I don't mind approving the original ones, but the hard-translated are a NO-NO for me.
Posted under General
bored_man said:
So hard translations are looked down upon or is just for this specific 4koma?
There is nothing at all wrong with uploading hard translated images as long as the translation is ok and the image quality doesn't take a hit because of it (as in it isn't artifacted, fonts don't look like they fit, etc)
It's preferred that a non hard translated copy is ALSO available.
Hard translations aren't banned, but they are definitely a point of contention. I would definitely discourage them.
As Seem says, so long as the translation is OK, they aren't the end of the world. If you come across only the hard-translation though and/or can't translate yourself, how can you tell if it's a good translation?
If you have translated it yourself, then you fall into the same problem we have with people who upload their own art. You have a bias to think your work is great, and unlike as if you had done a soft-translation on the site, you are depriving us the ability to peer-review and correct that we would otherwise have had if necessary.
If you haven't translated it yourself, and you have access to both the raw and the hard-translation, and you can read and translate the raw, and you can verify that the hard-translation is correct, in that case, it might be kosher to post the hard-translation. That's a lot of conditions to fulfill though.
Hard-translation is bad because it destroys information. With soft translation within Danbooru, you can always still read the underlying text to see the original phrasing and ensure the translation is correct.
Subtle nuances that tend to be lost or warped in translation are also lost for those who could have read them. Where a raw is available, I'd say it is a prerequisite that it be uploaded if a hard-translation is, and that the parent-child relationship be set up with the raw as the parent.
I can't with absolute certainty say that it is always bad to post hard-translations by itself. Maybe that's the only form available, and the art stands on its own. In that case I might consider approving it. If not though, in all likelihood I won't.
It's not against the rules to post hard-translations, but they have a lot of negative traits that lead myself and some others with mod capabilities to strongly discourage their use.
Seem said:
There is nothing at all wrong with uploading hard translated images as long as the translation is ok and the image quality doesn't take a hit because of it (as in it isn't artifacted, fonts don't look like they fit, etc)
I'd say there's nothing wrong in theory perhaps, but in practice there's a lot wrong with hard translations, as they're inherently detrimental to the translation quality. Additionally, you can turn off the notes with a click and get the original, whereas hard translations irreversibly alter the image. IMHO that runs directly afoul our "no edits aside from ordinary scan cleanups" policy. So unless there's some very specific reason to upload one overriding all of the above (which I can't really imagine), I'm of the opinion that hard translations are by definition wrong.
葉月 said:
I'm of the opinion that hard translations are by definition wrong.
Your opinion fortunately isn't relevant.
This has been gone over in the past. Original versions being translated by notes is great, that's why it's always preferred that these are posted and they would be considered the primary/parent of any image - but these are worth precisely jack shit to people who like to save images for themselves to have their own local copy. The parenting system EXISTS for situations like this where an image has alternatives.
Hard translations are a fine thing. We just don't want "What, you say?!" grade translations or crap that looks like it was edited in MS Paint.
Seem said:
Hard translations are a fine thing. We just don't want "What, you say?!" grade translations or crap that looks like it was edited in MS Paint.
And your extensive qualifications in Japanese allow you to judge accurately what is and what isn't a proper translation. Especially when we don't have the raws available to check.
葉月 said:
And your extensive qualifications in Japanese allow you to judge accurately what is and what isn't a proper translation. Especially when we don't have the raws available to check.
Don’t you think you are being rather extremist? He already mentioned the raws as a parent, and taking that stance regarding correctness, you might as well be relieving all translators in the site of the burden of accuracy, if everyone else is meant to always assume first and foremost that the translations are wrong. Besides, I think you are exaggerating the inextricable wrongness of hard translations, how is that inherently detrimental to translation quality? It's a pretty big non-sequitur to say that just because something cannot be readily edited, it will be inexorably less accurate that something that can.