post #9000000 GET!

Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Serlo said:

Edit: Knew it was around somewhere forum #75038

One might argue that wiki tag entries which show upon pressing "related" are not categorized and, as such, are not always relevant (like magical girl form vs. normal form, for example), but I still think it's much better to glance over common, possibly unrelated, associated tags than trying to remember how should you call that-strap-of-cloth-she-is-wearing.
Also, this probably needs some separate discussion or revival of the topic you mentioned, we're cluttering this thread already.

What is this 'fix' option? I had it show up a few days ago, but it's not there anymore. Also, Serlo earlier mentioned that deleted posts were removed from search counts, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me.

souryuu9 said:

What is this 'fix' option? I had it show up a few days ago, but it's not there anymore.

It's limited to Builder+. It shows up on the tag listing. It can be used to correct tags that have an inaccurate post count.

souryuu9 said:

Also, Serlo earlier mentioned that deleted posts were removed from search counts, but that doesn't seem to be the case for me.

Hmm. It looks like it's still occurring if you have the deleted post filter on. I'll reopen the issue.

MagicalAsparagus said:

I'd like somebody explain it too. I pressed it but nothing actually happens.

Are you sure that the tag you were trying to fix had an inaccurate post count? It doesn't do anything if it is already accurate.

Toks said:

Are you sure that the tag you were trying to fix had an inaccurate post count? It doesn't do anything if it is already accurate.

Quite. Look: for instance, toe-spread , which states there is only one post in the listing. It sends you to the first page of spread_toes , which has nine. This is some kind of broken alias or something and when I press fix nothing happens. This tag shouldn't even exist or should be completely aliased to spread_toes.

MagicalAsparagus said:

Quite. Look: for instance, toe-spread , which states there is only one post in the listing. It sends you to the first page of spread_toes , which has nine. This is some kind of broken alias or something and when I press fix nothing happens. This tag shouldn't even exist or should be completely aliased to spread_toes.

This is technically not an issue with the tag, but with the alias. The tag fix button can't fix it, but the alias fix button (admin-only) probably can.

Fix didn't change anything because one post really was tagged by that tag. Sometimes, after aliasing one tag to another, not all posts were properly retagged. This most frequently happened with posts that were linked to a parent post (i.e. child posts).
Not sure if this will continue to happen in danbooru 2 though.

I've fixed this one, see post #560485

I'm usually using google site search to find such cases. For example, here is the query I've used just now:


MyrMindservant said:

I'm usually using google site search to find such cases. For example, here is the query I've used just now:

Clever. Thank you, now I shouldn't need to bug jxh to run fixes anymore.

Toks said:

At least a few years. I'm not sure what it's actually for though, as most posts under it are just missing image.

I believe this tag was usually used for posts that were hard deleted in the Bad Old Time before the current treatment of “deleted means hidden” was instated, such as post #3146. I guess someone started slapping deleted on several posts that are simply unapproved.

status:deleted missing_image might be good enough, so I wouldn’t miss the deleted tag.

I've added:

  • Post changes now have +/- in front addition/deletions again, for easy CTRL-F-ing.
  • Tag implications are now listed on wiki pages (to complement the existing tag aliases list).
  • Strikethrough and underline are now supported in DText. Use the and tags respectively.

These will take effect whenever Albert puts the changes out.


  • You can link to forum topics with topic #ID now. For example, this topic would be linked with topic #9127.


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