One normally rarely ever has reason to flag more than 10 posts per day, but then there do exist cases where a whole pool's worth of low-quality posts got through and need to be removed, so it doesn't seem like a bad idea.
Posted under General
Actually I'm wrong, I argued that the limit of 10 should only be lifted for users that actually have access to the queue rather than privileged and above but it was never instituted, obviously.
The one occasion that someone needs to flag more than 10 posts at a time can be handled by a mod team member if there are really that many posts that need deletion was and still is my logic behind it. Also a mod member can do it during a period when nobody is uploading rather than screwing the people who happen to be uploading during the period of many many flags.
If I report a pool here and no mod team member reacts for a whole month, what do you expect me to do? And once I finally flag the images, the staff supports the decision. If I left it to the mods, nothing would ever happen, because it is so much easier to "wait for someone else to act".
BTW, why was pool #4415 (the Yoshika pool, not the images in the pool) deleted? I thought we didn't delete the pools themselves.
Speaking of pools' worths that needs deletion, the child posts of pool #4675 probably should be removed. They are lower-quality, Chinese hard-translated doujin pages that were approved for lack of raws, but Anelaid has gone and found the Japanese raws, so the Chinese ones don't belong.
post #728304
It has been in status:flagged for about 10 days without anyone reapproving it.
It was created entirely by software. No effort on any "artist's" side was put into this. Anyone could create a hundred of these in a few seconds and upload them to danbooru.
Not even the images are themed. It's just some guy's image folder.
This image has no place on a site that focuses on high quality anime-related images.
jxh2154 said in forum #46423:
If these are just being done through some piece of software and passed off as "art" then they're only a step above motivators for me in terms of where they fit in Danbooru's mission.
I've finished flagging pool #4055, but left some that I wasn't sure about, in regards to whether the gag justifies keeping them or not. If anyone feels I'm being too lenient with the ones I didn't flag, feel free to finish the job where I left off.
I think I need to continue the matter of pool #4055 here. NWF_Renim was responsible for approving part of the pool, and I've found he's picked post #992403, post #992407, and post #996719 out of the flag pile, each guilty of the same faults we've already discussed for the pool. Considering the entire pool was decided to be a case of janitors letting crap through the cracks, none of the flagged posts should be re-approved, no?
In addition, unrelated to the pool, it seems as though the flag limitation system is kinda screwy? As far as I know, an image is supposed to only be able to be flagged by an individual once, right? It seems to be allowing the same person to flag more than once, but in doing so it will show that person's old flag instead of the new one, and the post will sit flagged until someone else flags it and deletes it. post #993160 and post #538495 seem to have been subject to this glitch, and have both been flagged for more than three days.
Gonna need a double delete on post #1063041 to re-upload due to corruption.
Or a fix on the full image, whichever works.
I would like to flag post #1056210. I didn't study it completely before I uploaded it, but after a careful look I can see that the proportions are just extremely bad.
The problems are:
knee to hip ratio of left leg indicates impossible length.
left arm also appears to be impossible length.
I already flagged post #265561 and it got re-approved, but I really think it should be more carefully reviewed. It's very poorly-drawn, and the artist has greatly evolved from doodles like this.
post #1063868. Uploaded the wrong version of the pic.
feline_lump said:
I already flagged post #265561 and it got re-approved, but I really think it should be more carefully reviewed. It's very poorly-drawn, and the artist has greatly evolved from doodles like this.
As much as I love create.swf, I don't see how that can be kept at all - it's just a giant, old-style create.swf Cirno. It's not like it's one of kirbym's animations or a comic or anything. Didn't someone already talk to Not_One_of_Us about his approval habits?
post #1045258 is a Bouguereau that's been altered so minimally and so crudely that I question whether it should be treated as an original work.
Sorry for barging in, but I have a question to ask.
Regarding posts with blasphemy tags, like post #812171 and post #1060202, can you reconsider them again?
I'm afraid some would be offended by these,
like the recent flagging of the latter post (which was re-approved anyway).
dean_exia said: Regarding posts with blasphemy tags, like post #812171 and post #1060202, can you reconsider them again?
Blasphemy isn't a valid deletion reason, so they're fine.
I’d like to nominate almost all of the old seiyuu photos for being off-topic: seiyuu photo -cosplay
The already deleted seiyuu photos died either in the mod queue or were deleted for being off-topic as well. I’d also nominate the cosplay ones that I excluded from the search above, but I guess some people like them.
If the search is too generic because it also includes a few posts with some drawn art in them, I could list all relevant posts here or flag them all. Whatever is preferred.
There is one case when a seiyuu photo should not be deleted: if another post (a drawing, typically a seiyuu_joke) makes a direct reference to the photo (pose, clothing, setting...). I cannot find an example, yet I think I have seen one in the past. Such references should be parent/childed.
Also, some of the seiyuu photo -cosplay posts seem as if the cosplay tag should be added. E.g. post #82702, post #121695? (The latter is lowres though, and hardly belongs to the most important photos ever uploaded here.)
The "list all relevant posts here" option sounds fine to me.
I really have no idea where to post this, but I noticed that the user "thepikagamer" is uploading near-duplicates of images he/she already uploaded a few days ago, but did not get approved and were autodeleted. See post #1066781 and post #1058572.
I wasn't sure whether flagging the new images would be appropriate in this case; I just wanted to notify someone who would be qualified to judge whether this is unacceptable.
kittey said:
I’d like to nominate almost all of the old seiyuu photos for being off-topic: seiyuu photo -cosplay
Seiyuu photos are not off-topic. Neither on-topic, to be precise. They are in grey zone, together with other photos like cosplay or zun ones. This means they are not completely forbidden, but they better have something really interesing inside or else.
That said I'm not against deleting seiyuu photos, but every flagging should be done by single post basis, not mass one. For example from seiyuu photo -cosplay I'm finding posts like post #492291 post #473001 post #125126 defintely worth keeping. I wouldn't delete kind of educational and already annotated posts like post #412303 post #407528 post #185052 post #118852 post #73068 and maybe few others which I failed to notice at first glance.