post #9000000 GET!

Post upload limits

Posted under General

iridescent_slime said:

By "set apart", do you mean moving the comics to a different site, leaving Danbooru as purely an art gallery? That would be awesome if it could be made to work.

That would be horrible because it would split the community between those who post, translate, and read comics, and those who come for standalone pictures.

EDIT: ...when most people here want both

iridescent_slime said:

By "set apart", do you mean moving the comics to a different site, leaving Danbooru as purely an art gallery? That would be awesome if it could be made to work.

It's technically as possible as safebooru, but I don't really think it would be awesome, if only because it will split translators' efforts between different sites, not to mention having to maintain separate subscriptions, rebuilding rss lists, having to go between sites to have complete uploaded artwork counts and galleries for artist, tag, and other problems that are not as immediately obvious but will certainly come.

albert said:

The base of 50 may seem really high, but if a majority of a user's uploads end up getting deleted they'll get clamped to 10 very quickly. In fact maybe 50 is too low, I could raise it to 100.

100 or even further, since it's easily halved or brought even further down by coefficient. By the way, I don't think I understand how deletion confidence coefficient works. How does it scale - like, do 5 deletions out of 5000 uploads equal 1 out of 1000 or not? If possible, it'd be nice to see the graphs to have easier understanding, as formula seems to be rather complex. I still feel that it's unfair that completely inactive uploader have higher limits than those who have misstepped a few times.

Type-kun said:

It's technically as possible as safebooru, but I don't really think it would be awesome, if only because it will split translators' efforts between different sites, not to mention having to maintain separate subscriptions, rebuilding rss lists, having to go between sites to have complete uploaded artwork counts and galleries for artist, tag, and other problems that are not as immediately obvious but will certainly come.

Ah well, it seemed a simple solution to the problem of vastly differing standards between comic and non-comic images. It's not just a matter of art quality, either; there's a complete lack of tagging standards for comic pages as well. It seems like users get a free pass to dump entire doujinshi here and inflate their upload counts while ignoring the posting guidelines, and if any pages don't get approved, they can inevitably appeal it as "part of a pool". Offloading all the comics elsewhere, extreme as it sounds, would eliminate this entirely, which is probably why the idea was suggested before in topic #9402. I understand what you're saying, though -- it seems there are no simple solutions.

Type-kun said:

By the way, I don't think I understand how deletion confidence coefficient works. How does it scale - like, do 5 deletions out of 5000 uploads equal 1 out of 1000 or not?

Toks said:

0 deletions, 0 total uploads: 0%
1 deletion, 10 total uploads: 1.7%
10 deletions, 100 total uploads: 5.5%
100 deletions, 1000 total uploads: 8.2%
1000 deletions, 10000 total uploads: 9.4%
10000 deletions, 100000 total uploads: 9.8%

Danbooru's code for it

Sacriven said:

Okay, okay, you won :/
But why your post limit is 10, instead of 50?

The 0.00 on Kikimaru's profile isn't his deletion chance, it's the opposite. If you had 0% deletion that number would be 1.00 (meaning your upload limit would be 50, the maximum). Kikimaru has more than 15% deletion chance, making that number 0.00 (meaning his upload limit is 10, the minimum).

Sacriven said:

50 a day is indeed enough, but new formula also multiplied that by "deletion chance" (in my case, it's 0.50). You can only gain 50 post a day if your deletion chance is 0.00, which is I think almost impossible (I don't know how deletion chance being calculated, can someone confirm this?)

Apparently it is possible:
user #438881
user #413898

Would it be possible to make the formula on the profile pageslightly more verbose?

The old formula used to show a bit more information about how exactly the value is calculated, but now I only see that magical number (in my case 0.74 at the time of writing) without any real knowledge about the numbers it uses to calculate it.

It isn't something essential, but it would be a nice addition.

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