OOZ662 said:
That's the first time I've heard of that. We have a massive number of scanned non-free work. The feeling I've always gotten from the site and policies has been as long as the artist doesn't come knocking on Albert's door (artist banning), anything goes.
Yes, we have a lot of that, and I'm also guilty of some of them. But the fact is, there's a risk. We definitely don't want more artists to be banned here.
NWF_Renim said:
That really can't be right, since as far as I'm aware we have no issues with scans from artbooks and I know we don't have issues with scans from magazines. Also if it is just pure art pages (example: post #1429721), I don't really see an issue with having it uploaded, even if it is from a manga (the example specifically is from their not for sale special book, but the art is a reprint of what was released in the manga magazine).
Well, I'm not arguing about artbook and the kind, because it being an "art" book means that it usually has good quality arts that appeals visually, because that's the main purpose of the books. I have no problem with them because that's the kind of pictures that people want in Danbooru. Although it still risks the problem with copyright, it still qualifies to be approved for most people.
That's apparently not the case for comics and doujins, because let's face it, a good chunk of them don't score much in the art department. And you can't blame them. There's no way an artist can put the same quality of a singular artsy pic into every pages, let alone every panels(Read: Imizu is not an artist, he is IMIZU. Period.). The only way they can be visually appealing is through the artist's art style, and not every one of them is spectacular at that.
However, they obviously excel in story, pacing and all the other stuffs that comic is supposed to do. Comparing them with pictures for the art is just not right because that's not what they are made for. But the problem is that you won't be able to enjoy them from just a few pages and if you don't understand the language, so you can't expect everyone to appreciate them.
Another problem is that most of them are sold goods and aren't exactly "free" like most pics in here. This is the more pressing one because again, it tucks with copyright problem and artists have shown to be against it.
Trust me, I have literally hundreds of Touhou doujins that I really want to upload here and translate, but knowing that it was pretty much illegal and some people have warned me about it, made me hesitant. You may say that it helps publicizing the artist works and everything, but not every artist is going to be okay with that. Which is why it's risky.
NWF_Renim said:
If a doujin is less than a year old since release, I will usually not approve it, but if it is over a year old I'll approve it so long as the scans appear clean and the artwork appears good.
This. It's what I want to discuss. Though I don't really agree if it's just a year old.
What I meant are those old doujins that aren't really available anywhere.
Not from Tora no Ana, Melonbooks or any online store. Nor from used goods store like Suruga-ya or auctions. TOTALLY out of print and no longer available, except for those scans that you have.
I bring this up because I want to see your opinions. Like Ironbottom mentioned up there from the Terms of service
If you can buy it, don't post it.
So technically, you can no longer buy those doujins because you just can't. You have no access to read it other than the scans, and the artist no longer prints them. Of course, the artist probably still won't be fine seeing that, but is it okay to post them with that conditions?
I don't agree for those who are just 1-2 years old because most times they're still available in stores or in Suruga-ya, even if it's only one copy.
(Don't hesitate with buying used comics, I've bought some from Suruga-ya and they're surprisingly in really good condition. The Japanese have high standard for "used" stuffs.)
Sure, people will argue that it's not buyable because it's not commercially available worldwide and stores don't ship overseas. Seriously though, get some services for that. There are many that will buy them and internationally ships them to you. This guy is an example, just don't order any porn from him. After that, the only problem there is money, and that's for you to decide.
NWF_Renim said:
As for the issue of hard translations, I guess I'm open that they should be allowed when (1) the raw is unavailable and (2) someone can vouch that the writing makes sense and appears to be translated alright (something like the "mass naked child events" should be obviously awkward when reading the whole thing). If the raw is unavailable, the only thing you can compare the pages to are themselves, and if what is written there sounds appropriate it's not like anyone would be able to judge it being wrong unless they had the originals at hand anyway.
(1) With the condition that the original book is also not available in stores.
(2) If that's possible, well... can't really say much about this. But I'm usually against second-hand translations, because even "official translations" have changed the words for the sake of saving time and efforts. Not to mention puns and idioms that often don't translate well into other language. It's almost impossible not to have anything lost in translations.
So in short, uploading doujins is only allowed if you can't get them legally anymore.
What do you guys think about that?