Artist's commentary
King's Horse
It's said that in ancient times, this name used to mean "bear."
A bear is the king of the forest. A huge and vicious beast.
Few can withstand a swipe from its paws.
Thus you, tiny girl in silver armor, who rides on the back of Dun Stallion, the famous steed...
You are such a pretty little Arthur...
Was there anyone in the past who smiled and thought that in the past?
I see. You were indeed Arthur.
Little girl, you are a king, a huge beast, and also a dragon who none can equal.
Thus on the back of the famous steed rides a dragon.
What an honor!
Behold, the steed neighs in excitement.
King who was once a girl, give your order!
Even if it's the end of the world,
Dun Stallion will conquer it!