post #9000000 GET!

Pointless Pools

Posted under General

Hoobajoob said:

pool #6725 "Touhou - The Morichika Family"

This looks like some kind of strange shipping pool. They aren't a family or related to each other at all. They don't even live with each other like the groups of the other family pools.

Making pools based on pairings is still against the rules, right?

Why does this still exist?

S1eth said:

Why does this still exist?

I guess it's backed by a mod or maybe the mods don't read this thread.

I'm not really sure how this thread works for getting bad pools removed. If mods are suppose to remove pools or if users are allowed to after enough people agree on a pool being pointless. The only pools I've seen get nuked are the error ones.

Hoobajoob said:

I'm not really sure how this thread works for getting bad pools removed. If mods are suppose to remove pools or if users are allowed to after enough people agree on a pool being pointless. The only pools I've seen get nuked are the error ones.

Regular users can't delete pools at all, it's limited to Janitors and above.

I guess most of them just don't care so there's only like one or two people that ever delete pools at all. So things like this get skipped over fairly frequently.

Mithiwithi said:

If there are no objections, I will go ahead and do these this weekend. How do we feel about "burning_love" and "ok_to_touch" respectively?

Whoops, got distracted last weekend.

I'm going to go with it's_ok_to_touch and burning_love_(phrase) for now; they can always be aliased later if someone feels the need to rename them.

Edit: The posts in the previously existing pools have all been tagged with the new tags and the pool's description copied to wikis for the new tags. (Someone got ahead of the game and started tagging burning_love_(phrase), so I just added the tag to the posts in the pool that still lacked it.)

I'll leave it to someone more experienced than myself to actually mark the old pools inactive and/or deleted.

Oh, one last thing: when I was going through it's_ok_to_touch, I noticed that post #1500116 didn't actually contain the phrase, just the admiral groping Kongou; and post #1492821 had Kongou just grinning at the groper and saying "Admiraaaal?" Do we think any pic of the Admiral groping Kongou is sufficient as a reference to the relevant secretary line?


Mithiwithi said:

Oh, one last thing: when I was going through it's_ok_to_touch, I noticed that post #1500116 didn't actually contain the phrase, just the admiral groping Kongou; and post #1492821 had Kongou just grinning at the groper and saying "Admiraaaal?" Do we think any pic of the Admiral groping Kongou is sufficient as a reference to the relevant secretary line?

Tagging any instance of groping when the tag is supposed to reference the phrase is just unnecessary noise. post #1492821 you could claim Kongou's starting up the phrase, but that's really stretching it.


pool #1635 - Pose references

"Just some cool poses for people to use on their own drawings or characters."

Brought up three years ago, no action taken and the pool seems no more relevant.

่‘‰ๆœˆ said:

This could be either transformed into a separate "Artist helper: poses" pool, defined as something like "well-drawn and anatomically correct images depicting non-trivial poses", or selectively merged into "Artist helper: anatomy" (pool #86) and "Artist helper: foreshortening" (pool #68).

pool #7297 - Artist References

"Post here should be excellent references for an artist. Specific positioning and angles are difficult to find a reference for. That one image you spend hours looking for to have a perfect reference belongs here.
Things to consider before adding to this pool:

Flawless proportions
Good perspective/foreshortening
Hard to find
Good color coordination"

Similar to the above. (They even link to each other.) In the end, this looks like little more than a rather specifically-defined favorites pool.