post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

My question then is if the concept of ganguro is important enough to warrant another tag for images with characters that fit everything except the clothing bill.
In any case, there's no need for a pool, though I guess that means my post is in the wrong thread.

What's even the point of the Awesome Mecha and Nostalgia pools, anyway? There's no real criteria (or standards) for what's an Awesome Mecha, so just about every mecha picture gets added (which means that you might as well just have the Mecha tag), and the Nostalgia pool is in practice just the random 80's and 70's anime and videogames pool (which we also already have tags for).
Essencially, Nostalgia has two completely separate, unrelated themes: the first being stuff that reminds you of things you used to do as a kid (and this is actually a very legit theme for a pool), and "random stuff I watched/played I personally enjoyed as a kid, no matter how obscure. Usually Robotech-related". Which is nostalgic to about one or two people, but stretching the theme of the pool so much it becomes even more pointless. If I want to see pictures of a show I watched as a kid, I search for the tag of the specific show. Again, I fail to see how the pool helps here. A pool called "Good anime", "Things I've fapped to" or "The best characters" would get deleted immediately, so I don't see why Nostalgia is perfectly okay.

There are plenty of other subjective pools, but these two are by far the most ridiculous ones, as they're so absurdly vague and completely redundant. What's the point?


pool #3683

Half the posts could be found with the "belly" tag, the other half could be found with the "curvy" tag, many could be found with the "plump" tag, and many of them can be found with any of the above. What its contents are supposed to be are neither clear nor consistent, and in any case, tags do a better job of organizing the posts that are in it.