
Doujinshi uploading

Posted under General


So, I found some doujinshi, high quality scans, for the kyon x kyonko and kyon x kyonko herb of sagittarius, by rokudena-shi.

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Problem is, they're hard translated Korean, not japanese, and I can't seem to find the raws. Should I still upload them?

Updated by NNescio

This came up once before, and the decision we came to back then was, so long as they can stand on their own, upload them.

Obviously though, the original raws are preferable, and should take precedence if are were available. If they become available in the future they can be set to parent the hard translations in the future.

I wouldn't recommend uploading material hard translated into languages other than English. There's no telling how much was lost in the translation from Japanese to Korean to English and for that reason I'm not going to approve it.

evazion said:
I wouldn't recommend uploading material hard translated into languages other than English. There's no telling how much was lost in the translation from Japanese to Korean to English and for that reason I'm not going to approve it.

... This is in the complete absence of a Japanese raw anywhere man. I've been looking for this for over a year now. And I only just found a Korean translation. So you'd rather just not see it at all, on the risk of a few words being incorrect here and there?

Pretty much. The Korean translation could be a completely made-up rewrite for all I know. Personally, it looks like a pretty run-of-the-mill doujin to begin with so I'm not that desperate to have it. Sorry.

orgolove said:
So you'd rather just not see it at all, on the risk of a few words being incorrect here and there?

I'm keeping a neutral stance here since I usually enjoy them, but Danbooru isn't primarily a doujinshi site. People here would often prefer "not seeing it at all" to unverifiable translations of unknown origin.


  • Conditionally Accepted
    • Doujinshi (especially long doujins covering many pages), must be a high quality untranslated raw.

I saw that.

All other kyonko doujin by the same author has been uploaded, who were of similar quality and taste.

And I've seen multiple comments by users here pointing to these specific doujins to be uploaded.

We've waited for over a year for the raws - isn't it enough? The Korean translator is quite reputable for doing these - there hasn't been complaints about any rewrites. I've also seen plenty of english hard-translated comics being approved, which can also be argued about your "oh it can be a rewrite for all I know."

Please reconsider.

Functionally speaking, Korean and Japanese are the two most closely related languages in their language family and they have largely the same syntax and common grammar. Unless the translator was actively trying to be malicious or 'clever,' i would say that a Japanese -> Korean translation is much more likely to be faithful to the original than a Japanese -> English translation. Tonally and content-wise, in the Korean -> English translation it doesn't sound like the Korean was a 'creative reinterpretation' and fits contextually with the other issues of this series on the site - and i Japanese -> English translated some of the other parts from the Japanese raw.

Technically, Japanese and Korean aren't related, except in the controversial Altaic Language Family hypothesis that would also relate Japanese to Turkish. I will grant though that they have more structural similarities and historical loan words than Japanese and English.

I like the idea of the Altaic family in general, though yes, it is a stretch including Japanese and Korean in it; it sort of smacks of an academic need to put those two SOMEWHERE in a larger structure. Having studied both Korean and Japanese (though Korean only briefly while living there; BA in Japanese), the structural similarity between those two languages in particular seems great enough that someone with a good dictionary and a reasonable handle on whichever language wasn't their native tongue wouldn't have much trouble translating one to the other almost verbatim. The degree of similarity on a syntactic level is enough that they wouldn't even have to fudge much to make 'good' sentences, like we often have to when translating Japanese to English. All this is just personal opinion though; really, i just want these to stick around since the translation seems good and nobody can find a Japanese RAW of this doujin and it's so much fun... :P

orgolove said:
The Korean translator is quite reputable for doing these - there hasn't been complaints about any rewrites. I've also seen plenty of english hard-translated comics being approved, which can also be argued about your "oh it can be a rewrite for all I know."

The problem is not really your translator's quality (although, I must say, the English I'm seeing in those TL notes is a bit lacking). The problem is that there's been more than one translation done, and the resulting text in English will have flaws merely because of being a third-generation translation.

Ever played "telephone"? Say one thing into one person's ear, and they say it into someone else's, and so on. Pretty soon, there are errors in the message. Translation works the same way. There are always - always - inaccuracies in translation, and the only way to minimize them is for a skilled translator to work from the original source material, rather than a second-hand source. Going from step A (Japanese) to step B (Korean) to step C (English) is one step too many.

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