+1 for deleting both Good Work Admiral and Shitty Admiral.
Shitty Admiral can be replaced with shitty_admiral in cases where the actual quote is said.
Posted under General
+1 for deleting both Good Work Admiral and Shitty Admiral.
Shitty Admiral can be replaced with shitty_admiral in cases where the actual quote is said.
Lunatic6 said:
Hmm, the same can be said to all the 'God Damn It' pools, anyway, a tag would nice.
--> topic #9791
S1eth said:
--> topic #9791
Yup, I'm aware of that... it been 7 months but no action has taken. By the way, I support the notion for the deletion of the 'God Damn it' pools transferring them to trolling tag.
Oh and the Touhou - Good Work Yukari! should go as well.
pool #6282 - Trolling
Why on earth is this pool still around when we have a trolling tag?
theadonicus said:
pool #6282 - Trolling
Why on earth is this pool still around when we have a trolling tag?
Dunno. I added the tag to all posts and emptied the pool.
pool:8444 - Reporter Aoba
paparazzi and aoba_(kantai_collection) pretty much covers it. And while we're at it,
pool:2529 - Paparazzi Shameimaru
Kadoya said:
pool:8444 - Reporter Aoba
paparazzi and aoba_(kantai_collection) pretty much covers it. And while we're at it,
pool:2529 - Paparazzi Shameimaru
Toks said:
Whoops, forgot to change the colon.
Why is this still around?
pool #7868 - Touhou - Sekibanki's Headless Hijinks
It's simply Sekibanki and headless/disembodied_head.
And this:
pool #7061 - Funded
There's a tag for it already, but I know it was said before that the pool should be reserved for more notable products, while the tag is for less notable ones or something like that. Even so, I want to know what's the final judgment on this.
game2009 said:
Why is this still around?
pool #7868 - Touhou - Sekibanki's Headless HijinksIt's simply Sekibanki and headless/disembodied_head.
I'm not taking either side here, but...
pool description said:
This pool contains ONLY images of Sekibanki's detached head (or headless body) being placed in interesting, uncomfortable, or hilarious situations. Simply an image of the head detached from the body will not suffice. If you're curious, see the images below to get a general sense of the theme.
No posts. No description. Probably created by mistake.
pool #8462 - ULTIMATE WEAPON
Tags should suffice, right?
pool #8472 - elto
Consists entirely of images by space_jin that depict or mention testicular abuse. Nonindicative name, barely-there description.
EDIT: looked at the history and saw it was made by a user named elto, making this just a favorites pool.
There are only two posts in this and it seems redundant with the existence of the failure tag, the Digging Your Own Grave pool and the Told You Not to Do That Pool.