Until it gets fixed, you can browse past page 1 of all posts by simply searching for "**" (two asterisks).
Posted under General
Some of the larger note text overlaps. (example http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1352197)
I hope I'm not the only one....
It's all Builders. Here's another builder
Is the comments page showing up like this for anyone else? I have mouse over the comment to get it to display right, otherwise it's greyed out. Also, it keeps saying that the image has no comments.
Annnnd I really hate how responding to a thread now sends you to another page instead of keeping you on the thread's page itself.
I hope I'm not the only one....
It's all Builders. Here's another builder
Well, I already asked Albert about it, but no response so far. Again, something must've happen that made the Builder level disappear.
I was gonna replace builders with a more fleshed out badge system but that's for a later date. For now I've restored all the references to builders.
The last page link on the forum is fixed.
The pool listing is now alphabetically sorted.
I believe the RSS feed issues should be fixed now.
As for tag blacklists, they work for me. You may want to try saving your settings again. If you can give me an example of a blacklist that isn't working for you, let me know so I can investigate.
Is the comments page showing up like this for anyone else? I have mouse over the comment to get it to display right, otherwise it's greyed out. Also, it keeps saying that the image has no comments.
Annnnd I really hate how responding to a thread now sends you to another page instead of keeping you on the thread's page itself.
I will fix the forum quoting issue. It was something I was meaning to do but forgot about it.
Those greyed out comments are the ones that are below your comment score threshold.
Maybe it's just me, but my upload page goes into a fit during an upload. It constantly refreshes the page while telling me it's being processed, and 5 minutes later it's still happening. Not sure what's going on there... My uploads still shows pending as well.
*Edit* I see that several minutes further, the upload does go through. Still, strange behavior. Doesn't happen with every upload either.
Pool name search doesn't seem to work.
How do I list out a bunch of separate tags that I like with the new profile page interface as easy shortcuts like the original interface?
The tag subscription thing just bunches them all up together (for example, artist1 and artist2 tags are put together in the search criteria).
EDIT: Bleh, nevermind. I just saved the html of the old profile page just to get back that list of tags so that'll work in the meantime.
Is it me or every post I go to shows the resized image first? Back in version 1 it was always the maximum size/ original image.
also, can anyone figure out what happened on posts like post #1360700?
edit #2
also again, this is minor but I kinda liked being able to see the exact time (to the second) that translation notes were added.
edit #3
using Aurora Firefox (future firefox, version 20.alpha), I'm also getting the "ago ago" problem
^^Check your user settings, there's a setting to pick which pic size you want to see by default. That may have changed with the switch to the new software.
As for issues I've noticed
- Minor bug, but I noticed that all the translation notes had a new line and space appended at the start. Was this intended?
- Case sensitivity for adding pics to pools I feel is going to trip people up for awhile, I think. My most recent post over in the Pointless Pools thread can attest to that.