post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

S1eth said:

I'm sure if people want to search for the concept of doing a "good job", or a "shitty job" at something, we can create tags for them.

Hmm, the same can be said to all the 'God Damn It' pools, anyway, a tag would nice.

game2009 said:

Why is this still around?
pool #7868 - Touhou - Sekibanki's Headless Hijinks

It's simply Sekibanki and headless/disembodied_head.

I'm not taking either side here, but...

pool description said:
This pool contains ONLY images of Sekibanki's detached head (or headless body) being placed in interesting, uncomfortable, or hilarious situations. Simply an image of the head detached from the body will not suffice. If you're curious, see the images below to get a general sense of the theme.

Hoobajoob said:

I'm not taking either side here, but...

interesting, uncomfortable, or hilarious situations.

Too vague, that could be anything. And artists wouldn't draw it if they didn't think it was "interesting".

Vid-szhite said:

Which just means that the pool needs to be cleaned up, not deleted entirely.

S1eth said:

Too vague, that could be anything. And artists wouldn't draw it if they didn't think it was "interesting".

But I'll clean it up anyway.