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Tag alias/implication discussion

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memento_mori said:
I guess I can do it, but only if someone decides whether we want to annoy everyone by aliasing all the Phoenix Wright names back to Japanese.

Is there a good source for "Lock Cole" not having an e? The e in Locke is silent, so this is not a name change.

Well, as far as Pheonix Wright goes, I'm not about to touch that matter (reminds me of the Golden Sun name changes), but as long as an alias exists, then it outta work out however that sways.

I'd already sent you a mail about the "Lock" vs "Locke" thing (hopefully I don't sound too much of an asshole), but to provide a link:
Since the FF names are, on the whole, the same or similar among regions, ahving an alias isn't too bad, since one could usually pick out the character even under the differentiated name.

memento_mori said:
I guess I can do it, but only if someone decides whether we want to annoy everyone by aliasing all the Phoenix Wright names back to Japanese.

I never understood why Phoenix Wright is in English. Aside from creating the annoying umbrella tag ace_attorney (gyakuten_saiban would be much better, since all the games are called that plus a number, whereas ace_attorney is only part of the game's title, and most people refer to it as Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice), and making it impossible to tag characters consistently until the US version comes out (which is usually about a year later than the JP version), it just seems inconsistent with pretty much everything else on danbooru.

surasshu said:
I never understood why Phoenix Wright is in English. Aside from creating the annoying umbrella tag ace_attorney (gyakuten_saiban would be much better, since all the games are called that plus a number, whereas ace_attorney is only part of the game's title, and most people refer to it as Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice), and making it impossible to tag characters consistently until the US version comes out (which is usually about a year later than the JP version), it just seems inconsistent with pretty much everything else on danbooru.

I'm willing to fix them if someone gives me a list.

memento_mori said:
Wait, maybe he's named "Lock" because he's a thief? Whatever.

His name likely is a pn on the Cole lock company. I can understand "locke" being out into use for us, though, along with an absolution of "Mash". Why "Sabin", though? Makes me think of whoever published Power Rangers (with that twirling coin-ish logo). Coulda just changed it to "Matt", which is just as white-bread as his brother's name.

albert said:
I'm willing to fix them if someone gives me a list.

This'll take a while, let me compile a list of the most important characters first:
(With thanks to

Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban (逆転裁判)

Phoenix Wright / Naruhodou Ryuuichi (成歩堂龍一)
Mia Fey / Ayasato Chihiro (綾里千尋)
Maya Fey / Ayasato Mayoi (綾里真宵)
Miles Edgeworth / Mitsurugi Reiji (御剣怜侍)
Dick Gumshoe / Itonokogiri Keisuke (糸鋸圭介)
Larry Butz / Yahari Masashi (矢張政志)
Winston Payne / Auchi Takefumi (亜内武文)
Dahlia Hawthorne / Miyanagi Chinami (美柳ちなみ)
Diego Armando / Kaminogi Souryuu (神乃木荘龍)

Apollo Justice / Odoroki Housuke (王泥喜法介)
Trucy Wright / Naruhodou Minuki (成歩堂みぬき)
Kristoph Gavin / Garyuu Kirihito (霧人牙琉)
Klavier Gavin / Garyuu Kyouya (牙琉響也)
Ema Skye / Houdzuki Akane (宝月 茜)

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban 1
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All / Gyakuten Saiban 2
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations / Gyakuten Saiban 3
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney / Gyakuten Saiban 4

I only listed the characters that I would consider likely to appear in fanart.

Should I submit these as aliases?


D'you know if all of those are rendered using Danbooru's accepted Romaji system? Seeing some "ou"s and double-vowels make it seem so, but I'm wondering if "Gyakuten" doesn't have any doubles in it. I'm no expert at Japanese (I can read the 'letter' "no"), but I'll be damned if a courtroom series isn't put under scrutiny.

surasshu said:
Ema Skye / Houdzuki Akane (宝月 茜)

As far as the romanizations go, I think the preferred one here would be "Houzuki" since the standard for づ is "zu" over "dzu" or "du" (as in the alias from Amaduyu Tatsuki to Amazuyu Tatsuki)

The ones for Alucard and Faris are valid. The "Belmondo" stuff I've never heard of and it sounds like Engrish to me. Can't say anything about the PSP FF Tactics names because I've only played the PS1 version.

Though probably we need separate tags for the Alucard from Castlevania and the one from Hellsing before we even think about aliasing anything to alucard.

BTW, with regard to the rule about shared characters for copyright to copyright seems to me that copyrights from a common franchise ought to all implicate to the franchise name. For example, if somebody wants to browse through all gundam images, like I routinely do, we shouldn't have to worry about whether somebody forget to include that tag in their latest gundam_00 upload.


Magus said: BTW, with regard to the rule about shared characters for copyright to copyright seems to me that copyrights from a common franchise ought to all implicate to the franchise name.

They usually did, but albert wasn't fond of those implications (I like them myself) and decided that copyright > copyright implications would only be put in place if a number of major cast members were shared.

We could have a tag above copyright in the hierarchy, like a 'franchise' tagtype, but that'd be a bit of a pain to implement across the board I guess. And I'm personally in favor of keeping tagtypes to a minimum, even if I sort of like this one. Not sure I'd officially recommend it, however.

The Faris aliases are dumb.
They should be:
salsa_charlotte_tycoon -> faris_scherwiz
salsa_highwind_tycoon -> faris_scherwiz
sarisa_charlotte_tycoon -> faris_scherwiz
sarisa_highwind_tycoon -> faris_scherwiz

The Belmont ones are just as useless/annoying as "terra" to "tina" but since they're 'official' I guess you'll have to accept them.

memegui said:
The laying -> lying alias is wrong isn't it?

Yes, it is wrong, as they are two different things. Saying one when you mean the other is incorrect English, though it is a common mistake. Are there any current images in "lying" that should be "laying" (as in one person laying another down)?

I read a page explaining the Belmondo/Belmont thing in detail some time ago, but I can't find it any more. It was probably in a wiki of some sort, but I don't remember if it was in English or in Japanese.

EmperorBrandon said:
Yes, it is wrong, as they are two different things. Saying one when you mean the other is incorrect English, though it is a common mistake. Are there any current images in "lying" that should be "laying" (as in one person laying another down)?

I found it out when I tried to tag a picture with (egg)laying. There are probably other things being laid besides eggs somewhere.

LaC said:
I read a page explaining the Belmondo/Belmont thing in detail some time ago, but I can't find it any more. It was probably in a wiki of some sort, but I don't remember if it was in English or in Japanese.

Was it this one?

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