Saduharta said:
If nothing else the pool seems somewhat arbitrary. I mean, rules like "no explicit images" as well as "...keep in mind that just because a character has a giant ass with a tail glued onto it doesn't automatically make it a candidate for this pool." make it seem more like a pool for someone's personal tastes rather than a specific needed pool.
Not having access to searching with more than two tags has ~never~ been related to whether something gets a pool or not. In fact, creating pools to get around the tag search limit for basic accounts seems like something that I recall specifically being frowned on in the past.
Frankly, this is something that's an inherent problem with the search system, and I don't see any reason tails and asses would warrant any special privilege here. For instance, if you were looking for pics that have a guy with a girl in them, you might search for "1guy 1girl". But if you specifically wanted pictures with a guy and a girl where the girl had blonde hair, obviously "1girl 1guy blonde_hair" would include posts where the guy has blonde hair and not the girl. That doesn't mean we're going to be creating a pool for "girls with blonde hair that are with a guy".
Then we(?) should either remove the "no huge ass" and "no explicit images" rules or wipe this pool out due to AIDS being pointless and too subjective, just like we(?) wiped out almost all "Perfect X" pools. Or leave unchanged, I don't know…