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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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MarUsca said:

What do you mean, "how old"? The last one I see is post #1325320 . I keep checking on this query every day and there surely were 7 or 8 pages.

That might be the oldest approved post, but there are many older ones that are deleted. Random example from over 2 years ago: post #766245
You probably haven't been looking at the deleted posts every day.

Toks said:

That might be the oldest approved post, but there are many older ones that are deleted. Random example from over 2 years ago: post #766245
You probably haven't been looking at the deleted posts every day.

I swear there were 7 pages. I'll try to find some of the posts and see if they have been tagged.
Also, I couldn't have seen deleted posts as the feature was removed from gold accounts (or so I believe)


Serlo said:

Oh wow, ok, I see it now too, but only for gentags. Regular searches like touhou rating:s work fine.

That's just because that search doesn't have any recent deletions. If you were search for guro, for example, there would also be blank spots for deleted posts.

MarUsca said:

God, this is impossible. Try gentags:2 -tagme. There were supposed to be like 10 or 11 pages. Now it's endless blank pages because most of recent posts got deleted. Please, bring back that sorting-out-deleted-posts feature or whatever it is.

Issue #841 includes a user setting to bring back the old behavior.

Issue #1047 and Issue #1056 cover bugs introduced by this change.

albert said:

The problem with the old formula was that once you accrued enough approved posts you effectively became a contributor and had no limit on what you could upload. I want to stop this by limiting approved posts to the ones within the past year (and deletions within the past three months), and by capping approved posts.

But I see that this is a major change so I'll (more or less) revert the old formula.

Is this off the table now or just pushed back?

Thanks for the update, albert

I'm glad to see that page-top notifications ("You have favorited this post", etc.) are back.

Regarding my previous post (forum #86302): I just visited GitHub, and it seems, this issue has already been reported (I don't have an account there, BTW). The issues in question are #559 and #697 (despite being marked as "closed"), possibly others. Hope it'll get fixed soon.



  • Upload formula reverted to Danbooru 1 version. The only difference now is that banned posts are not included in your deleted count, and you can always upload at least 4 posts (assuming you have none pending).
  • You can now change your posts per page to any number between 1 and 100.
  • There is a new user setting for restoring the old deleted post filter behavior.

Zelinkokitsune said:

Question: Should I be seeing 'API Key' in the "MY ACCOUNT" information?

Also what does 'API Hourly Limit' mean?

Your API key is what you can use to access the API.

API hourly limit is the number of API queries you can make per hour.

See help:api for more information.

changing the posts per page from the default of 20 to anytihng else doesn't seem to work, just stays at 20.
Edit: Didn't realize that it was a gold member (dohoho) thing only. It shouldn't be visible if I can't use it.


Serlo said:

You know the .:: in the corner is for exactly that purpose, right? Or are you talking about the default width, because that is a little silly.

He probably means the default width. Take a look at the box on post #1370861, for example.

Serlo said:

You know the .:: in the corner is for exactly that purpose, right? Or are you talking about the default width, because that is a little silly.

It is the default width, which is more than a little silly

Yes, it would be nice to be able to find only "single" pics (no parent and no childs), as well as only parents and only childs, but it's not that important to me. I think it's especially useful when trying to find pics from an artist or copyright that have parents but aren't parented yet.

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