post #9000000 GET!

Post upload limits

Posted under General

kuuderes_shadow said:

Because it would effectively roughly double the upload limit for someone with a 1 in 3 deletion rate, and allow someone with a 10-15% deletion rate (which is pretty darn high) to upload hundreds of pictures a day. Is that really what we want?

I've nothing against the idea of a system to enable prolific uploaders of quality content that almost invariably gets approved to upload more images a day even if they haven't been given unlimited upload permissions, but if this were to happen I would have thought a way of increasing the limit for these people would be far better at attaining the desired effect.

I think hard numbers shouldn't matter here on records.
If someone has a 15% deletion rate then that means that a lot images still get deleted.
I mean, a slot only gets then free when one image is approved, so it doesn't touch the 15% deletion ratio.

Also, someone with a 15% deletion rate is still totally capped to only 10 uploads a day since the deletion confidence is not permitting a higher value than 10. It's not changing the system, only expanding it.

As I explained on Discord, this really only affects a small group of individuals.

As can be seen with the above, only two users run close to the theoretical limit of 1500 posts in a 30 day period.

Only one contributor uploads more than 1500 posts.

So it'd be a radical change for a very small group of people, that wouldn't even affect most contributors as is. Not sure it's worth it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The better alternative IMHO would be to continue on as we have and let those that distinguish themselves with consistent quality uploads be given the unlimited uploads permission as a natural progression.

To me, this looks more like that most users are already capped and don't have the hypothetial 50 uploads free. There are a lot users with a high deletion confidene and only a handful (not even that) with a pretty low rate. So yes, it would probably only help those handful users, but shouldn't it be this way: Rewarding users who can fill their slots while still having a low deletion onfidence?

Well, leaving this topic now as it stands. Don't have much more to add to this and would only run in circles then :3.

How's this for a counter-proposal:
Every 50 approved images in the past month increases your daily limit by 1. This is applied before the minimum cap. This means that the people with very bad upload records wouldn't gain anything out of it, but consistantly high number of high quality uploads for a long period would be able to get very high limits. It also wouldn't depend on a mod happening to be looking through the queue at the right time (which would in practice be the only real limit on the uploads of anyone with <10% deletion rate with your proposal, as you can see below).

How the figures would work for someone who uploaded as much as they could each day, assuming any images that are approved are approved immediately (for the sake of the maths - adding time before approvals has little effect on my proposal but for yours has a far bigger negative impact on the uploaders who get more stuff approved):

1 in 3 deletion:
Current formula - 10 uploads per day
Your proposal - on average 30 uploads per day
My proposal - 10 uploads per day

15% deletion:
Current formula - 10 uploads per day
Your proposal - on average 66.6... uploads per day
My proposal - 10 uploads per day.

10% deletion:
Current formula - 16 uploads per day
Your proposal - 166 uploads per day
My proposal - initially 16 uploads per day, after 1 month of constantly uploading their absolute limit would have 26 uploads per day. Would eventually cap at 34.

5% deletion:
Current formula - 33 uploads per day
Your proposal - on average 666.6... uploads per day. lol.
My proposal - initially 33 uploads per day, after 1 month of constantly uploading their absolute limit would have 56 uploads per day. Would eventually cap at 75.

2% deletion:
Current formula - 43 uploads per day
Your proposal - basically unlimited (2166 uploads per day)
My proposal - initially 43 uploads per day, after 1 month of constantly uploading their absolute limit would have 75 uploads per day, would eventually cap at 103.

Incidentally, someone who uses 100% of their limit every day and never sees anything deleted would be on 88 after 1 month and eventually cap at 123 on this proposal. Given that this would require maintaining both a 100% limit use record and a 100% approval record for almost 5 months, though, I would question why such a person had not yet received unrestricted upload permissions.


What's "Unq Downvote" and why am I leading it?
Also +1 to some sort of change.

Even though the reset is 24 hours, with real-life things getting in the way I can be doing my 10 Monday posts at 9pm, and by Friday my reset is nearer to midnight.
Hence why I'm not active every day anymore.

Kikimaru said:

Even though the reset is 24 hours, with real-life things getting in the way I can be doing my 10 Monday posts at 9pm, and by Friday my reset is nearer to midnight.

This is a problem for me too. Unless you prepare your tags before you'll always end up having to throw a day away every while due to how the points reset.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Unique downvote. It counts all users that have downvoted your posts during that time period, and not the total number of downvotes.

Same for Unq Flag == Unique Flag.

Nice to know 34 people don't like my uploads.

nonamethanks said:

This is a problem for me too. Unless you prepare your tags before you'll always end up having to throw a day away every while due to how the points reset.

For this problem, I can see two solutions :
- give another slot 23h after the upload ;
- reset all slot at midnight.

I'm more in favour of the second one.

It used to be this way in the past. It was changed because frankly speaking, if your uploads aren't good enough for you to get the upload flag enabled, then your uploads should be hard capped. There's also some unfairness involved with time zones and when the bulk of approvers are most active.

albert said:

It used to be this way in the past. It was changed because frankly speaking, if your uploads aren't good enough for you to get the upload flag enabled, then your uploads should be hard capped. There's also some unfairness involved with time zones and when the bulk of approvers are most active.

Danbooru might have its own default time, that is true.

But in the user settings, everyone is able to hange the time zone they are living in. If it's not Danbooru's default time, then maybe the timer should reset individually, depending on what the time zone the user is using is.
I think if the users are aware of that, then there is no advantage of time zones and about approvers: Most posts get approved within the first 24 hours, independently of when they were uploaded.
It sometimes takes a bit longer, but approvers are active nearly everytime.

But if everyone is able to swith the time zones then you could also abuse it...So I guess that's not a good option if it's done individually and for Danbooru's default time, it wouldn't be fair for all users.


BrokenEagle98 said:

As I explained on Discord, this really only affects a small group of individuals.

As can be seen with the above, only two users run close to the theoretical limit of 1500 posts in a 30 day period.

Only one contributor uploads more than 1500 posts.

So it'd be a radical change for a very small group of people, that wouldn't even affect most contributors as is. Not sure it's worth it... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The better alternative IMHO would be to continue on as we have and let those that distinguish themselves with consistent quality uploads be given the unlimited uploads permission as a natural progression.

Oh snap that's me!

Anyways, I find the system fine as is; unless there do arise uploaders that have a crazy amount of throughput without the privilege yet in a higher number (I have yet to see this), then it should be fine. Most users get promoted after ~600-700 consistently good uploads, albeit it might take some time... I was promoted at ~1k uploads IIRC.

I'm not a fan of the whole resets at midnight thing though, that only encourages waiting to abuse the limit in my opinion, and it wouldn't be consistent for everyone. I know it works that way in some online games among other things, but it's just odd to me.

Aside from that, as I said I find the system fine as is, but in the greater spectrum of things I don't think the limit is the problem -- it's simply the barrier to entry for getting the permission to begin with. There are some moderators that will notice good uploaders quicker than others depending on the content, but otherwise the wait could feel very draining.

Welp, the upload slot regeneration after 23 hours seems like a good compromise. It’s not subject to the time drift BrokenEagle98 described and lets users upload at the same time every day. One hour tolerance should be ample.

It also doesn’t depend on time zones or user location and isn’t open to abuse any more than what we have now. The only negative side-effect is a 4 % increase of the upload limit (50 to 52), which could be countered by lowering the upper limit to 48. It doesn’t seem like a relevant issue to me, though, as the limit of 50 looks somewhat arbitrary too.

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