post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Hmm, I know danbooru changes servers and all, but Sonohara was down for the whole day for me, and it still is. Am I the only one? Downforeveryoneorjustme says it is down; however, its local analogue claims it is up.

Toks said:

What we could do though, is add search options for the artist commentary itself, including options for whether the original is present and whether a translation is present. This should basically allow searching for what you want, regardless of whether people screwed up the tags or not, while avoiding having the site screw up the tags.

Now that would be great.


is there some way I might have overlooked to predict the sample-sized/full image URL from only the information available on the search page (/posts?tags=... and similar)? That is, without actually loading the post's page or using the API to query information for each post? I'm trying to write an userscript that allows to preview posts simply by clicking on the thumbnail, which should then open an overlay with the sample-sized image. As far as I understand, I could use data-width on the article tag surrounding the thumbnail to deduce if the URL will start with /data/hash or /data/sample/sample-hash. The only problem is the file's extension - it could be png, for example, while the thumbnail is always jpg.

At the moment, I'm simply calling /posts.json once when the page is loading and take what I need from there to insert it into the DOM at appropriate places. While not exactly the most beautiful solution, it works for the most interesting page on Danbooru (/posts, duh). The downside is that the user will have to be logged in, of course, and that these queries count against his API limit. Another problem is that pages such as /explore/posts/popular do not have an API entry point, so I'm lost there as well.

To better illustrate the use case, here's a preview version of the script:

I'll add a "data-file-ext" to the data attributes of the thumbnail previews so you can access it directly. Actually I might as well add a "data-file-url" too so the url is directly available without needing to calculate it. Note that this will only apply next time the server's updated.

Well since that's the case it's introduced a variety of bugs: threads aren't moving up, the forum is in a perpetual state of posts unread, it appeared to work somewhat retroactively (which is only kind of a bug.)

I'm not sure if it was just me, but it seemed like the same thing happened to the last comment on post #1620485 (PrincessBlackRose's) - it stayed on the top of the comments listing for a while as it was also listed as being posted several hours in the future at the time.

A one-time thing, maybe? The latest posts both there and in topic #10391 were at about 06:40 UTC today, and I haven't seen it happen again anywhere.

Kikimaru said:

Is there any way to speed up artist-aliasing requests?
I'm worried they'll get forgotten.

Or, should artist alias requests get handled through the same way as normal alias requests?

Not really? jxh will get to them when he has time.

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