post #9000000 GET!

Post upload limits

Posted under General

Sacriven said:

a quantity of quality images? Is it a bad thing?

I think 50 a day is more than enough. Statistics in this topic in a random day showed exactly 1 person with more uploads than that. And if it's not 50? That means the uploads aren't quality images.

Edit: On a side note, about:upload limits is outdated

Borrator said:

I think 50 a day is more than enough. Statistics in this topic in a random day showed exactly 1 person with more uploads than that. And if it's not 50? That means the uploads aren't quality images.

Edit: On a side note, about:upload limits is outdated

50 a day is indeed enough, but new formula also multiplied that by "deletion chance" (in my case, it's 0.50). You can only gain 50 post a day if your deletion chance is 0.00, which is I think almost impossible (I don't know how deletion chance being calculated, can someone confirm this?)

tapnek said:

The deletion chance is the amount of uploads you made that were deleted out of the total that were uploaded from the past three or four months.

Uh, this gonna be tough. Pray that I can survive a month or two with this new upload limit policy.
Oh, let me ask something

my earlier upload limits is (50 * 0.50) - 36 = 0
now is (50 * 0.50) - 6 = 20

does the pending posts also affects the upload limit?


ShadowbladeEdge said:

Do you think people just become Contributors on accident?

Uhm, yes, of course, many of them. Become and stay on pure accident (I'm not going to delve which of these 'accidents' were sometimes less pure, but there was a time that one of suggested requirements to become contributor was to "have a friend among the mods that wants to invite you")


Sacriven said:

Uh, this gonna be tough. Pray that I can survive a month or two with this new upload limit policy.

I've just seen mine. A week is going to be hard, nevermind a month. I've already been trimming back uploads because it's far harder to get things approved than to not have them flagged/deleted.

Sacriven said:

does the pending posts also affects the upload limit?

No. It's in the OP:

Albert said:

Instead of counting only pending posts, all uploads will be counted. This is to remove the bias for certain time zones where approvers are heavily active

The upload limit no longer determines the amount of uploads a user can have in the mod queue, it's the number they can upload per 24 hour period.

richie said:

Uhm, yes, of course, many of them. Become and stay on pure accident (I'm not going to delve which of these 'accidents' were sometimes less pure, but there was a time that one of suggested requirements to become contributor was to "have a friend among the mods that wants to invite you")

That was a very long time ago. If Contributers chosen that way are still active on the site, and still Contributers, isn't it because they've proven themselves?

fossilnix said:

No. It's in the OP:

The upload limit no longer determines the amount of uploads a user can have in the mod queue, it's the number they can upload per 24 hour period.

That was a very long time ago. If Contributers chosen that way are still active on the site, and still Contributers, isn't it because they've proven themselves?

I see. Why I lost 10 posts on my latter limits?

Sacriven said:

I see. Why I lost 10 posts on my latter limits?

Your current upload limit is 26 posts per day. You'd posted 36 before the system took effect, so it showed 0 uploads remaining instead of -10 uploads remaining.

Sacriven said:

I see. Why I lost 10 posts on my latter limits?

You didn't lose anything, you have uploaded 36 posts before new limit went live. Why 50*0.50 equals 26 is another story, but your upload limit is currently 26 per day.

Also, I have my doubts regarding the formula. Base is calculated purely from time since registration, hence any regular user with zero uploads will have upload limit of 50, while uploading one post and getting another one deleted immediately drops it to 19 - see for instance. Meanwhile, if I didn't miscalculate, Sacriven here has every 11th post deleted in past 120 days - 101 deleted vs 1025 accepted, and his upload limit is 26. Since upload count is not directly taken into account, users with fewer uploads seem to suffer more heavy penalty from every deleted upload.

Type-kun said:

Why 50*0.50 equals 26 is another story

It rounds up. The actual multiplier is probably something like 0.501 (which gets shortened to 0.50 when displayed). 50*0.501 = 25.05, rounds up to 26.

Sacriven said:

if your deletion chance is 0.00, which is I think almost impossible

Of course not exactly 0, but I think you got my point... 40 posts a day is still a lot and if it's less than that it means you really need to take a second look into your deleted uploads

Type-kun said:

uploading one post and getting another one deleted immediately drops it to 19

Well, to be honest, if the total amount of uploads is less than the possible minimum daily limit of 10, I don't think the exact limit is that important

The new limit does adversely affect people who upload primarily comics. I think being able to upload 50 a day should be enough, but realistically speaking a large number of comic uploads end up getting deleted because they're often held to the same quality standard as non-comic uploads.

I could weight comic uploads differently so X comic uploads counts as 1 regular upload, for example, but it's an open question whether any sort of weighting is needed at all. I'm open to ideas and suggestions.

The base of 50 may seem really high, but if a majority of a user's uploads end up getting deleted they'll get clamped to 10 very quickly. In fact maybe 50 is too low, I could raise it to 100.

Since that would base the limit on the presence or not of a tag, which can be edited, that seems rather fragile. How about carrying over unused upload slots for up to 2 days? Even for those who lost a lot of quota from deleted comics, 30 should probably be enough for most sets (40 around midnight if you time it right). And, I guess, if their comics get deleted too often, being able to post new sets once per 3 days is reasonable

Borrator said:

Since that would base the limit on the presence or not of a tag, which can be edited, that seems rather fragile.

Given that we record tag histories for images, if someone were to abuse this it wouldn't take long for them to get banned for it. We already do this more or less for loli and shota tagged images.

The cap may be beneficial in that its intended to make users picker with their uploads to ideally encourage better uploads, but given comics (particularly a doujin) can easily hit the 50 post cap in a single go around (for example pool #5523) they need to be treated differently from regular standalone artworks, so giving them different weight or a separate cap is in my opinion necessary. Of course treating comics differently from regular standalone art is something we should probably start doing to begin with in a lot of how we operate, such as the requirements on them (a one-size-fits-all approach for standalone art and comics isn't going to cut it) and maybe even as far having their posts be separate from standalone art without it being an additional +/-comic search.

Comic sets definitely need to be set apart from the rest of the submissions, just on the merit that they eat up large chunks of one's upload limit. And while the insanely strict standards of Danbooru are great for art in general (infuriating pocket vetoes aside), comics almost never match that standard because they're not meant to. They're meant to be taken as a whole, not as singular masterpieces.

Sacriven said:

50 a day is indeed enough, but new formula also multiplied that by "deletion chance" (in my case, it's 0.50). You can only gain 50 post a day if your deletion chance is 0.00, which is I think almost impossible (I don't know how deletion chance being calculated, can someone confirm this?)


WatcherCCG said:

Comic sets definitely need to be set apart from the rest of the submissions

By "set apart", do you mean moving the comics to a different site, leaving Danbooru as purely an art gallery? That would be awesome if it could be made to work.

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