post #9000000 GET!

Post upload limits

Posted under General

tapnek said:

How about a minimum of one? Better than zero and less likely to upload waves of crap than with the current four.

Dunno if that will stay as is, it was introduced to sorta counter the old formula bringing people to 0 in some cases where it shouldn't.

Zelinkokitsune said:

The 10 base capacity is fine. I admit I have 152/8 for my ratio so I'm at about 5.3% Deletions (Which outside 2, I have no idea what was wrong with them outside just getting ignored overall). So apparently if I did the math right I go down to 20 approval from my 24 I have now.

Should be 21. If that formula does get used, that is.
About the uploads being ignored, well, with more approvers that shouldn't happen as often now.

Schrobby said:

Should be 21. If that formula does get used, that is.
About the uploads being ignored, well, with more approvers that shouldn't happen as often now.

With the Approvals thing I saw a thread that they're trying to finish the feedback.

One of my worries is if that formula is used it might give some confusion about it as well square roots tend to not come intuitively for most people while the simple math of the existing one is pretty straight forwards.

Zelinkokitsune said:

One of my worries is if that formula is used it might give some confusion about it as well square roots tend to not come intuitively for most people while the simple math of the existing one is pretty straight forwards.

KISS is good, true. Well, I think sqrt is quite simple compared with the two alternatives, probability calculation and exponential decay algorithms. That and it still scales down the numbers really nice for high upload counts. Reaching a 3 digit upload limit is basically impossible unless you have a really low deletion percentage.

Schrobby said:

KISS is good, true. Well, I think sqrt is quite simple compared with the two alternatives, probability calculation and exponential decay algorithms. That and it still scales down the numbers really nice for high upload counts. Reaching a 3 digit upload limit is basically impossible unless you have a really low deletion percentage.

Oh I agree the other ones just had my eyes glazing over trying to figure out what was going on.

Really we could just use the same formula limited to the newest n uploads. Users under that threshold wouldn't notice a difference. n would be determined by whatever albert feels should be the upper limit and working backwards.

That would require a formula where after reaching the threshold, there wouldn't be a noticeable difference in the transition regardless of the different combinations of total uploads and deleted uploads and/or account age.

tapnek said:

I don't understand this new upload limit formula. Can someone explain?

Base upload limit: 10 for new users, increases by 10 each month up to 50 at 4 months old.

Deletion confidence: statistical chance this user's uploads will be deleted, based on uploads from the past 4 months.
At 0% chance of deletion this has no negative effect, the user gets the full effect of their base upload limit.
At 15% or more chance of deletion they get the maximum penalty, which is reduces their upload limit to 10 (the absolute minimum upload limit). Between 0% and 15% it scales, giving them somewhere between 10 and their base upload limit.

Also, upload limits no longer care how many of your posts are pending, it's a limit per day. So with 10 upload limit you can only upload 10 posts a day now, regardless of how quickly those 10 get approved.

On your profile it shows:
(50 * 0.65) - 9 = 24
50: base upload limit, you're at least 4 months old
0.65: how much of your base you can use. if you had no deleted posts it would be 1.00 (you can use all 50). If you have 15% or more deleted posts it would show 0.00 (you can use the bare minimum 10).
9: Posts you uploaded today.
24: How much you can still upload today.

Kikimaru said:

... (50 * 0.00) ??

You have more than 15% deleted uploads in the past 4 months, so you can use 0.00 out of your 50 base upload limit.

Because the minimum limit is 10 you can still upload 10 posts a day (you currently have 90 posts today so you can't upload more until tomorrow).

So, every 24 hours, the limit resets and we can upload again. And if we have our confidence is at 0%, we can only upload a maximum of 150 posts. Kikimaru used to have an upload limit in the thousands and now he can only upload 30 posts every three days. Am I right?

Toks said:

You have more than 15% deleted uploads in the past 4 months, so you can use 0.00 out of your 50 base upload limit.

Because the minimum limit is 10 you can still upload 10 posts a day (you currently have 90 posts today so you can't upload more until tomorrow).


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