
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Provence said:

So: Should a Janitor be allowed to approve a post twice? It has happened before, but here the scenario:

User A flags Post A
Janitor A approves Post A
User B flags Post A
Janitor B approves Post A
User C flags Post A
Janitor A approves post A.

Should this be allowed?
That means you have a circle here. Might deserve its own topic, though.

albert fixed this as of Oct 31, 2016 (commit 2dbb869). Well, kind of. Approvals are deleted after one month, so it's possible to reapprove after that.

evazion said:

albert fixed this as of Oct 31, 2016 (commit 2dbb869). Well, kind of. Approvals are deleted after one month, so it's possible to reapprove after that.

Hmm, good. I've contacted him about that in October, so it's good to know it's fixed.
But shouldn't this be like forever? If possible.

I guess he wants to save database space, but I don't know how necessary that is. There were ~120k approvals in 2016, and I really don't think ~120k per year is too much to handle. For comparison, there were 2.8m tag edits last year.

@Type-kun I think your the one here who needs to calm down mate...not me...look at you getting all offensive and threatening...everything I've said so far whether its come across as harsh or as a joke or otherwise has had no malice whatsoever...its playfulness if you will...a little joking know what a joke is right? know what fun is right? all that other business?...yeah...that's what I'm bringing to the table...but look at you...being all over dramatic and getting all hyped up over someone whose just trying to liven the place up a need to learn yourself some manners and be a little bit more of a gentlemen like your fellow coworkers here...there's no need for all calm down for god sakes...and let's forget this ever happened...I don't wanna be your enemy and I'm sure you don't wanna be lets both say sorry to each other and be done with it...I'm sorry for offending what do you say you return the favor?


Yes, after commenting the submit button is greyed out to prevent accidental double posting. The button being greyed out in edit mode was a bug, the fix for that will be in the next site update.

I haven't been able to access pixiv since Sunday morning (page times out), so consider yourself lucky...

EDIT: Okay, it's back for me now. Praise the sun. Not seeing your "undefined" issue.


Type-kun said:

Do you have an example? Direct image URLs (like mentioned in the code) work fine.

That works, yes.
But I'm talking about when I just visit the page, like
If I use the bookmarklet from there, it doesn't work. On dA, Seiga and any other pge I know, this is working.
From my upload:

No, it doesn't work on hentaifoundry work pages. Pixiv, seiga, DA, and others have been specifically coded to work; you'll need to raise an issue, preferably with some examples - example work page, artist page, direct image URL, possible thumbnail URLs, is there any correlation, etc.