post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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I'm gonna put this here because someone might notice it and know of an easier fix than doing a null edit on every one of these posts. I tried the only thing I could think of (changing it to a character then back to a copyright) but that didn't do shit.

/sao copytags:0

Log said:

I'm gonna put this here because someone might notice it and know of an easier fix than doing a null edit on every one of these posts. I tried the only thing I could think of (changing it to a character then back to a copyright) but that didn't do shit.

/sao copytags:0

There are no results for that search, so it seems to be fixed. Maybe the category change took effect a little later than you thought? (Also, using the "Fix" option should work too, at least ideally. Actually that link isn't visible for tags with 1000+ posts...)


  • The limit parameter now works on all pages.
  • You can now delete your user account.
  • You can search for pools ordered by recently created and post count.
  • The long image auto-add ratio is 1:4 instead of 1:3.
  • The large unread mail notice can be closed.
  • Mail can be deleted.
  • If you hover over the name of a pool on a post's page, you can see what page the current post is out of the total.
  • Builders have the ability to copy all notes on a particular post to another post. ("Copy all notes" in the options menu.)
  • Deleted wiki pages and deleted/undeleted pools are recorded on the mod actions page.

Schrobby has a point. That problem is supposed to be fixed but we don't know for sure. Personally, I think that account deletions should be moderated, similar to name changes.

Edit: Well, issue #1651 may solve the problem, but I still think that this option should not be easily accessible. So making it moderated might be a decent idea.

MyrMindservant said:

Schrobby has a point. That problem is supposed to be fixed but we don't know for sure. Personally, I think that account deletions should be moderated, similar to name changes.

Very much this.

Schrobby said:

Something seems wrong with pool #2093. I don't think it should be empty, there are no deleted posts in it, either.

What's the problem? Looking at the pool history, one post was added, removed, re-added, and re-removed, and there were never any other posts in it. Doesn't look buggy to me; just a useless pool.

It's a guest page for the doujinshi of another artist (as it says in the pixiv title), and the pool title is a romanization of said title.
There was never going to be more than 1 image in that pool.
Everything looks OK.

Grahf said:

When I first tried to upload post #1423152 I had a false positive on it being a duplicate:

It was strange, but I managed to get around it by uploading only the image and not tagging it or linking a source. When it gave me the false positive I had the source input already. I'm not sure if the tagging would have made a difference or not.

The first time you tried to upload it, were you letting the site download it from the source, or uploading it from your computer?

Grahf said:

Uploading from my computer.

This is just a shot in the dark, but is there any chance that the image it said it was a duplicate of (post #998510) was on your computer as well, and you mistakenly uploaded that image instead of the one you intended? (I ask because they have the same character in them, so maybe you had them in the same folder or something.)

Toks said:

This is just a shot in the dark, but is there any chance that the image it said it was a duplicate of (post #998510) was on your computer as well, and you mistakenly uploaded that image instead of the one you intended? (I ask because they have the same character in them, so maybe you had them in the same folder or something.)

It's possible, because I do have that image the same folder, like you mentioned. It just seemed unlikely since that's one of the first images in the folder, which I have as ordered by date modified in descending order. Still, I can't discount the idea that maybe something strange happened. If so then I apologize for the trouble.

Well, false positive is technically possible. Danbooru uses md5 hash of the image to find duplicates, and, like any hash, md5 is bound to have collisions at some point. It's just that it's very unlikely, as md5 has 2^128 possible values, and post count on Danbooru isn't even past 2^21. But since it uploaded normally the second time, you probably just selected the wrong source.

Type-kun said:

Well, false positive is technically possible. Danbooru uses md5 hash of the image to find duplicates, and, like any hash, md5 is bound to have collisions at some point.

Happened to me recently. I tried to upload an image from pixiv and got a message from danbooru saying the hash was already taken.

Schrobby said:

Happened to me recently. I tried to upload an image from pixiv and got a message from danbooru saying the hash was already taken.

What image? And did it happen every time you tried to upload it or just the first time?

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