post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

I know I already brought this up before, but I just saw this part of the tag's wiki.

tag - hetero

Wiki says:
Any romantic and/or sexual depiction between members of the opposite genders, doesn't matter if it's mutual or one-sided.

pool #1617 Touhou - Everybody Is Straight in Gensoukyou

Pool says:
Wherein the Touhou girls are actually showing attraction to the opposite sex.

Please note that the girls must be the ones who show attraction. Whether the guy reciprocates or not is irrelevant.

The only thing dignifying this pool is that "girls must be showing attraction" clause, but that's a weak excuse. Especially since the title is "everyone is straight" not "every girl is straight". It almost looks like it's trying to exploit a loophole to get around the tag coverage rule.

I could see the point if this pool was about a bunch of the girls all showing hetero attraction at the same time to validate the "everyone" part, but right now it's covered by tags.

Hoobajoob said:

I know I already brought this up before, but I just saw this part of the tag's wiki.

tag - hetero

pool #1617 Touhou - Everybody Is Straight in Gensoukyou

The only thing dignifying this pool is that "girls must be showing attraction" clause, but that's a weak excuse. Especially since the title is "everyone is straight" not "every girl is straight". It almost looks like it's trying to exploit a loophole to get around the tag coverage rule.

I could see the point if this pool was about a bunch of the girls all showing hetero attraction at the same time to validate the "everyone" part, but right now it's covered by tags.

That pool predates the hetero tag, maybe it had some purpose back then but for a while now it's been totally useless.

Tonny890 said:

pool #8401 Only has one image or may not have been approved... It should also be labeled as series instead of collection.

On that note, why do fan comics/videos need "x tribute" pools, and fan games simply get copyright tags?
Vocaloid songs have copyright tags as well. And we don't have a "new super marisa land tribute" pool for example.

Log said:

It is still a comic with a distinct coherent order, far from a pointless pool.

The deletion request thread said to go here with deletion requests for entire pools and their posts. Did I misread that?

Requesting deletion of pool #8866.

I made it a short while ago initially for yuzuki_gao's abyssal shipgirl comics, but while I was in the middle of creating it, someone else made a pool for the comics at roughly the same time. We don't need two pools for the same batch of pictures, so this one's the extra since it came later, I guess.