
AI-generated art check thread

Posted under General

blowyanose said:

post #6123957

The artist can draw, but in their Pixiv backlog around November 2022 there's a subtle change in linework/lighting/texture that makes their works look more typical of AI.

I don’t see any of the typical AI flaws in this one, though. In fact, things like eyes and bangs look perfectly fine and lines look high-res and crisp. Lighting is a bit flawed, but in a way that I’ve seen often with various artists. Unless you can point out some suspicious areas, I’d say it’s 100 % manually drawn.

Marlor said:

Will never happen, unfortunately. Sportsmen use steroids and all that stuff pretending they're are strong and all... sad.

Well, steroids at least require effort still :P.
And if everyone uses it ( which they do in professional sports, movies etc ) then it sorta evens the playing field anyways.
Not defending steroid use I think it's kinda sad and shitty, seeing humans push themselves to their natural limit is more interesting to me.

But I actually think that comparing ai to steroids gives ai WAY too much credit lol.

But I actually think that comparing ai to steroids gives ai WAY too much credit lol.

Seems more like you got the best artist (arguably) in the world to draw something for you, then you posted it on your own Twitter account going "look what I did!".

Grahf said:

post #6127295

Hasn't been approved, but certainly looks like AI gen.

Glaringly obvious AI with a texture slapped over it, I particularly like the way the right foot tries to become her bodysuit AND hair at once.
Artist posts fully rendered images every day while falsely claiming to only use AI for the background and composition.

Grahf said:

post #6127295

Hasn't been approved, but certainly looks like AI gen.

Another red flag, the account was created November 2022 and every image comes with this description:

We are posting every day!

Robot factory detected. Even without looking for the typical rendering mistakes, Human Artists don't work 24/7 without resting.

His agenda is to clearly pump out images like it's a production line...

feline_lump said:

Artist states in the commentary that they used AI to help finish the pic, but ended up completely redrawing the majority of what it rendered.

If “completely redrawing the majority of what it rendered” means “drawing the choker, hair ornament and a line for the nose, maybe also one badly redrawn eyebrow, then slapping on a chromatic aberration filter in an attempt to hide the upscaling artifacts”, then yes. Or in other words, I call bullshit on the “majority” part, probably also the “help finish the pic” part.

The artist states on another image that their current process is to draw a rough draft, complete with AI, redraw and revise parts, use AI for another touch-up, and then redraw and revise again. I don't think they have any reason to lie about this, but the rendering style is undoubtedly being dictated by the AI's involvement.

TrueKringe said:

post #6131900

"Artist" claimed on their account header to only use AI to create the initial art before he redrew it. Though the legs (along with the other "works" in their profile and the low resolution) may suggests otherwise.

What does that even mean lol?
Why would you use ai to generate an illustration then redraw it? Makes no sense.

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