
Danbooru 2 upgrade on Feb 16, 2013

Posted under General

I must admit to not like the new Danbooru. Seems a bit more buggy, shows less posts per page and I can't view deleted posts anymore with my account.
Now if I got to choose, I'd go back to the old Dan. :/

The next two weeks are going to be rough. The code is new and the testing phase wasn't rigorous.

That being said, I still use this site. After working out the bugs, if I find a new feature gets in my way, I will revert to the old behavior. I expect the new upload queue will cause a lot of heartache, and it may never get to a point where it's as seamless as the old behavior. If after a month it's still shitty, I will revert it.

Hey at least now if we reverted back later there will be more people invested in working out small changes, I hope.

Personally, I found testing to be hard to use because there were no actual pictures to tag/pool/translate, and I could never log in for any of that. If we ever revert, please consider that for the testing.

It seems to me that everything about pools became inconvenient >_<

Well, it's actually simple provided you just happen to know that you add a post to a pool by ONLY entering the pool number and then hitting "select". Even then it will take a long time to register through so don't do anymore. I've already screwed up twice adding things to pools like that.

I'm going to have echo the statements of others.

Why did we have to change the UI so much, as it seems utterly random and seems to 'fix' what wasn't 'broken' in the first place.

Bring back Classic Layout!

If you can be more specific I will try to bring back what I can. It may just be a case of me overlooking something.

For starters, the new user profile page is a joke. The old table layout was infinitely better than what it is now.

The new mod queue seems unwieldy to me. Clicking on images no longer opens the image in new tab/window, when you hide the image it no longer hides it from the queue like it did when it used to open a new/window (so either have to refresh the queue page or press hide again), and the pagination seems like an odd idea to me. There isn't enough images in the mod queue for me to check it out yet, but it looks to me that if you're approving/hiding images clicking on the second page after you finish the first page will result in you going to what is essentially the 3rd page, as all the images on the 2nd page will move up and fill the empty slots now on the 1st page. So if you're hiding/approving images the page numbers mean very little to you, as you'll always just be refreshing page 1 over and over again until you finish the queue. With fewer images per page, it means having to frequently refresh the mod queue page to go through the list now.

If you can be more specific I will try to bring back what I can. It may just be a case of me overlooking something.

I've got a few.
- In the tag list for posts, can the <h1> tags for Artist/Characters/etc be bumped down to <h3>? I see what you're going for (and approve!), but the way it is now eats a lot of vertical space.
- Pools and Tags aren't in the top-level navigation. The JS dropdown from More » is...unexpected.
- Actually, most of the headings are kind of huge, from where I sit...
- Profile pages, can you remove the newlines that come before numbers? It eats a lot of vertical space.
- Also on the profile pages, can you bring back the thumbnails for recent uploads/favs/subscriptions? I like using it as landing page.
- Fix the API endpoints so I can use RaisingK's greasemonkey extension again (or roll large chunks of it into danbooru proper).
- Related to the previous, the + - for tags on post pages was extremely useful to me because if there's some collection of things in the image I want to search, I can just hit all the pluses and the return key. I used that pretty consistently.

A few thoughts:

- Adding to pools is very broken, as discussed.
- Many pools seem to have been deleted. Example: post #1342231 should be part of a series pool.
- All notes seem to have had an extra newline added to them...
- HTML formatting of notes looks very different than it used to. My carefully crafted note in post #1138670 is broken...

- The user-profile page is hideously ugly. Please make it look more like the old one, and bring back thumbnails where ever possible.
- The increased font sizes across the site are gross.
- Make the comment date gray and reduce the font size, like it used to be.
- Lots of margins seem to be unnecessarily narrow, for example, pool descriptions.

Also, the site is nigh-useless to me until RaisingK's scripts work again. Obviously bug-fixing takes higher priority, but it would be really nice if we could get some of that functionality built in at some point... Color-coded usernames at least? Please?

I have a tiny request to make.

Keyboard based browsers and plugins such as Pentadactyl (for Firefox) provide shortcuts for moving to the next or previous page of a website. They achieve this by increasing or decreasing the very last number they can locate in the URL.

This really should be fixed by adding rel=“next” and rel=“prev” attributes to the relevant links. That's the proper solution and works for Opera too. Looking at the URL and guessing is a horrible hack...

So the fix would be for Albert to simply add these two link attributes. to the <head>, i.e. it should be

<link href="/posts?page=1" rel="prev">
<link href="/posts?page=3" rel="next">

[edit] Fixed, it needs to be <link> not <a> tags.

That would indeed be the proper way to do it. I just couldn't find it in the pentadactyl documentation although I remember seeing it somewhere before.

This is kind of nitpicky, but are you ever going to set an actual background color for the site? I think it's meant to be a white background since that's the bgcolor browsers default to if there's none specified, but since I changed it all the page backgrounds are gray.

It doesn't really bother me and I doubt many people actually change their default colors, but since there's the whole upgrade thing going on I figured I may as well bring it up.

not sure if this is going on for anyone else but are the pictures and thumbnails appearing under the tags now? (im on firefox) it started doing this maybe 10 minutes ago?

if i zoom out all the way on firefox, the posts appear next to the tags but on IE, it always stays bellow it.

Most of these things have already been mentioned by others, but I figure I'll repeat them.

The huge amount of blank white space on the right side of the screen when viewing any post listing is definitely the most annoying thing so far. It's like half my monitor isn't even being used. Hopefully that gets fixed ASAP.

The mod queue being sorted into multiple pages now is an irritating change. It just makes using a feature that I honestly doubt even one-third of the current mods even bother with that much more of a hassle for those of us that do use it. I'm also not sure why the "Approve All" button still continues to exist.

Clicking the image source now loads the source in the current tab rather than opening a new tab for it. I hope this wasn't an intentional change.

The score of an image is no longer visible when mousing over an image thumbnail. I'd like to see it added back.


Don't know if this was mentioned, but clicking on one set of blacklisted tags shows all blacklisted images regardless of tag.

For example say I have guro and bestiality blacklisted, I click on guro to show it, the bestiality ones will be shown as well unlike before.

Fix the API endpoints so I can use RaisingK's greasemonkey extension again (or roll large chunks of it into danbooru proper).

There are a lot of reasons why that isn't working; I haven't checked if the API is even one of them.

More things I found:
- The pool name search is case sensitive.
- Clicking sidebar links to tags that have with a colon in their name brings you to the wrong search page.
- When searching for tags, order by count orders from least to most.
- Searching for tags will include empty tags (0 posts), and there doesn't seem to be an option to disable them like before.
- Pool history now displays oldest changes first, and newest changes last.
- The uploader: metatag was changed back to user:, but user profiles still link to the uploader: page instead.

Ars said: Oh Lord. Why.

Am I the only one getting this now?

I'm not getting that. Maybe it's related to resolution?

Ars said: Oh Lord. Why.

Am I the only one getting this now?

im getting that too. Internet explorer gave me that issue. On firefox, if I zoom out a lot, the pictures and thumbnails will

zoomed out to about 75% i think?

I'm not getting that. Maybe it's related to resolution?

probably. never had this issue with the old one and like i said before, it just started doing this for me about half an hour ago.

A couple of things for me:

1. From an ergonomic standpoint, the font size for inputting text is very small, and then alternating between that and the larger text in the forum actually starts to hurt my eyes. The old version had a perfect balance between text sizes, so bringing that back would be good. As it is, it's like your eyes are alternating between hot pink and dark green all the time - it's gonna get irritating and possibly painful after a while.

2. Did some tag editing before Downbooru happened, and I don't mind the shaking image once it's finished editing the picture in Edit mode, but sometimes I miss the image shake if the thumbnail's at the bottom of the screen when the editor is at the top. Either slapping the editor on both the top and bottom of the screen or using a different visual method of showing the image has been edited would be good.

3. Profile page is terrible. My bookmark has now become the user:Benit149 tag rather than my profile page. The old version was much neater in appearance and allowed me to access my latest uploads right away. This version is just ugly and bland.

4. What's going on with all the new uploaded posts showing up WAY below the tags in the Posts page?

I'm not getting that. Maybe it's related to resolution?

It only happens if I zoom in, the rest of the time its' (relatively) fine.

Also, comment and forum searches return "Something broke" error pages, there's no "Mark all as read" button anymore, and comments are not listed anywhere in the new profiles.

There's going to be a ton of bug reports and issues with Dan2, and I don't think this is the best place to mention them. What's the new Trac-type site?

The posts showing up below the tags is caused by the div container having a hard-coded size instead of a flexible size (which uses a percentage of the user's screen to determine size). It's just horrible webpage design.

I'd also like to return to the old profile pages, as what we've got now is just horrid. Perhaps a motion to return to the previous code until Danbooru 2.0 is past alpha bugginess is in order?

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