xuangzang_sanzang_(fate)
rename yagyuu_munenori_(fate/grand_order) -> yagyuu_munenori_(fate)
rename yan_qing_(fate/grand_order) -> yan_qing_(fate)
rename yang_guifei_(fate/grand_order) -> yang_guifei_(fate)


By one thing at a time, I mean like this:

rename abigail_williams_(fate/grand_order) -> abigail_williams_(fate)
rename anne_bonny_(fate/grand_order) -> anne_bonny_(fate)
rename antonio_salieri_(fate/grand_order) -> antonio_salieri_(fate)
rename ashwatthama_(fate/grand_order) -> ashwatthama_(fate)
rename asterios_(fate/grand_order) -> asterios_(fate)
rename astraea_(fate/grand_order) -> astraea_(fate)
rename caligula_(fate/grand_order) -> caligula_(fate)
rename castor_(fate/grand_order) -> castor_(fate)
rename bedivere -> bedivere_(fate)
rename bellerophon -> bellerophon_(fate)
rename black_keys -> black_keys_(fate)
rename bucephalus -> bucephalus_(fate)
rename caladbolg -> caladbolg_(fate)
rename caliburn -> caliburn_(fate)
rename viy -> viy_(fate)
rename archer_alter -> archer_(alter)
rename arjuna_alter -> arjuna_(alter)
rename arthur_pendragon_alter_(fate) -> arthur_pendragon_(alter)_(fate)
rename emiya_alter -> emiya_(alter)
rename galahad_alter -> galahad_(alter)

Each one of these is single, self-contained, self-explanatory request. Each one does exactly one thing at a time. This is easy to understand, easy to vote on, and easy to discuss.

A request like this is still doing too much at once:


rename abigail_williams_(fate/grand_order) -> abigail_williams_(fate)
rename alcides_(fate/strange_fake) -> alcides_(fate)
rename alice_(fate/extra) -> alice_(fate)
rename anne_bonny_(fate/grand_order) -> anne_bonny_(fate)
rename antonio_salieri_(fate/grand_order) -> antonio_salieri_(fate)
rename archer -> archer_(fate/stay_night)
rename archer_(prisma_illya) -> archer_(fate/kaleid_liner)
rename archer_alter -> archer_(alter)_(fate/grand_order:_first_order)
rename archer_class_(fate/stay_night) -> archer_class_(fate)
rename archer_(fate/prototype) -> gilgamesh_(fate/prototype)
rename archer's_master_(fate/prototype) -> gilgamesh's_master_(fate/prototype)
rename arjuna_(fate/grand_order) -> arjuna_(fate)
rename arjuna_alter -> arjuna_(alter)_(fate)
rename arondight -> arondight_(fate)
rename artemis_(fate/grand_order) -> artemis_(fate)
rename arthur_pendragon_alter_(fate) -> arthur_pendragon_(alter)_(fate)
rename ashwatthama_(fate/grand_order) -> ashwatthama_(fate)
rename assassin_(fate/stay_night) -> sasaki_kojirou_(fate)
rename assassin_class_(fate/stay_night) -> assassin_class_(fate)
rename asterios_(fate/grand_order) -> asterios_(fate)
rename astraea_(fate/grand_order) -> astraea_(fate)
rename avalon_(fate/stay_night) -> avalon_(fate)
rename avenger -> angra_mainyu_(fate)
rename avenger_class_(fate/stay_night) -> avenger_class_(fate)
rename balmung_(fate/apocrypha) -> balmung_(fate)
rename bartholomew_roberts_(fate/grand_order) -> bartholomew_roberts_(fate)
rename bedivere -> bedivere_(fate)
rename bellerophon -> bellerophon_(fate)
rename benienma_(fate/grand_order) -> benienma_(fate)
rename beowulf_(fate/grand_order) -> beowulf_(fate)
rename berserker -> heracles_(fate)
rename berserker_(fate/strange_fake) -> jack_the_ripper_(fate/strange_fake)
rename berserker_class_(fate/stay_night) -> berserker_class_(fate)
rename billy_the_kid_(fate/grand_order) -> billy_the_kid_(fate)
rename black_keys -> black_keys_(fate)
rename boudica_(fate/grand_order) -> boudica_(fate)
rename bradamante_(fate/grand_order) -> bradamante_(fate)
rename bucephalus -> bucephalus_(fate)
rename caladbolg -> caladbolg_(fate)
rename calamity_jane_(fate/grand_order) -> calamity_jane_(fate)
rename caliburn -> caliburn_(fate)
rename caligula_(fate/grand_order) -> caligula_(fate)
rename captain_nemo_(fate/grand_order) -> captain_nemo_(fate)
rename carmilla_(fate/grand_order) -> carmilla_(fate)
rename caster -> medea_(fate)
rename caster_lily -> medea_(lily)_(fate)
rename caster_(fate/strange_fake) -> alexandre_dumas_(fate)
rename caster_(fate/zero) -> gilles_de_rais_(fate/zero)
rename caster_class_(fate/stay_night) -> caster_class_(fate)
rename castor_(fate/grand_order) -> castor_(fate)

We're changing multiple types of qualifiers, we're adding new qualifiers, we're changing entire names of major characters. The entire thing needs 100% agreement to be approved. Any doubt or any question about any part of it blocks the entire thing. Don't block your own request by making everyone agree on a bunch of different things at once. Get the easiest things out the way first, then tackle the more difficult things one thing at a time.

BUR #4510 has been approved by @evazion.


create alias arondight -> arondight_(fate)
create alias bedivere -> bedivere_(fate)
create alias bellerophon -> bellerophon_(fate)
create alias black_keys -> black_keys_(fate)
create alias bucephalus -> bucephalus_(fate)
create alias caladbolg -> caladbolg_(fate)
create alias caliburn -> caliburn_(fate)
create alias child_gilgamesh -> child_gilgamesh_(fate)
create alias clarent -> clarent_(fate)
create alias dun_stallion -> dun_stallion_(fate)
create alias enkidu_(weapon) -> enkidu_(weapon)_(fate)
create alias euryale -> euryale_(fate)
create alias excalibur_morgan -> excalibur_morgan_(fate)
create alias excalibur_galatine -> excalibur_galatine_(fate)
create alias fragarach -> fragarach_(fate)
create alias gae_bolg -> gae_bolg_(fate)
create alias grainne -> grainne_(fate)
create alias invisible_air -> invisible_air_(fate)
create alias joyeuse_ordre -> joyeuse_ordre_(fate)
create alias koyanskaya -> koyanskaya_(fate)
create alias lahmu -> lahmu_(fate)
create alias leysritt -> leysritt_(fate)
create alias medjed -> medjed_(fate)
create alias mithrenes -> mithrenes_(fate)
create alias nameless_dagger -> nameless_dagger_(fate)
create alias okada_izou_(dog) -> okada_izou_(dog)_(fate)
create alias patxi -> patxi_(fate)
create alias photon_ray -> photon_ray_(fate)
create alias rhongomyniad -> rhongomyniad_(fate)
create alias rohngall -> rohngall_(fate)
create alias sella -> sella_(fate)
create alias shamhat -> shamhat_(fate)
create alias sitonai -> sitonai_(fate)
create alias stheno -> stheno_(fate)
create alias twinmyniad -> twinmyniad_(fate)
create alias trimmau -> trimmau_(fate)
create alias viy -> viy_(fate)

Add *_(fate) qualifier to various unqualified tags.

BUR #4511 has been approved by @evazion.


create alias abigail_williams_(fate/grand_order) -> abigail_williams_(fate)
create alias anne_bonny_(fate/grand_order) -> anne_bonny_(fate)
create alias antonio_salieri_(fate/grand_order) -> antonio_salieri_(fate)
create alias arjuna_(fate/grand_order) -> arjuna_(fate)
create alias artemis_(fate/grand_order) -> artemis_(fate)
create alias ashwatthama_(fate/grand_order) -> ashwatthama_(fate)
create alias asterios_(fate/grand_order) -> asterios_(fate)
create alias astraea_(fate/grand_order) -> astraea_(fate)
create alias bartholomew_roberts_(fate/grand_order) -> bartholomew_roberts_(fate)
create alias benienma_(fate/grand_order) -> benienma_(fate)
create alias beowulf_(fate/grand_order) -> beowulf_(fate)
create alias billy_the_kid_(fate/grand_order) -> billy_the_kid_(fate)
create alias boudica_(fate/grand_order) -> boudica_(fate)
create alias bradamante_(fate/grand_order) -> bradamante_(fate)
create alias calamity_jane_(fate/grand_order) -> calamity_jane_(fate)
create alias caligula_(fate/grand_order) -> caligula_(fate)
create alias captain_nemo_(fate/grand_order) -> captain_nemo_(fate)
create alias carmilla_(fate/grand_order) -> carmilla_(fate)
create alias castor_(fate/grand_order) -> castor_(fate)
create alias chacha_(fate/grand_order) -> chacha_(fate)
create alias charles_babbage_(fate/grand_order) -> charles_babbage_(fate)
create alias charlotte_corday_(fate/grand_order) -> charlotte_corday_(fate)
create alias chevalier_d'eon_(fate/grand_order) -> chevalier_d'eon_(fate)
create alias christopher_columbus_(fate/grand_order) -> christopher_columbus_(fate)
create alias circe_(fate/grand_order) -> circe_(fate)
create alias cleopatra_(fate/grand_order) -> cleopatra_(fate)
create alias colonel_olcott_(fate/grand_order) -> colonel_olcott_(fate)
create alias dahut_(fate/grand_order) -> dahut_(fate)
create alias darius_iii_(fate/grand_order) -> darius_iii_(fate)
create alias david_(fate/grand_order) -> david_(fate)
create alias demeter_(fate/grand_order) -> demeter_(fate)
create alias demon_pillar_(fate/grand_order) -> demon_pillar_(fate)
create alias edmond_dantes_(fate/grand_order) -> edmond_dantes_(fate)
create alias edward_teach_(fate/grand_order) -> edward_teach_(fate)
create alias elixir_of_love_(fate/grand_order) -> elixir_of_love_(fate)
create alias ereshkigal_(fate/grand_order) -> ereshkigal_(fate)
create alias eric_bloodaxe_(fate/grand_order) -> eric_bloodaxe_(fate)
create alias europa_(fate/grand_order) -> europa_(fate)
create alias fergus_mac_roich_(fate/grand_order) -> fergus_mac_roich_(fate)
create alias fergus_mac_roich_(young)_(fate/grand_order) -> fergus_mac_roich_(young)_(fate)
create alias florence_nightingale_(fate/grand_order) -> florence_nightingale_(fate)
create alias fou_(fate/grand_order) -> fou_(fate)
create alias fuuma_kotarou_(fate/grand_order) -> fuuma_kotarou_(fate)
create alias gareth_(fate/grand_order) -> gareth_(fate)
create alias gazer_(fate/grand_order) -> gazer_(fate)
create alias geronimo_(fate/grand_order) -> geronimo_(fate)
create alias goetia_(fate/grand_order) -> goetia_(fate)
create alias han_xin_(fate/grand_order) -> han_xin_(fate)
create alias hector_(fate/grand_order) -> hector_(fate)
create alias helena_blavatsky_(fate/grand_order) -> helena_blavatsky_(fate)
create alias hessian_(fate/grand_order) -> hessian_(fate)
create alias hijikata_toshizou_(fate/grand_order) -> hijikata_toshizou_(fate)
create alias houzouin_inshun_(fate/grand_order) -> houzouin_inshun_(fate)
create alias ibaraki_douji_(fate/grand_order) -> ibaraki_douji_(fate)
create alias ishtar_(fate/grand_order) -> ishtar_(fate)
create alias ivan_the_terrible_(fate/grand_order) -> ivan_the_terrible_(fate)
create alias jaguarman_(fate/grand_order) -> jaguarman_(fate)
create alias james_moriarty_(fate/grand_order) -> james_moriarty_(fate)
create alias jason_(fate/grand_order) -> jason_(fate)
create alias jing_ke_(fate/grand_order) -> jing_ke_(fate)
create alias julius_caesar_(fate/grand_order) -> julius_caesar_(fate)
create alias kama_(fate/grand_order) -> kama_(fate)
create alias katsushika_hokusai_(fate/grand_order) -> katsushika_hokusai_(fate)
create alias kasuga_no_tsubone_(fate/grand_order) -> kasuga_no_tsubone_(fate)
create alias katou_danzou_(fate/grand_order) -> katou_danzou_(fate)
create alias king_hassan_(fate/grand_order) -> king_hassan_(fate)
create alias kiyohime_(fate/grand_order) -> kiyohime_(fate)
create alias lakshmibai_(fate/grand_order) -> lakshmibai_(fate)
create alias lavinia_whateley_(fate/grand_order) -> lavinia_whateley_(fate)
create alias leonardo_da_vinci_(fate/grand_order) -> leonardo_da_vinci_(fate)
create alias leonidas_(fate/grand_order) -> leonidas_(fate)

Change *_(fate/grand_order) to *_(fate). This changes only the qualifier, nothing else.

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