post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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I've noticed a new kind of gif that looks like it's one thing as a thumbnail, but when you load it, it changes into something else. These kinds of gifs seem like they'd be a great way to abuse people browsing galleries. If nothing else, it could get very annoying seeing them used with any sort of frequency.

Basically I wanted to see one thing, I got something else because someone wanted to be "clever" using a crude trick.

Steak said:

I've noticed a new kind of gif that looks like it's one thing as a thumbnail, but when you load it, it changes into something else. These kinds of gifs seem like they'd be a great way to abuse people browsing galleries. If nothing else, it could get very annoying seeing them used with any sort of frequency.

Basically I wanted to see one thing, I got something else because someone wanted to be "clever" using a crude trick.

Which post are you talking about?

Famenag said:

I recently cleaned my cookies on Chrome, which led to the "Read the rules before proceeding!" popup appearing. When I accept the terms however, an error screen appears saying "That page does not exist".

I can't get rid of this popup until the page exists in some way.

It's a known bug. See above.

UPDATE: Finally, the annoying message is gone.


Because the automatic notification suddenly started being posted with both of our admins' names for some reason. One for jxh and one for albert.
Judging from more recent timeout deletions, it was already taken care of and doesn't occur anymore.

Moonspeaker said:

I'd like to put the numerical characters in post #1582664 and post #1678482 in superscript, so as to mimic the style of the original better, but it seems the <sup> tag isn't recognized. Am I doing something wrong? If it requires some kind of kludge, I can live without the tweak, to be sure.

It's not on the tag whitelist. That can easily be changed, though.

Moonspeaker said:

I'd like to put the numerical characters in post #1582664 and post #1678482 in superscript, so as to mimic the style of the original better, but it seems the <sup> tag isn't recognized. Am I doing something wrong? If it requires some kind of kludge, I can live without the tweak, to be sure.

The <sup> tag isn't supported currently.

Though you can sort of do it using the css vertical-align:super;. Seems you need to move the span containing the font size to the outside of the html for the positioning of that to work though. Pretty sure this counts as a 'kludge', but anyway I did it for those posts.

Toks said:

The <sup> tag isn't supported currently.

Though you can sort of do it using the css vertical-align:super;. Seems you need to move the span containing the font size to the outside of the html for the positioning of that to work though. Pretty sure this counts as a 'kludge', but anyway I did it for those posts.

Much obliged.

Typing "amats" in the search box and the first autocomplete result is amatsuka_megumi_(gj-bu) when it should be amatsukaze_(kantai_collection) instead. The latter has 332 posts while the former only has 112 posts.

Here's a related bug that might help with debugging: pasting any complete tag in the search box and the autocomplete will tell you its associated number of posts. But for some reason pasting in amatsukaze_(kantai_collection) only shows 14 posts.

ghostrigger said:

^ i've a feeling this is a browser cache issue failing to update local storage. try clearing it up first and type it again. i got amatsukaze all right with 333 posts and is leading.

Yep, you're right. Clearing the cache solved it. Thanks a lot.

I can't lodge any Appeals anymore.
I've tried different browsers and even different computers (same internet connection though), but the problem remains always the same: I can call up the Appeal window through the picture's "Options" sidebar just fine and enter text into it, but if I try to submit the Appeal, it just won't get saved. The Appeal window closes and nothing happens. If I call it up again right after the unsuccessful submission, the text I've entered is still there, but no matter how often I try to hit the "submit" button, it changes nothing. If I leave the picture's page and then return to it, the text entered into the Appeal window will be gone.

I first noticed this problem about 10 days ago.
So, what am I doing wrong? Other users seem to be able to lodge Appeals without trouble.

I fully translated post #1686238 only to come back later and find half of the notes missing. They're still in the notes history, but they don't show up anymore via the pop-up. Someone tagged the post partially translated so it's not just me who's not seeing the notes.

Can someone please confirm that some notes are missing on that post so that I know it's not just me?

Ironbottom said:

Can someone please confirm that some notes are missing on that post so that I know it's not just me?

i see the translation notes just fine in 3 browsers. but not so well in firefox only the topmost panels. are you using firefox?

ghostrigger said:

i see the translation notes just fine in 3 browsers. but not so well in firefox only the topmost panels. are you using firefox?

Yep. I tried on two different computers, both with firefox.

So I guess this is a legitimate bug then?

I can see all 14 notes fine on Firefox, Chrome, and IE. Ironbottom/ghostrigger try with add-ons/userscripts disabled, see if that works. If it doesn't, what version of Firefox are you using? I'm using 29.0.1.

Toks said:

what version of Firefox are you using? I'm using 29.0.1.

using firefox 20.0.1 and iceweasel 24.4.0. tried both with and without addons. same result. but somethings i got them successfully. i can view other comics with notes normally though. just this particular post. maybe it has something to do with the latest note revision? i compared them and there appears no difference. the api doesn't show any unusual character.

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