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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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budoka_azathoth said:

the forum is still falsely showing "new" on arbitrary topics for me. Even if I mark all as read, they claim to have new posts moments later.

What does "moments later" mean? Mark all as read works at first, but then a few seconds later the topics spontaneously go back to not being read? That shouldn't be possible at all, unless the topics actually did get new posts (or were edited) in those few seconds.


Hillside_Moose said:

Somehow all of the threads that jxh2154 posted in were marked as read despite not touching them. Was it because I entered the forum and left without reading the threads?

No, that shouldn't affect anything.

For me it's the opposite. All threads that jxh2154 responded in are now again unread even though I first read 90% of them and then pressed the mark all as read link (about 10 hours ago).
The only topics unaffected (still read) are those he didn't respond in (KlK spoiler thread, ninja vs kunoichi thread)

Toks said:

What does "moments later" mean? Mark all as read works at first, but then a few seconds later the topics spontaneously go back to not being read? That shouldn't be possible at all, unless the topics actually did get new posts (or were edited) in those few seconds.

Around five minutes. Yes, exactly that happened.

Seems to be OK now, though. Didn't it use to be that when you read a topic, all the ones under it are marked as read, too? Now it only marks the ones I actually open and read.

budoka_azathoth said:

Seems to be OK now, though. Didn't it use to be that when you read a topic, all the ones under it are marked as read, too? Now it only marks the ones I actually open and read.

Yes it was changed a couple weeks ago, it's supposed to be separated for each topic now.

desadoc said:

I'd like to report a bug. I can't favorite this: post #1646735
I see the popup stating that the post was favorited, but it wasn't.

Does it work if you disable all your userscripts/add-ons? Does it work if you use a different browser? Do you have javascript enabled in your browser?

Toks said:

Does it work if you disable all your userscripts/add-ons? Does it work if you use a different browser? Do you have javascript enabled in your browser?

I tried to disable my addons, same result. No, it doesn't, and I tried chrome, firefox and ie8. Yes I do. I can favorite other posts normally, this is the only one which I noticed that I can't.

desadoc said:

I tried to disable my addons, same result. No, it doesn't, and I tried chrome, firefox and ie8. Yes I do. I can favorite other posts normally, this is the only one which I noticed that I can't.

It looks like you actually did favorite the post somewhat, as the post does show up on your favorites page here, hence why it won't let you favorite it again. But it must have timed out partway through or something as it's only half-favorited; the post doesn't realize you favorited it so your name doesn't appear in the favorite list, and searching for fav:desadoc won't return it.

I think this should work to fix it: Click Favorite on the post, which won't do anything as you know. Then click Unfavorite when it appears to unfavorite the post. Now click Favorite again and you should have fully favorited the image this time, hopefully.

Toks said:

It looks like you actually did favorite the post somewhat, as the post does show up on your favorites page here, hence why it won't let you favorite it again. But it must have timed out partway through or something as it's only half-favorited; the post doesn't realize you favorited it so your name doesn't appear in the favorite list, and searching for fav:desadoc won't return it.

I think this should work to fix it: Click Favorite on the post, which won't do anything as you know. Then click Unfavorite when it appears to unfavorite the post. Now click Favorite again and you should have fully favorited the image this time, hopefully.

It worked! Thanks!

D'Eye said:

I wonder if Danbooru is/was affected by the Heartbleed bug. Could the recent maintenance be related to it?

This page let's you test if a site is affected by the bug or not. I tested Danbooru when the bug was first announced and it was affected. But it seems to be fixed now.

I don't think the maintenance was related to it as Danbooru was already fixed yesterday, before the maintenance. I think the maintenance was because Albert updated postgres. It also might have been related to the new built-in IQDB feature.

Toks said:

This page let's you test if a site is affected by the bug or not. I tested Danbooru when the bug was first announced and it was affected. But it seems to be fixed now.

I don't think the maintenance was related to it as Danbooru was already fixed yesterday, before the maintenance. I think the maintenance was because Albert updated postgres. It also might have been related to the new built-in IQDB feature.

Glad to hear this. Though, I must add that updating OpenSSL isn't enough; it would be wise to replace the server certificates as well (just in case). Anyway, thanks for the info.

P.S.: I'll just leave this here: NSA Said to Exploit Heartbleed Bug for Intelligence for Years

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