post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but I just realized that regular Members cannot change tag types anymore. So, would some Builder+ be so kind as to change gekkou tag type to copyright (I accidentally typed it as a character)?

The fact that Members are unable to change tag types is pretty weird, considering they still can create a new tag of any type.

UPDATE: Okay, thanks to whomever did it. It seems, the tag is a bit ambiguous, though. So I'm changing it to gekkou_(light_novel).


Type-kun said:

Huh. I remember asking for that, and getting "wontfix", same with note versions. What the hell.

I think Albert closed issue #857 because he assumed that it wasn't necessary after MyrMindservant's comment.

In any case, I added it because it's pretty annoying not to have it, and it has been requested repeatedly now.

And the reason Albert fixed issue #948 but not issue #593 is probably because the former issue gathered more support than the latter.

As an aside, what do people think about have things like "issue #948" automatically link to GitHub issues? It's becoming a pain to link to them the manual way.

Do any Janitors+ want to give their opinion on issue #344? I'll add it if others agree that it would be help to avoid approving low-quality posts. And feel free to suggest other tags to highlight too.

Edit: Also:

  • I've added color-coded changes on artist history pages. They apply to both the Other Names and URLs.


post #1335615 loads extremely slow for me, with Firefox freezing for several seconds and displaying warnings about a slow script (Danbooru’s main assets script) twice. Other posts with several hundreds of tags load rather quickly, so I’m suspecting the loads of notes. Anyone else seeing this problem?

Issue #879 was supposed to check for slow DOM stuff, but it got closed after one user reported a fast loading post search page.

The Google PageSpeed Insights mentioned by that user always gives me “An error occurred while running PageSpeed Insights. Please try again later.” for post #1335615. Maybe it loads too slow too measure? :P

kittey said:

post #1335615 loads extremely slow for me, with Firefox freezing for several seconds and displaying warnings about a slow script (Danbooru’s main assets script) twice. Other posts with several hundreds of tags load rather quickly, so I’m suspecting the loads of notes. Anyone else seeing this problem?

It loads a bit slow. Guess the notes are the culprit.

Toks said:

As an aside, what do people think about have things like "issue #948" automatically link to GitHub issues? It's becoming a pain to link to them the manual way.

Thought about that as well, but gave up after "topic #" was rejected.

It loads a bit slow. Guess the notes are the culprit.

Opera profiler shows a heavy load on javascript processing on DOMContentLoaded event and CSS calculation, so it's most likely notes, yes. Still, it's too slow to be considered normal.

  • Added order:comment and order:note metatags, which sort posts by the date they were commented/noted at. (And the reverse, order:comment_asc and order:note_asc.)
  • Added commenter: and noter: metatags, which return posts where a given user has made comments/notes.

You can also use order:comm, order:comm_asc, and comm: as shortcuts.

The upload form seems to have an issue now.

When clicking a copyright or character tag, it takes you to posts for that tag.

It does seem to add the tag when you go back one page, though.

Jigsy said:

The upload form seems to have an issue now.

When clicking a copyright or character tag, it takes you to posts for that tag.

It does seem to add the tag when you go back one page, though.

Not just that, it does that to normal tags too. Things that are listed under "Favorites" or "Recent" seem to be OK though.

Lightdreamer said:

Sorry for bringing this out of nowhere, but can someone fix the old Danbooru's Greasemonkey Ignore User Plugin? I don't think it works in Danbooru 2.

Let’s move this to topic #8502, where you posted the same request already.

Jigsy said:
When clicking a copyright or character tag, it takes you to posts for that tag.

It does seem to add the tag when you go back one page, though.

I have this too, but it's not limited to copy/char, I've had some general tags do it.


I've just added support for styled usernames. The site won't change how they look by itself, but it gives them a class which can be easily colored by using custom CSS in the form of "a.user-LEVEL" for each level.

If you want usernames styled with colors similar to RaisingK's script, use this CSS:

a.user-admin { color: red; }
a.user-moderator { color: orange; }
a.user-janitor { color: green; }
a.user-contributor { color: purple; }
a.user-builder { color: #6633FF; }
a.user-platinum { color: gray; }
a.user-gold { color: #0000FF; }
a.user-member { color: auto; }
a.user-banned { color: black; }


Since yesterday in creating a new artist page no it longer automatically adds the image url for you. So, you would have to go back and add it manually yourself or it will never show up in the find artist function.

  • General tags with 10 posts or less will have their posts counts highlighted in red (as a warning in case you created a tag accidentally).
  • Spoilers can now be used inline.
  • Related tags are sorted by relevance instead of alphabetically again.
  • Quick search bar for users, comments, and notes added.
  • You can search for locked posts with locked:rating, locked:note (or locked:notes), and locked:status. The negated forms also work.

Toks said:

  • General tags with 10 posts or less will have their posts counts highlighted in red (as a warning in case you created a tag accidentally).

Eh, I'm a little wary of that. It may encourage users to remove legitimate low-count general tags (my thoughts on that in topic #8499).

EB said:

Eh, I'm a little wary of that. It may encourage users to remove legitimate low-count general tags (my thoughts on that in topic #8499).

I was also concerned about that. For now I'll change it to 1 post count or less (since that handles most accidental creation cases, but affects very few legitimate tags).

Not really. Danbooru's pretty focused and that's what I like about it so much. Problematic people here tend to be problematic to everyone, so I'd rather there be a greater chance that someone speaks up against a problematic user and everyone see that they're not the only one annoyed by the user, than have most quietly block them and let the problem quietly persist. When it comes to dealing with arrogance and bone-headedness, nothing compares to several people gathering around to voice against it.

It'd feel differently if Danbooru were a game or less focused on its topic, where there's much more scope for an individual's enjoyment, but it isn't, so I don't.


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